After the Battle(2)

The quiet conversation throughout the room died down, and every Nighthawk turned to stare at the head of the table, where Docara, Pony and Kothar were seated.

[Just tell him it's a spell of your own invention, Pony himself uses a strange type of Force Emission, he should understand.] Silane said she knew that there was no way Kothar was going to share the details of his implant, and she thought it would be unwise also.

"Well, Pony, I'll tell you all about it, just as soon as you share the method behind those peculiar attacks of yours." Kothar put Pony on the spot with his reply, he knew that there was no way Pony would reveal the secret behind his attacks in front of all the other Nighthawks. 

As soon as Kothar spoke, soft chuckles sounded out all around the great table, the other Nighthawks laughing at how Kothar had turned the situation on Pony.