For Silane

A small stream ran through a lush and vibrant forest, walking through it, one would hear the calls of birds and the stirrings of small woodland creatures. The forest was bustling with life, and there were even people who walked through, though their skins were made of stone.

Most importantly, these people, and all the other things in the forest,  would tower over any regular person, dwarfing them to such an extent that the person might not even be able tor realize they were standing next to a living being, mistaking it for a mountain or some other feature of the land.

Near the stream that bubbled its way through the forest, its branches draping their way down and over the water, was a large willow-like tree. 

If one were to peer very closely at the trunk, they might see a small hole, inside which, was not the expected small animal, or bird's nest.