
Fade's p.o.v.

Noire passed out and she fell over, her head falling into my lap. I let out a breath I held in and I sensed her powerful soul and let out a small laugh. I picked her up and looked at the corpse of my victim and saluted it. "Thanks girl!" I walked over to my jacket and picked it up then walked out of the park casually. I stopped and ran back grabbing the case she had then left the park going back to the hotel room and walked in laying Noire down and called the number for a taxi and put the cats in the pet carrier. I think it is best that we leave tonight, I don't like that Crona kid. I carried everything down to the taxi then carried Noire down to it and we left for the airport immediately. On the way there I got out my phone and texted Black Star: Coming home early. I got out my mirror and fogged it up writing 42-42-564. I waited to see my dad in the mirror.

"Hey dad!"

"Oh hi Fade! How's the witch hunt going?" He didn't have his mask on and he smiled at me.

"Dad... your hair. I mean! It went well. I just collected the witch soul and not Noire is taking a nap. We are coming home early. Proud right?"

"YOU BEAT IT ALREADY! KID! COME HERE! YOU'RE SISTER BEAT THE WITCH ALREADY! THIS IS THE FASTEST I'VE EVER SEEN THIS HAPPEN! KID!" My dad turned away from the mirror and looked behind him for my brother.

"WHAT! NO FAIR!" Kid sure enough was there and leaned into the mirror. I shook my head and smirked and stuck out my tongue.

"Guess what Kid! I am one step ahead of you now! Your slowing behind. Loser." I giggled and looked for my dad debating on telling him about the case or of Crona.

"That's not nice Fade. Don't call your brother names." Lord Death told me shaking his head.

"But he done it to me!" I pouted and shrugged. "Well see ya when I get home-" I looked out the window and narrowed my eyes. This isn't the way to the airport... "Dad."

"Hmm? What's the matter darling?" Lord Death tilted his head extremely to be funny.

"I might not be back in time." I looked at my coat beside me and grabbed it as I dropped the mirror and leaned up and wrapped the coat around the drivers neck. "WHY ARE WE NOT HEADING TO THE AIRPORT?!?" Ops I forgot he's driving. He swerved into a ditch as he lost control of the wheel and I hit my head hard against the back of the seat as he hit his on the wheel.

"AH! ARE YOU INSANE?" He looked up in the mirror for me and I looked into his eyes and narrowed my eyes as his reflection looked awfully familiar. I didn't know Adrian had a triplet. Noire jolted awake and sat up quickly and as soon as she saw we were in a car, she immediately turned on the driver.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU KIDNAPPED US WHILE I WAS- What was I doing? Oh yeah..... YOU BASTARD! YOU BETTER START EXPLAINING RIGHT NOW!" Noire grabbed his ear and started pulling his head into the backseat, looking down into his eyes to intimidate him.

"OH MY GAWD HOW MANY OF YOU ARE THERE!!!!!!" I yelled and grabbed him by the ear.

"OWE!!!!!!!! LET ME EXPLAIN! OWE! DON'T PULL! DON'T PULLLLLL!!!!!!!" I yanked on his ear and laughed finding this funny.

"Explain then."

"Let my ear go!" He shouted and pleaded.

"No, explain or I'll...." Noire put her forefinger on his exposed throat. "do worse than pull on your ear."

"OKAY I WILL I WILL!" He held his hands up and I giggled letting his ear go.

"God he's more funnier then anything. Noire let's keep him!" I paused. "Wait.... So why did you try to kidnap us?"

"I wouldn't call this kidnapping." He smiled. Noire yanked on his ear that she still had.

"Oh yeah? You know what it looks like? A FREAKING KIDNAPPING!"


"Oh...Sorry mister! You should have said something earlier." Noire smiled at him.

"Oh. By the way Noire I was the one that got us our stuff at the hotel and got us the taxi, he just went off course so it freaked me out-"

"You said something about there being more of me?" He asked curiously. Noire studied him and then her eyes widened and she pulled him into the backseat and into a huge hug.


