Later that same day on an island…
It was night already. The sounds of something hitting something could be heard around a small house. There was a chubby woman hitting her son with a slipper with all the strength she could muster.
"WHY! DIDN'T! YOU! CLEAN! WERE! YOU! JUST! SLACKING?!" With every word she spoke she would continue to hit him. Her hand turned red from slapping his face so she used an object to make it easier on her hand.
The young man didn't say anything. He stood there taking the hits. It was just him and his mom in the living room, but his sister and father are in another room.
After he went inside the painting he was scared. But then the fear was replaced with excitement for many reasons. What he found was a new world, a portal in the painting which is unheard of. He explored the inside of the painting for hours and he was able to find the exit. He appeared in his basement again with cuts and blood of others stained all over his clothes and body.
When he came out he was stronger than before, stronger than he could have possibly imagined from exploring that world he found. It wasn't an easy world, many times he almost died. Realizing how much time passed he burned his clothes to erase any evidence from being found by his family, and he washed his body and swords as best as he could so no remnants of blood could be found.
Cleaning blood off with just water wasn't simple or quick. It took him longer than he expected. And soon after he finished he heard the front door entrance unlock. His mom and sister had arrived.
His mom, upon seeing the spotless house remained the same as how it was before she left, she was beyond mad at her son. She yelled out his name, then started lecturing him, insulting him, shaming him, and hurt him emotionally in any way she could think of. She would mention his past mistakes, and how he never helps around the house, and never cooks or cleans, and she has to do everything in the house.
The lecture went on for four hours non-stop. All the man could do was wait and take the beating from her.
He didn't say anything because there was no point. If he said anything like how he always cleans every day, and cooks, and helps around with all the chores whereas his sister barely did anything except doll herself up for boys and spend their dad's hard earned money daily, if he said this she would get mad. He knows because he has done it before. It was easier and faster if he just remained quiet.
Later his mom got so mad again in the middle of her lecture and started beating him.
He didn't even mention anything yet she was saying this. In fact anytime his sister did small chores around the house she would always say she's the slave.
"Ow!" The lady touched her side. "See what you did? Because I got angry at you my liver hurts! My blood pressure is rising because of you!" She sat down trying to calm down her anger but couldn't. The thought of her house not being clean enough made her feel angry.
"..." The man could only look at her. In his mind he was hoping that one day he could leave this house, this island, and be as far away from his family as possible. He loves his family no matter what, especially his dad, but he is tired of her and his sister.
"Go to bed! I am waking you up early tomorrow! You're cleaning the entire house tomorrow! Both inside and outside! That includes the roof and the walls outside!"
"ANSWER ME WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU!" She raised her voice and her hand at him.
"Yes…" He spoke softly.
She walked upstairs slowly holding onto her side in pain.
He sat down on the couch. Once the silence hit him he grabbed his pillow and hugged it as he lay down. He covered his face with the pillow as he started to cry softly. If his mom saw and heard him cry she would be even more pissed, he knows because it happened before.
Many nights he would spend in his room crying and hiding it from his family, especially his mom.
Two days later…
Sky was on his way to the island and nearing it. On his neck there was an item that wasn't there before.
{Child of Puor: Purple}
{25,000+ HP while equipped. 50,000+ mana while equipped}
{Mana recovery rate increased by 1000%}
{Ability: Meditating: Permanently increase your Mind and Int stat by 0.1 for every hour of meditation}
{Requirements: lvl 200. Mind: 2,000}
{Sky Rouge}
{Lvl 254}
{HP: 775k/775k}
{Mana: 192k/192k}
{Stats: Str: 33k Dex: 29k Spd: 25k Int: 28k Mind: 50k Vig: 75k}
Sky got the purple necklace when he cleared Jericho's debt as a reward from the system's mission. Before he didn't meet the requirements, now he did. He didn't like the meditating ability but the added HP and mana and the 1000% increased mana recovery rate made it a great item to have.
"Okay, everyone, Niggonpo is on sight! Jules, do you have those potions ready?"
"Here they are." Jules gave him fourteen red potions and 7 purple potions.
