
The ship smoothly flew out the other side of the portal, instantly Kothar's eyes were barraged by a sudden rush of colors and images.

This world was by far the most unusual of all the places that he had seen so far, everywhere he looked, there were brightly colored plants.

While the plants were now of a scale that he could now appreciate, spending so much time on Atla meant the change to a more normally scaled plane was nauseating.

But Kothar had been through far worse and quickly adjusted.

Kothar cruised by a bright purple plant that was made up of a collection of bulbs, each one pulsing gently. To the right was a stand of tall thin trees, a dark green color, having only one branch that extended straight up into the air, without any leaves at all. 

The trees were curving and coiling up and down like a whip, and they seemed to dance in unison, waving softly through the air.