"Why is she calling me Adrian?" The guy asked me in a panic and I read his name tag seeing his name was Kendal. I looked at Noire and then at Kendal.

"Ummmm Your name is Kendal?"

"Yes. Kendal Louis. Your Fade Death right and this chick is your weapon.. Noire right?"

"Right. Are you aware you have two look alikes?"

"No.... I'm an only child."

"WE'RE KEEPING HIM." Noire looked me in the eyes. "Even if he's not Adrian." Noire let him go and bit her bottom lip studying him again.

"What?" Kendal asked confused.

"Kendal your gonna come home with us! We have much to tell you. Obviously you don't know squat."

"Sorry in advance about your brothers." Noire mumbled.


"Adrian and Kaleb....I kind of ate their souls.....feel bad about the first one now that he shaped up after he died. Kaleb was an asshole though later in life even though he was sweet at first. Adrian killed my mom and then tried to kill me and kidnap Fade, and then when I killed him, Kaleb got involved in getting revenge with a guy names James and I kind of stabbed them with a pen in the neck and slit their throats after they tried to kill Fade and they took her away from me. Don't worry though! I'm not gonna hurt you unless you give me a very good reason!" Noire held up her hands.

"But... Wow... Well I was an orphan a long time ago. I never was told about those two. What the hell..."

"Sorry Kendal.....I'm sort of an orphan too." Noire gave him a small smile and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks Noire... I guess I am cool with coming home with you two. On one condition."

"What's that?" Noire tilted her head and looked him in the eyes.

"If I can bring my weapon along too." Noire's eyes widened.

"You've got a weapon....That's funny....Adrian was a meister too."

"Well it makes since that I am one to then right? If we are brothers then we should be meisters." Noire shook her head a little.

"A normal human can become a meister I think though. I didn't think you would have taken the meister path....I thought you were a normal human....Cool." Noire smiled and looked at me. "Guess there is a new addition to the gang."

"Awesome that means we can show off them to the recent kick outs." I giggled and Kendal titled his head.

"Hmmm....That reminds me....those two seemed fishy when we went over to the party house. They're up to something."

"Probably are." I shrugged not thinking too much on it. "So Kendal do you and your weapon live by here?"

"If I can get back in my seat I will gladly continue our way there."

"Well, I'm not holding you down anymore." Noire gestured to the front seat.

"Thanks." He got back in the seat and continued the drive. I looked over at Noire and bit my bottom lip.

"What?" Noire looked at me and then scooted over to me and laid her head down in my lap and looked up at me.

"I never thought this would happen." I giggled.

"Think about it this way....you don't have to see Black Star just yet." Noire yawned and closed her eyes, falling asleep on me again.

"I think it is best we stay at my place for the night and leave tomorrow. That's fine with you right?" Kendal asked and I nodded looking out the window. He drove us to this big country manor in the woods just outside of the town and stopped at the steps. My jaw dropped and my heart skipped a beat. "My weapon's parents are also my parents and they are... well wealthy." I NEVER WILL WANT TO LEAVE FROM HERE! HAHA! I think I will hold off going home for a few days and try to solve this case that the witch left behind. I watched as Kendal got out and walked around and opened my door then the trunk. A butler walked out and got out our bags and Kendal picked up Noire as I grabbed the case, my coat, the cat carrier, and the broken mirror and my cellphone. I tucked away my phone and followed Kendal into the manor. A younger boy ran up to us and hugged Kendal. The boy looked to be around eleven. My jaw dropped lower then before. "This is my weapon Charles, little bro these are my friends Fade Death and Noire." He introduced us.

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Charles reminded me of honey from host club and I blushed dropping my things to pick him up and cuddle him.

"OH MY GAWD YOUR ADORABLE! I'M KEEPING YOU FOREVER!!!!" I giggled as he laughed and looked at Kendal.