{Max potion of healing: Heals 133,000 HP}
{Max potion of mana: Restores 111,000 mana}
"Neat. We split the healing potions between us four. As for the mana potions Jericho and I will split them in half since we both use the most mana here."
"Okay." Jericho agreed.
{Alchemy: lvl 9}
Sky was glad to see Jules be able to level up her alchemy skill to nearly the max level as it is her natural talent. Now she can make potions more efficient and better than any potion in store without wasting any materials anymore.
"Uh, Cap'n?"
"Yes, Jay?"
"The island is a bit more fortified than we thought." Jay jumped down from the mast.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I can see a stone wall with armed men on top."
"No problem. We're not going to this island to pillage it, we're just going to visit. That includes all of us." Sky looked at Jules. She wanted to stay back but Sky needed her as she is equally as strong as Jericho and Jay.
She wasn't eager to enter another purple dungeon even if her stats increased dramatically, but she didn't have a choice.
Everyone nodded. The ship barely reached the island before someone jumped on their ship. It was a tanned buffed man with a cleanly shaved head.
"Who is in charge of this ship?" He asked in a low and serious tone.
"I am." Sky stepped forward.
"Name and purpose?"
"Sky. I just want to buy some food here and stay for a few days."
He looked at everyone and stared at them and at the ship for a few moments.
{{Search} is being used on Jericho Haydie}
{{Search} is being used on Jay Press}
{{Search} is being used on Jules Mayfeather}
{{Search} is being used on Melody}
"We will need to examine your ship thoroughly for illegal contraband. You can reject it but you'll be asked to leave the island. If we examine your ship and find nothing out of the ordinary you can enter." He said.
Sky looked at his crew. Anything weird that they might have is hidden in his inventory where no one can see.
"Go ahead." Sky gave him permission.
"Are there any other people here?"
"Just three in the bottom of the ship, but they're my slaves."
Another man jumped beside the other men and searched the ship top to bottom. After fifteen minutes they came out and found nothing illegal or dangerous.
"Any weapons on you have to remain on the ship or covered with something. If you are seen in public with a weapon drawn you will be arrested and fined." The man spoke.
"Right." Sky said with everyone nodding in agreement.
"You can enter now. But due to the size of the ship you will pay a fee of 10,000 shells a day."
"Here." Sky handed him a 100,000 shell card.
"Uh… I didn't mean me. Someone else will take it." He tried to give it back but Sky rejected it.
"No, keep it. Try to make sure no one weird comes near my ship." Sky said.
Understanding what Sky meant he took the card. "If you insist. But you still need to pay 10,000 shells to someone else."
"Understood. So long." Sky waved at him.
The man jumped and flew back on the top of the stone wall. With his permission the stone wall opened revealing an entrance. Melody entered the island.
When they docked their ship, just like the man said, someone came up to Sky, an old woman, and requested a fee of 10,000 shells due to Melody's size. Sky ended up paying the old lady 70,000 shells on the spot.
The average annual income is 80,000 shells.
"If we leave before the seven days, consider the rest as a tip." Sky said with a smile.
Realizing she could have a massive tip, the old lady big Sky with a smile.
"So spread out and look for the dungeon?" Jericho said as she stretched.
"No, the map will guide us. It looks like it might be inside a house. Stand close to me please. You three, do whatever you want, buy yourself some things, but take care of the ship and yourselves." Sky spoke to his slaves before leaving.
Sky jumped down and his crew didn't lag behind him. The island was surprisingly nice. There were no trees or grass in sight, just buildings everywhere, stores, houses, and so on. The entire island was surrounded by a thick stone wall with men on all sides keeping watch on the inside and outside.
Nearly every single house in sight was identical to the other ones. The only difference were the number plaques on the houses, and some minor differences such as the color of the house, how many windows it has, the decorations that can be found of each household made others stand out, but besides that each house was nearly identical.
"We're being watched." Jules said. She could feel many eyes on them from all over.
"I know. I didn't think security would be this tight." Sky muttered. The men on top of the walls weren't just keeping an eye on them but everyone on the island.
