
The Emperor floundered in the sky, his wings desperately beating, as he struggled upward, trying to regain his breath after the intense impact of Tam's previous attack.

He glanced upward, and saw the hawk-like silhouette against the sun, and knew that yet another attack was coming, and it would most likely be just as or more powerful than the previous one.

However, now that it was clear that Tam was clearly at an advantage, the Emperor had no qualms about going on the defensive.

The same shining barrier that had defended against Anteris' Flame Sea began to form, and the shining wings grew smaller, as the Emperor focused his aura to his sword and front, preparing to block another one of Tam's powerful attacks.

Once again, the hawk dove down, completely surrendering to gravity, but nevertheless aiming with inhuman accuracy at the Emperor, a powerful slash slamming into his defenses.