"THIS LADY IS CRAZY BUT COOL!" He smiled big at me. "So your Lady Death?"

"Well I like to think of that more as my mom, I am simply Fade Death. How'd you know?"

"Kendal told me remember?" I gasped. HOW COULD I FORGET! HOW EMBARASING! I put Charles down and picked up my things.

"So we will put your stuff and Noire in a guest bedroom then talk more in my study?" Kendal asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah sounds cool." The butler seemed to be already gone up the stairs before us. I tilted my head and followed Kendal and Charles up to a guest bedroom. The butler put our stuff down and Kendal laid Noire in the bed and I let the cats free from the carrier. I sat my coat down and the broken mirror then followed the boys out and the butler followed us out and shut the door. I followed the boys down to Kendal's study and sat down on the couch with the case and the boys sat across from me.

"So what's up with the case?" Kendal asked as he pointed at it.

"Let me start from the beginning. Noire and I came here to collect a witch soul, the witch was carrying this and now I am going to read the papers inside it." I said simply in a quick summery.

"Oh!!!!!" Charles said as he grabbed an apple and started eating it off the table.

"Well open it, what are you waiting for?" I nodded and sat it on the table as Kendal sat by me and I opened it up. Designs for weapons and papers with tons of letters were jumbled up all inside and a picture of Crona was in it attached to one of the papers. I grabbed the paper that was attached to the picture and read it.

Dear elder Mizune sister,

I'm sending Crona to make sure that everything is going fine on your end. He'll make sure to clean up the mess you left for me with that Kishin gang. You've really disappointed me there. You're lucky I have decided to let you live. Crona will be reporting to you tomorrow for your instructions. Use him however you want and don't break my toy. I still need him for my experiments. If I was done with him, you could break him all to your little heart's desire. Crona will directly be reporting to me as well, so don't mess up. I'll give you this chance to make up for your incompetence. Oh and Lord Death has sent a meister out there in search of you, so good luck with that too. Don't kill the weapon if you can help it. I want her for a new set of experiments, and I'd want the shinigami too, but who can trap a shinigami? No, they don't need to be together. It's a dangerous combination. Make sure to catch the weapon for me and I'll consider this one job done. I'll remove one of the snakes if you succeed. If you come crawling back to me without succeeding however....let's just say....you won't have to worry about another single snake in your body.

With love,


I widened my eyes and looked at Kendal who had been reading over my shoulder the whole time. Why is that name so familiar? I got to my feet quickly and ran over to a mirror in the room and fogged it up writing 42-42-564. I waited for my dad to appear.

"Hey dad."

"Oh hey Fade! Glad to see you are alright!" He was wearing his mask by now.

"Turns out Adrian has a triplet, looooong lost, recently found. His name is Kendal and his weapon is little Charles over there. Anyways, when I killed the witch she had this case with her and in the papers in the case it had this-" Kendal held the paper up to the mirror as he walked over and showed it. "Signed Medusa, do you know her?"

"She's the....school nurse. This is bad....very bad.....I'm going to have to be very careful about this....I can't just accuse her of being a witch because she might just be a human working with witches....I'm going to get Stein to look into finding proof of her being a witch so I can order a warrant for her....Meanwhile I'll keep an eye on her." My dad mumbled.

"Yeah. Well her little purple headed Crona was going to meet us at the airport for a surprise death. Kendal luckily stepped into the picture. So I will be staying here, possibly even longer then a day for more investigation. I feel like there is unfinished business here."

"Ok Fade. You can stay longer.....AHHHH POOR FRED! HE WAS GOING TO BE YOUR PILOT BACK! Poor, poor Fred...." Lord Death looked down at his feet as Kid walked behind him with a plate of cookies then saw me.

"Oh hey Fade."

"Hey!" I waved at him and then looked back at my dad. "I will u-"

"Sir I know how to fly a plane, I will get her home safely when she is ready to go back." Kendal said and smiled as he lowered the paper before Kid could see.