Sky noticed a small restaurant in front of the house and went in. "Let's go eat there," he said. The crew followed him closely.
They were met with a waitress who gladly seated them quickly since there were barely any people.
Sky took a look at the menu.
"Captain, weren't we looking for the thing?" Jay asked.
"It's in the house in front of the restaurant." Sky spoke to them telepathically so no one could hear him. "Relax. I was just craving some fried octopus."
"We had that yesterday." Jericho stated. Two days ago they ordered the same food to go from the last island they were at because they know Sky likes it.
"I know. This also gives me time to tell you three how we're going to break into that house." Sky spoke to them telepathically.
"Just to be clear, it's the one with the guy cleaning the roof?" Jules whispered to him.
"Yeah. Never seen anyone clean the roof before, that's new." Sky said as he looked through the menu.
"So what's the plan? Create a diversion or something?" Jay asked.
"Exactly. Only after we try these delicious things called octopus tacos. It sounds delicious!" Sky said.
Realizing that Sky was going to eat the rest decided to eat something as well.
One hour later the crew was stuffed.
"Ah… that cheesecake was delicious." Jericho said while patting her belly.
"It was expensive though. I mean 700 shells for dessert? But you're right it was so good." Jay said.
Being able to get the ingredients to make something as cheesecake was quite uncommon in this world, it was a luxury not many get due to its astronomical price. It was the same for other famous desserts which is why most desserts have sea-based ingredients.
"The brownies were the best." Jules said, feeling oddly satisfied having something sweet.
"Chocolate cake is my new favorite food." Sky was feeling sleepy after having three chocolate cakes.
"I am so glad we're rich." Jericho said. Thanks to Sky they were multi-millionaires.
"Same. But unfortunately we can't rest all day. We need to go." Sky put down a card with shells worth more than what they ordered.
"How do you plan to do it with so many eyes on us?" Jay asked in a soft voice.
"I'll just teleport us there after causing a small distraction. I can reach that house from here with my teleportation, best of all I can sense no one inside. Everyone, hold hands." Sky reached for Jericho's and Jay's hands under the table. Once they all were connected Sky looked to the open kitchen window and concentrated.
In the kitchen of the restaurant from where Sky could see there was a pile of stacked plates. Using his telekinesis he pushed the plates causing a loud sound which caught everybody's attention. While no one was looking Sky and his crew vanished from their table leaving behind their dirty plates and a card with shells.
Sky appeared in a very tidy living room with his crew.
"Well that worked." Jericho said.
"You've been practicing your teleportation a lot, haven't you?" Jay asked.
"I have." Sky smiled.
{Teleportation: lvl 8: Teleport 80 meters away}
His teleportation skill level was getting better by the day, though it isn't the only skill he is trying to level up.
"Where is the dungeon?" Jay asked.
"According to the map it's somewhere in the basement."
"Found the basement." Jules pointed to a hallway leading downstairs. The crew quietly and quickly ran down the stairs. They saw a cluttered basement filled with too many useless items such as old toys, old furniture, and clothes in bags.
"So the dungeon is somewhere here?" Jules asked, beginning to doubt Sky. "Wait, I smell blood and lots of cleaning products." Jules said.
Jay and Sky noticed a small trail of dried blood on the ground. It was just tiny dots but they could see it.
"Um, guys." Jericho said as she pointed to the painting.
"What?" Sky asked.
"I was looking at this painting and it moved."
"It moved?"
"Well… I didn't see it move, but it looked like it changed. The clouds are in a different spot."
"Hmm… identify."
{Painting of the DragonSky king: Purple+}
{It is the entrance of the dungeon}
"This is the entrance. This is the dungeon." Sky picked up the painting. It bewildered him and everybody else, no one expected a dungeon in a painting.
"Wait, really?" Jules asked.
"Yeah, I believe so. Just put your hand through it and see if you can go in."
"Oh, no." unable to defy his orders Jules reached for the painting and she disappeared as she went through the painting.
"The painting ate her." Jay said.
"Yeah. My turn. See you guys inside." Sky placed the painting on the table and dove like an expert diver and entered the painting.
