Fifth. The Villain's Entry

"Oh, dear me. Of course, you don't, it is just that I may have seen your face when emissaries of the Duchy came before, 'twas when there was an invitation for His Majesty's birthday celebration. But I may have mistaken, I hope you accept my sincerest apologies."

And with small yet elegant bow, the Baroness Madonna Tremaine maintained an aura of dignity and sophistication even at the act of apologizing. Those around that witnessed this stood still as they await the interaction of two fine ladies that would catch attention in most different ways.

As such, Cinderella was not excluded to the people who were stunned at the situation, she never knew that her very stepmother would initiate a conversation with her. It came as a real surprise to Cinderella since she knows extremely well the personality of her stepmother.

Lady Madonna Tremaine of the Tremaine Barony is an ambitious and cunning woman. She has ascended from a commoner status to her noble title of baroness by using every scheme she has at her disposal. She doesn't care if she would trample other people for her ambition. To her, goals are more important than feelings and compassion, and she would do anything to achieve those goals.

Because of that, she also makes sure that the connections that she makes are those of worth and would help her and her daughters reach their ambitions.

There was one time when a baron came for a visit at their house, the carriage was unimpressive and the baron himself had plain clothes even if comparing to those of lower nobility. That baron was not even invited inside the house and Lady Tremaine just talked to him at the front door. The baron left without as much as a goodbye from the visit since the door was loudly shut right after the conversation. That was an obvious disrespect as a noble of the kingdom, however, Lady Tremaine does not put too much care in those unwritten rules as long as it will not compromise her plans.

So the reason that this Lady Tremaine, known for her discerning eye that evaluates advantageous individuals, is that Cinderella is 'someone' that her stepmother thinks of as an opportunity.

She must now be thinking of the different ploys to get Cinderella's favor and make Cinderella indebted to her. That has been the process of Lady Tremaine ever since, collecting debts of gratitude and reclaiming favors from other people. However,

"No, it is I who should apologize, it was not my intention to be rude. It must be because of the accumulated stress from having to deal with pompous gentlemen with ulterior motives. I hope you forgive me with that," said Cinderella.

"But of course, I perfectly understand where you are coming from. I myself had, on several occasions, experienced the same circumstances and I share your feeling of stress on that matter. It is truly incorrigible."

*Yes, right. If I had not known this woman, I would have believed that ridiculous lie in an instant. I need to be more prudent when dealing with this kind of toxicity.*

"Goodness! Where are my manners?! Pleased to meet you, I am Lady Madonna Vetrinoff Tremaine of the Tremaine Barony. I hope to make acquaintance of such a lady as yours." And that was followed by a well calculated bow that neither imposes arrogance nor servitude.

And making sure she does not lose out in etiquette, Cinderella bowed in perfect unison with the Lady as she made her respects.

"The pleasure and honor are all mine, Lady Tremaine. I am Viscountess Victoria Delphi Tarnanev of the Tarnanev Viscounty, part of the Vertusi Kingdom on the far west. It is not a big and wealthy kingdom unlike yours, but we take pride in our specialty products that are sought throughout the continent."

"How wonderful! I hope I could be given the chance to see these specialty products, they sound like they are indeed special."

"They truly are. Please do not worry as I will be planning on inviting several people to our kingdom so that they may see it for themselves. Of course that includes you Lady Tremaine."

"I will take that to heart, and my gratitude for the invitation. I will be sure to look up to it! Also, if it is not too much of a trouble, might I inquire if I may include my two daughters? They would be as delighted to see those products as well."

*My my, a family reunion, is it? Well, I will go with your whims this time.*

"But of course, Lady Tremaine. I would be delighted to meet your daughters as well. I am sure we will have fun during the travel."

"Many thanks. Well then, even though it was quite short, I need to go back to my daughters since it appears to be that the crown prince will be introducing himself soon. It was a great time meeting you Lady Tarnanev, until we meet again."

And then she left. With all of the pleasantries that were exchanged, none were authentic and sincere, all of which are under the false cloak of appearances. Cinderella knew all of this, and with this knowledge she must include this factor in her plans.

*Yes, Lady Tremaine, until we meet again.*

And with a smile as mischievous as the shadow of her figure, the brilliance of her bearing exudes a sense of ironical beauty, a beauty that attracted many eyes; that of which includes those eyes that marks of blood.