Calm Before the Storm

"Boson, I want all of your men right here, in the main street. I don't think that the Storm Generals will be thinking about doing anything other than charging straight through to find me and Anteris." Tam pointed to the thick brown line that ran down the center of Aznur, running through the wall, alongside the Arena and then finally ending before the palace.

Boson nodded, still in a poor mood, and trudged out of the auction hall, heading toward the docks where the bulk of the army was still disembarking from the fleet.

"Serena, I want you above Boson's troops. If he clashes with either of the Storm Generals, he's going to need back up. Keep half of your archers with you, on top of the roofs on either side of the main street. Split the remainder in half, I want them posted along these two routes." Tam pointed to the two widest streets after the main street.