A Phantom in the Wind

"Settle down all of you, do you dare to disrupt the Hallowed Circle?" Once again, Vaya was the voice of reason.

"Why would he come to parley if he wanted to conquer the tribes? Let the man finish speaking." He ushered the others to return to their seats, and while disgruntled, they all followed his instructions.

"I am here to propose an alliance. While both Ursten and the Tribes have been far more powerful in the past, I believe that with myself, Anteris and Master Vaya, we will have a good chance at defeating the Empire." Tam continued, looking at all of the chieftains, whose faces were a mix of shock, surprise, fear and even disgust.

"You can't be serious."

"He's mad."

"Hahahahha '' A mix of protests and objections sounded amongst the gathered chieftains, with Bhal rolling about in laughter.