The Champion

The two enormous men were still in fierce combat, the Arena fighter sending out fiery stab after fiery stab from his enormous spear, which Boson met head on, slamming his glowing green axe into each blow.

"Graffius!" Anteris yelled out, his voice a mixture of disbelief and worry, he could scarcely believe his eyes, the titan clashing with Boson, was none other than his son, Graffius.

He had known all along that Graffius had been enslaved by the Empire, after he had so foolishly gone on a quest to avenge his mother, taking his friends from amongst Anteris' soldiers along with him on his doomed quest.

When the rumors had trickled in, Anteris had been inconsolable with grief, and as much as he wanted to, he knew he couldn't take on the mighty Empire with his power alone, and so his years-long relationship with the Dragon's Breath liqueur had begun.