"Oh! You do?" I looked over at Kendal and blushed. "What don't you do?" I giggled and Charles threw a cake at the mirror.

"OH MY GAWD IT'S HONEY SENPAI!" Kid fell to his knees and Charles walked up to us.

"YES NOW BOW DOWN AND KISS MY FEET!!!!" Charles said in a childish voice.

"Whoa!" My eyes widened.

"UH.... I didn't teach him to say that I swear." Kendal said raising his hands up in defense. I looked at the mirror to see my father's and Kid's reflection/ Image fading away.


"Good. Cake?" I hid behind Kendal and shook my head.

"I like cookies." I mumbled. "Definitely don't want any kids."

"Why not?" Kendal asked turning to me. AHHHHH HE HEARD THAT! UHHHHH.... "I mean it looks like you already committed yourself to someone special," he said as he grabbed my hand and held it up, looking at the ring.

"You just don't let anything slip." I blushed and pulled my hand away and walked over to the case to continue going through it.

"Maurie!!!!! I WANT MORE CAKE!" Charles left the room and I shuffled through the papers. There was another signed by Medusa. I picked it up and started reading it.

I found the perfect way to end DWMA. There is the world's greatest Kishin in their basement. All we've got to do is inject him with black blood to get him to come back and make a break for it.


I stood up quickly and dumped the papers out onto the table and shuffled through them to find anymore goodies I might be able to dig up about what she is up to.

I found another perfect test subject to find ways to bring down DWMA other than the Kishin! There is a girl here....One related to the Nakatsukasa family, but not near as difficult to catch. Keep an eye out for Noire Aldain, she could be another key to the destruction if fostered correctly.


I laid it aside and kept digging for more information.

I've infected the Evans boy with the black blood in a fight with Crona. Perfect to learn more about it in different subjects and see how it can affect the meister of a weapon with black blood. I'll keep in contact. Wish me good results!


I shook my head and send pictures of the letters out to my father and walked over to the door opening it and walked up to the guest bedroom I left Noire in and woke her up immediately. She blinked slowly and then smiled when she saw me. "Hi Fade! Come here!" She pulled me down onto the bed and cuddled up next to me.

"Um Noire? You need to read these." I handed her over the papers. Noire frowned and read them over and stopped on the one about her being related to Tsubaki.

"What? This isn't right....I'm not...related to Tsubaki. At all." Noire looked at me.

"Medusa is DWMA's nurse." I told her. "I don't know if it is true but I know the others contain much information..."

"This is waaaaaay to sloppy for an evil mastermind that could infiltrate DWMA." Noire shook her head.

"That's what I think. I told my dad we are going to probably stay here a bit longer to investigate further..." I told her and sat up.

"Sounds cool. If you are really worried about this one though-" she held up the one that she denied "-I can get Stein to do a blood test to see if this is true or not."

"Alright. We will ask Stein to do it asap. By the way, we are in Kendal's home."

"What?! You are having us stay with a guy we barely know?" Noire sat up. "Plus we know that one of his brothers were a physco!"

"You wanted to keep him earlier." I pointed out. "I think you wont mind it so much once you meet his weapon."

"Oh? What's he like?" Noire tilted her head.

"Oh Charles? He is so adorable! Your gonna fall in love as soon as your eyes land on him."

"Really? He's that cute? How....he's five isn't he?"

"He looks like Honey Senpai."

"That's all you had to say. He's sweet enough to give you a cavity just by looking at him then?"

"Yep, he threw a cake at Kid earlier."

"HOLY SHIT! KID'S HERE?!?" Noire clutched the blanket. "Oh no...this is bad....How long was I out?!?"

"No, he was in the mirror." I shrugged.

"Oh....Don't scare me like that!" Noire looked at me and then giggled. "Hey Fade?"

"Yeah?" I titled my head.

"You aren't worried about the letters are you? She isn't going to be able to get to far with her plans to raise the Kishin in the basement and I would never help her destroy DWMA."