"It would've been easier if he just took the painting to the ship first. But oh well." Jules shrugged as they both entered the painting.
The crew found themselves in a new world. To be precise they found themselves inside a ruined stone house that had mold growing. A piercing glowing sunlight could be seen entering from the cracks of the ruined stone building.
"Cap." Juled nudged at Sky and pointed to the ground. They saw droplets of blood on the floor.
"More dried blood? Did somebody actually find this place?" Sky was weirded out.
"I mean it would make kinda sense when you think about it. I mean maybe it wasn't a coincidence that someone left the painting sitting on the table?" Jay pointed out.
"Ohh…" The three agreed with Jay.
Sky took out his weapon and everybody else's weapons from his inventory and handed it to them. "Well this is a purple dungeon so maybe that person is dead. But let's keep our guard up and be sure."
They left the ruined building. They were blinded by the sunlight hitting their eyes. Once their eyes adjusted to the light they saw a beautiful world.
"Are we…"
"We're in the sky."
They saw dozens of islands that were connected by vines and they were all floating above the clouds. They leaned to the edge of the island they were at and saw nothing but clouds beneath them.
"Well this is kinda scary and new." Sky said.
"Sky…" Jericho pointed far ahead of them. They saw three men wearing similar outfits on the ground dead. The outfits they wore were unique, it was black and white robes, with swords sheathed on their sides but no weapons to be found.
They also had the same hairstyle and all died in the same manner.
"Did they kill each other?" Jay asked.
"No, I can't sense their swords. Somebody must've taken them." Jericho said.
"Probably the one who killed them."
"Are they from this dungeon or from our world?" Jules asked.
They read from book records of purple portals that many monsters can be found, that includes humans as well, even fishmen and mermaids could be found inside of purple dungeons. It is said that the very first humans, mermaids, and fishmen came to this world through a purple portal.
It is strange when people find people inside of dungeons/portals. They all have one thing in common, no humans found in the portal spoke in different languages, and most of the time it always involves the invaders enslaving and killing the humans found inside portals, the same includes for fishmen and mermaids.
"Most likely from this dungeon. Whoever killed them must be strong, somewhat. Let's keep walking."
They all stood on guard as they walked. The further they got the more bodies they saw, and they were all missing their weapons. All of the dungeon humans carried swords but they weren't seen anywhere on their bodies.
"Why take the weapons?" Sky asked.
"Maybe he knows magnetism?" Jules said.
"Doubt it."
"Shh… I hear something." Jules said.
They all went quiet. The further they walked they could faintly hear the sounds of fighting getting louder. They heard steel clashing and yelling and screaming from multiple distinct voices.
Hiding behind the ruins of a building they saw a young man cutting down one of the dungeon humans with his two swords, but he himself had been cut on several spots covering him in some parts with blood and cuts on his clothes.
The man, who was filled with adrenaline and with his senses sharpened, was able to sense a few people staring at him and he pointed his swords at them. His eyes met with the crew.
"Who… wait, you're not… what?" The man was flabbergasted. It was obvious that Sky and the others weren't from this dungeon.
Sky and the others showed themselves while holding their weapons.
"How did you find this place?" The man demanded to know.
"I could say the same to you. How did you find this place?" Sky asked.
"Cap, that's the one who was cleaning the roof on the house." Jules muttered.
"I see. Doesn't look like this is his first time here." Sky said.
"You could only get here through the painting in my basement. Did you break into my house?" He asked, both angry and wary. He thought this world was his own little secret place.
"Why would you break into my house?"
"Why do you think so?" Sky spread his arms looking around.
"Wait, you knew about this place? How? No one but me knows."
"Take a guess. Is it a coincidence that I found this place? How do you think I found this place?"
"Um…" The man took a second to think before coming to a conclusion. "So you had something to do with all this?"
"Yeah. Exactly."
"That makes sense. I was wondering how the painting suddenly grew a world inside of it. I thought it was a miracle or something. But how is that even possible?"
"Trust me, there's a lot of weird things with me."
Jules, Jericho, and Jay all nodded in agreement.
"..." Sky noticed their nods.