The Intruder

Kothar rode confidently up to the gate, and nodded at the guards, a Tribesman in dark green armor and a soldier with the emblem of a snake on his chest, likely from one of the nobles that was accompanying Tam.

As soon as they saw the proud Hawk on Kothar's chest armor, they stood up straight, and saluted him, the Tribesman beating his chest with his fist in a sign of respect.

Kothar rode into the camp, which was well organized, there were soldiers milled about everywhere, a mishmash of individuals from the Tribes, Tam's Hawks and from the nobles' personal forces.

Kothar heard whispers as he rode through the camp, many of them curious. The more observant soldiers speculated as to what kind of mission this guardsman of the Grand Marshal himself had been on, especially since his ornate armor and high quality horse signaled that he was at the very least a Captain.