"I'm not worried. We have a ton of advantages that she don't have."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Noire laid back down and looked up at the ceiling.

"We know most of her plan I think, We have tons of meisters and weapons, we have three Shinigami's, and soon we may even have Crona?"

"Crona? You think we are going to get Crona on our side? He did seem kind of lonely and sad....saying that people get hurt when they come near him...."

"Right he also said something about meeting another girl... That's Maka! We can find some way to get them to meet again and knowing Maka she will talk Crona into joining our side!"

"That would be pretty cool! We got to help her though in case Maka can't do it by herself....."

"Right... We will send some others with her?"

"Dunno....it all depends on the situation. It may just end up being you, me, Soul, and Maka."

"Oh no, I am not gonna be there for that." I shook my head. "Nope."

"Why not? Are you still mad he hurt me?" Noire giggled and looked at me. "I've gotten over it. It was just a silly battle in an alley. Injuries happen all the time."

"Your right..."

"Knock, knock." Kendal said as he walked in and gave us a smile and sat down on the foot of the bed.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Just letting you two know I am heading off to bed and if you need anything here is a map to the kitchen, my room, Charles' room, my study, and some other rooms you might like exploring." He handed me a map. "Good night ladies and don't stay up too long because tomorrow will be a long one." He got up and left us shutting the door behind him. Wow he feels like a dad...

"Well then....I'm still tired sooooo tomorrow we will talk to Stein about the blood test and- unless you want to now before we forget tomorrow with the awesomeness of following Kendal and Charles around while trying to investigate. I'm sure he's still awake." Noire looked at me.

"We will do it first thing in the morning." I promised and laid the papers on the nightstand and got under the covers.

"Good night Fade." Noire smiled and pulled me into her arms.

"Good night Noire." I closed my eyes and yawned then froze up as the ringing began again in my ears like during the witch fight. I sat up and covered my ears. "UGH!" Noire sat up quickly and looked at me with worried eyes.

"Fade? Are you going to be ok? No, why would you be ok! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have let her throw me! We'll get Stein to look at you when we go back as well!" Noire hugged me.

"Oh ok.. I'm fine Noire." I took in a deep breath as the ringing went away. "We will probably send for him."

"You really want that blood test." Noire mumbled.

"Yeah, but I mean we can wait... Yeah let's just solve one thing at a time."

"I'll call Maka and ask her everything she knows about Crona tomorrow." Noire nodded and laid back down. I laid back and closed my eyes and curled up to Noire. She wrapped her arms around me and kept me close as she fell asleep again. I fell asleep after a few minutes.

Kid's p.o.v

I woke up early in the morning as the smell of pizza filled my room. I opened my eyes to see Black Star sitting down in the floor with a box of pizza watching me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?"

"Good morning. Want a slice?" Black Star opened up the box and gave me a smile. I rolled out of bed and sat down in front of him.

"Yeah, morning." I reached in for a slice but he slapped my hand away.

"Too bad. You were rude." He laughed and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Fine, you can have some." I smiled at grabbed a slice and started eating.

"Well, why are you in here?"

"Oh because I thought I should wake you up early since you have a busy day today and all." Black Star informed me.

"Busy day?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes, we first have to plan the wedding remember! Then my bachelor party." I gasped as I remembered making the long list of things to do last night with Black Star.

"Ops buddy, I forgot about it! I should've set my alarm clock."

"No problem! I had to go get us pizza anyways." Just as he said that Liz barged into my room.

"Kid! It's time to get up! Training, training, training! Come on Kid! Let's hit the gym!" Liz walked over to me with a smile on her face. "You wanted to start doing this."

"Yeah. I remember Liz, Black Star care to join?" I looked over at him.

"Yeah! I'll go get Tsubaki-"

"Waaaah! Kid! My giraffe got a hole in it!" Patti walked in my room holding her mangled giraffe and was crying big time.

