En tu memoria

Como una gota de lluvia en el mar

Así es como yo me siento si no estas

Atrapado en mi cabeza en mis recuerdos

Atascado en todas esas cosas que he hecho mal

Pretendiendo que no existen y fingiendo

Una sonrisa para disimular

Que todo me sale bien

Que todo va a mejorar

Que no quiero estar aquí

Seguir aquí

Y aunque los tiempos pasen y el sol se detenga

Yo seguiré en la memoria de quien no recuerda

Porque yo nunca hice nada por salvar el amor

Que tu me diste y yo ya no lo tengo

Cómo un animal perdido en la ciudad

Me encuentro desorientado, ansiedad

Suplicando porque no veré a otro día

Dando vueltas en la cama en soledad

Dime cómo socavar esta agonía

Porque te juro que ya no aguanto más

Te quiero volver a ver

Abrazarte una vez más

Quisiera que estés aquí, que estés aquí

Y aunque los tiempos pasen y el sol se detenga

Yo seguiré en la memoria del que no recuerda

Porque yo nunca hice nada para salvar el amor

Que tu me diste y yo ya no lo tengo

Y aunque los tiempos pasen

Y el sol se detenga

Yo seguiré en la memoria del que no recuerda

Porque yo nunca hice nada para salvar el amkt

Que tu me diste y yo ya no lo tengo

En tu memoria – Set Colin's Lyrics

In your memory

I am in your memory and even if one day you try to get me out of there you will never be able to get this crazy woman out of the evil of your heart I always knew that you were in love with me and then how not to know it since obviously my dear I know the language of love a Little mo much but if I know the language of love and when love knocks on your door it's like you can't ignore it but you can't ignore it either because you already know how it is and then if it's true that I'm forgetting you because I already started by taking you away of my mind and not yet of my heart but all wounds have a healing time and that time has to be respected even if one does not want to because if you do not give them time they may open again and deeper and well I hope that some day like I am trying to heal my wounds before having something formal or casual with someone because if not, I assure you that you will suffer a lot and that is a constant struggle with yourself for not taking care of yourself but as they say here I will always be in the memory of the one who does not remember and it is true and I will always be, although I do not know if it is for better or for worse what I was dreaming about but good

Always remember that even if they no longer bother you with me I will always be in your memory and also in your heart because that's where I entered but I never left that place well, not alive, and well, I say goodbye to you.

With love Gaby.
