The King

The next day, Kothar awoke to a clear sky, completely untouched by clouds, the sun beamed in through the small windows, set high in the walls of the room that Kothar had chosen to stay in, it was one of the guest rooms in the house, with a narrow bed that wasn't too near the main street that passed by the house.

All around the house were reminders of Ophil, but Kothar dared not to enter the garden, he wasn't ready to experience that same intensity of emotion that he had when he had discovered that she had died, for now, seeing her many tapestries around the house would be enough.

Kothar found a crate set outside his door, along with a hastily scribbled note.

'Urgent business calls, stay safe-S.' The note read, as usual, Simon had been called off to some remote location on some covert endeavor or another.