"Don't cry Patti, I have to go get my jacket fixed before we hit the gym so we can get my tailor to fix it up for you." I gave her a smile and a thumbs up.

"R-really?" Patti sniffled and hugged her giraffe.

"Yeah, if Liz don't mind that we stop there first." I laughed at Patti's cuteness.

"Liz! We've got to stop there! Please!" Patti threw herself on her sister and hung on her. "Please, please, please!"

"I wasn't going to object anyways!" Liz detached herself from her sister and looked at me. "It's not like I wanted to get up this early and go train in the first place. I'm just following his rules."

"We could always train later because Black Star and I have stuff to do this morning, it involves wedding plans and my father."

"B-but mister giraffe!" Patti was on the verge of tears again.

"Oh we will get him fixed immediately, I don't want you carrying around asymmetrical garbage all day." Patti fell to her knees and started crying loudly.

"LIZ HE CALLED MY GIRAFFE GARBAGE! KID DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING BUT HIMSELF! WHY DID WE TEAM UP WITH THIS GUY! HE'S SO CRUEL! LIIIIIIZ!" She wrapped her arms around her sister's legs and looked up at her. I threw my hands up in defense.

"Calm down Patti, it wont be garbage once I fix it. Go tell Tsubaki we are going to the gym and get ready we will meet you down at the car in half an hour, got it? We will get him fixed at my tailors."

"BUT YOU CALLED HIM GARBAGE! MISTER GIRAFFE DOESN'T BELONG IN THE TRASH!" Patti crawled up to me and put the giraffe in my lap.

"Your right, he don't. I was simply trying to brighten up the situation. Your giraffe will never belong to the garbage can for as long as I live. I'm sorry Patti."

"M-mkay," Patti sniffled and bit her bottom lip to try to help her stop crying.

"Now go get Tsubaki ready! We have training to do this morning and your giraffe to fix."

"Yes sir!" Patti smiled and gave me a hug and stood up pulling her sister out of the room and shut the door. I looked over at Black Star then down at the giraffe still in my lap and carefully placed it on my bed.

"Go tell my dad we will have to plan the wedding in the gym while we train. I've got to take a shower."

"What's the point of taking a shower if you are just going to get dirty training anyways? Really, you don't think your sweat smells nice right? You aren't that full of yourself." Black Star stood up and walked over to the door with the pizza box.

"No I just feel dirty and don't want to continue feeling like this any longer if I don't have to, I'll take another shower after we train."

"Ok then." Black Star left quickly. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower then dried off and got dressed for the day in the usual. I walked into my bedroom and grabbed my phone to look for any texts from Noire. Nada. I frowned.

"She must have some very important stuff to be doing if she hasn't texted me yet." I put my phone in my jacket and grabbed the giraffe walking out of my room and to the car. Everyone was waiting down there on me (that was supposed to be) and Black Star was checking his phone for texts as well, frowning. "Hey Black Star, no texts from Fade? Yeah Noire hasn't messaged me either. Seems like they have a lot to do in Italy."

"Maybe....Did they get that witch yet?" Black Star looked at me and put his phone in his pocket.

"Yeah. Fade told me last night. I can't believe it... My girlfriend is a death scythe."

"That's cool...if you want to look at it this way, you could also say your fiancé considering she said yes." Black Star smiled at me.

"Yep! Your right! And your is what wields her so I think you should be proud." I laughed and gave Patti her giraffe.

"Of course I am. I'm waiting on her to come back so that way I can tell her in person." Black Star laughed and got into the car with the girls. I got into the drivers seat and drove off to my tailors house. He wont be in his shop today because he don't work there today is his day off but he wont mind me stopping by his house for a special request. He gave me permission to do this a long time ago. He enjoys fixing stuff for me. I pulled up at his house and climbed out walked up to the door. Before I could knock he opened the door and pulled me into a tight hug.

