Within the Void(2)

But even as Qh'mros' attack flew at Xurha, a barrier of the blood colored light that seeped out of Xurha's eyes, flooded out and formed all around him, easily blocking the furry of wind blades that Qh'mros used.

Qh'mros realized that it needed to use more powerful attacks than the quick attacks it had thrown at Xurha so far, Xurha's true strength was beginning to dawn on Qh'mros.

Within the scarlet barrier, Xurha took his axe, and pressed it into the palm of the hand that he had removed the gauntlet from. 

As soon as the razor sharp blade of the axe touched his skin, it immediately split open, creating a long gash lengthwise across Xurha's palm. 

He raised the hand up, dripping his blood over the head of the axe, then replacing his gauntlet, and clutching the axe tightly before him, bowing his head toward it, as if he were praying.