
[What was I thinking? That letter was no better than having Rotan send a signed death warrant to Trinquile, Krieg, the absolute *****, I'll end him!] Kothar screamed out internally, though Ophil's loss had upset him, that had happened on the battlefield, where death and wounds were expected, this was completely different, Krieg had killed Rotan in cold blood.

[We don't know all the facts yet, Kothar. And besides, this is exactly what Krieg will want you to do, to get enraged and go searching for him] Silane consoled the furious Kothar, who quickly took a few deep breaths and gathered himself.

Kothar looked up and saw both Anteris and Tam watching him, looks of genuine concern on their faces.

"You alright?" Both of them said in unison, and Kothar simply nodded in agreement,