"KID! YOUR HERE! COME IN! Tell your friends they are welcomed in as well." He pointed at them and I turned to them waving them to come in. "Did you hear about your sister?" I froze up. "Oh yeah! That's right! I need to get your measurements for the tux! You've grown since the last time I made something for you!" He smiled cheerfully.

"Oh course! I have a favor for you, could you fix Patti's giraffe again? She seemed to rip it again within the last year that makes this... The third time?" I laughed and watched as the group walked up.

"Sure! Come on inside."

"How long will this take we have a busy schedule for the day."

"Not long, I have been working at a faster speed then what I did work at. It's because of all these wedding popping up this month." He shook his head and we walked into his study where all his stuff was spread out across the room. Dresses and tux were hanging up and halfway unfinished ones as well. I looked to see there is one directly in the middle with a 'Fade Death' sign on it. I covered Black Star's eyes and turned him around.

"Don't look it is bad luck!" I yelled and my tailor kicked him out of the room throwing the door shut. He hid the dress into the closet as I got a last glace at it. The dress is a traditional white, it is knees height in the front and in the back it is floor length, the dress in sleevless and apsoltly perfect for Fade. Although I never thought I would imagine her in a white dress but that is her beleifs after all and that is why I had to kick Black Star out the room or Fade would work my tailor to death to make a new one before the wedding. I shook my head and looked at the matching white heels that goes with the dress perfectly. I laughed and tucked them away with the dress. We allowed Black Star to come back in afterwards. "Sorry about that, Fade is superstitious about weddings." I told him.

"It's alright. I'm just glad I didn't land on my face in that hallway." Black Star rubbed his back and winced.

"Now we can continue where we left off, by the way my name is Taylor and I am Kid's tailor." He smiled friendly at the group as I found Black Star's tux. Black Star nodded, not even bothering to look around. Then I spotted Soul and Maka's stuff for their wedding off to the side already completed. I shook my head. When are they gonna tie the knot anyways? I sat down as Taylor took the giraffe and fixed it up for Patti then gave it back and I stood up letting him take the measurements. He recorded it in a little black book with my name on it and put it back on a shelf with other journals with people's names on the spines. I gave him my jacket and watched him fix my pocket that had been coming undone for sometime now and he gave it back. "Anything else?"

"No I think that is all." I shrugged.

"Good now go so I can get to work on Noire's dress." He shooed me out and the others into the hall and he closed the door in our face. I froze up and then walked out of the house with the group and into the car. I drove us to DWMA and we walked into the gym within under twenty minutes. My dad was waiting sipping on tea and discussing stuff with Spirit. He was all decked out with a table in here and everything along with his laptop which he was also surfing on probably getting stuff for the wedding.

"HEY DAD!" I waved. "Sorry we took so long I had to go see Taylor." I told him and walked to the mats with Black Star.

"He didn't let you see the dress I picked for Noire right? Black Star didn't get to see Fade's either right? You should have warned me you were going there!" My dad closed the laptop and looked at me.

"I didn't see Noire's dress because he knew I was coming so he tucked it away. I forgot to call and tell him about Black Star tagging along so Black Star might have caught a glimpse but that was all, we pushed him out the door and hid Fade's dress. Her dress is quite interesting dad." I smirked.

"I like it too! I picked it out for her as well since she hasn't said anything about wanting to pick her own design. I think she is going to love it!" My dad laughed.

"The color certainly suits her well. I think I will like seeing her out of dark colors."

"Oh yes. One of the many perks of weddings. We'll finally see what she looks like in white. I wouldn't have her wearing black to this. Not at all. If she has a problem with it, I'll just force her to wear it."

"She's gonna like it, you know how she is about weddings." I chuckled and looked at Black Star. "Let's get ready to train. Oh by the way, where do you want your party?"

"I'm leaving that to you." Black Star smiled and looked over at Tsubaki as she transformed and caught her.

"Sounds great. Liz, Patti." I looked at the twins. They transformed into their symmetrical pistols and let me catch them. I looked at Black Star and our training began.