Leaving home

Jules and Jericho returned to the ship at the same time after exploring the island and resting. They saw Sky was swinging around a staff they hadn't seen before.

"Woah, Sky, nice staff you got there." Jericho said, one could easily tell that the weapon is of high quality.

Jules was mesmerized by the weapon in his hand. She could tell it is a purple-grade weapon.

"Did you just buy that weapon from the merchant?" Jules asked, curiously.

"In a way." Sky continued practicing his new staff technique, since this was now his main weapon he needed the skill level to be higher than level 1.

"In a way?" Jericho asked, confused.

"I'll tell you guys later. Where's Jay?"

"He's looking for ways to improve his weapon, at least that's what he said when I last saw him." Jules stretched her limbs up in a lazy manner.

"Well I have a weapon for him, can you please call him over here?" Sky said, not even stopping his training for a second.

"Sure." Jericho said.

As Jules was about to leave Sky called out to her, "Jules, stay here for a bit I have something important to tell everyone here."

Jules shrugged and lied down on the deck feeling relaxed and lazy. 

After a while Jay returned with a sour expression. Ever since he found out he could contribute to nothing but throwing rocks he has been feeling down.

"Jay, catch." Sky threw him a deck of cards after putting away his weapon.

Jay caught it without even looking. Once it was in his palm he examined it carefully. It was a simple purple-black case with no symbols on it.

"Cap'n, what's this?" Jay asked. It didn't seem like any pack of cards he'd seen. Jericho and Jules got a bit closer to examine it. They could tell it's a deck of cards but knowing Sky it didn't seem like a normal item.

"That is your new weapon and for you to figure out what it does." 

"This is a weapon?" Jay took out the cards from its case revealing a blank card. But at that moment on that very same blank card appeared a purple shield.

"A shield?" Jericho looked at Sky hoping for some answers.

"Don't look at me like I know what it does. All I know is that it's a weapon that can attack, defend, and support. What it can do exactly I really have no idea. But I know it'll suit you, Jay."

"Why do you think it'll suit me, Cap'n?"

"Because you have a very good aim even when it comes to throwing things like those rocks. This may not be a purple-grade gun but there's no problem with variety."

"I see." Jay felt thankful but didn't know how to express it. He had been worried and thinking of ways to be useful but Sky already found a way.

"Jericho, Jules, I will get you your very own purple weapons soon. I found a way though it's risky. Follow me to the bottom of the ship." Sky said.

Once they all went downstairs they were startled by a large purple chest bearing its fangs at them. Sky stood beside it and patted the top of the chest.

"This is devourer. He's arguably one of our most important items in this ship. If you feed him ten red-grade items there's a chance he'll give us a purple item. This is how I got my staff."

"Wait, really? So all those red dungeon runs will be actually useful?" Jules asked.

"They've always been useful, Jules. But I get what you're saying, now we can get purple items without needing to spend lots of money, or rely on the merchant to maybe have a purple item."

Jules nodded.

They all thought it might be better to split up and cover more area as they are plenty strong, but for safety reasons they will remain together. They all know that Jules is being hunted down by the Caribbean and that the Abyss family is looking for her and Sky, both the Caribbean and the Abyss family have no idea where she or Sky are at the moment.

"You know I know three ways to get a lot of items." Jules said while folding her arms.

"Oh really? How?"

"First method, we acquire the nightmare blade."

"That's a good weapon but I don't need to have a weapon that'll take control of us." 

"Second, we steal from the Caribbean or the mermaid kingdom."

"We steal from your kind? Are you sure about that?" Sky asked with an eyebrow raised.

Humans have rarely ever seen the mermaid kingdom as it's deep underwater where mermaids and fishmen have a clear advantage.

As of now the Abyss family is the strongest force among the fishmen and have been growing stronger that can be a threat to all races, and the mermaid kingdom are supreme in both numbers and strength as of now thanks to one individual whom no one has seen lately.

There are also portals deep underwater but humans do not clear such portals as it is nearly impossible to get to the bottom of the ocean without drowning, or the water pressure crushing you, or being ambushed by mermaids or fishmen. Many humans actually don't even know there are more portals to be found deep underwater.

These underwater portals are how the fishmen and mermaids are able to stay strong and on equal footing with humans.

"No, but it's an idea."

"And stealing from the Caribbean is also a no-go. I've seen Xero's and the others stats and we'd be crushed instantly. Any other ideas?"

"I didn't mean to steal from the Caribbean base, I meant to steal from their other sources."

"Other? Ohh…" Sky knew what Jules meant.

Just like the island where Jericho's family stayed at, there are many small Caribbean bases with red and green items and shells stored inside heavily guarded bunkers.

"I like that, they'll have a good amount of items. Are there any other options?"

"Just one more, stealing from the Fallen God family."

"Yeah… stealing from the other sources seems like the best option. Say, Jules, do you know if the mermaid kingdom also has similar places where they keep their red-grade items?"

"Yes but they're all underwater and guarded heavily. I cannot steal from them because then you'll be making an enemy out of a powerful race, not to mention I am someone of importance." Jules said while shaking her head.

"Shame… if only you could take their items we'd be making a fort-" Sky stopped mid-sentence as a thought occurred.

'System, what if I were to throw nine red items and one purple grade item at the devourer?'

{The DEVOURER would have a higher chance to produce a purple grade item than with ten red items}

'Oh really? Why won't it produce a black-grade item if I throw in a single purple-grade item?'

{It depends on the majority of the items you feed it. For example throwing five purple items and five red items guarantees a random purple item, but throwing six purple items and four red items has a tiny chance to produce a black grade item}


"Jules, where is the nightmare blade?"

"What? From here it should be… five days away? It's not that far." Jules didn't like how Sky asked about the blade after saying that he isn't interested in it.

'Oh no, he wouldn't.' Jules thought of something and regretted bringing it up.

"Good. We will first sail to Servus Terra to get some slaves. Then after that we will go get that sword."

"What will you do with such a cursed weap- oh." Jules realized after looking at DEVOURER.

"Glad we're all thinking the same thing. Also Jack is joining us tomorrow. So do whatever you want today because we won't stop grinding for more red-items yayyyy, new crew member who is a chef, woo." Sky left as he gave them a slow clap forcing out a half-assed cheer.

"But my sandwiches!" Jay ran after Sky.

"Dude, you can make your own sandwiches anytime you want."

"Yeah but I bet his sandwiches will be better than mine."

"Pft!" Sky let out a small chuckle.

"My family is gonna be so pissed." Jules covered her face with her hand. She already knew they would be angry at her for attempting to steal such a powerful weapon, but now they would be even angrier if they found out what was going to happen to it.

Jericho patted her shoulder out of pity.

The day went by and nightfall came.

In Jack's house his family was eating a delicious broth prepared by none other than Jack. He was in deep thought while his family chatted between them.

He also took a good look at his family. No matter what he might think about them they are his family and he loves them wholeheartedly.

"Jack, what happened to the painting with the dragon?" His mom asked.

"Oh… it was dusty so I was dusting it off but I didn't have time to dust it completely."

"Make sure you put it up there by tomorrow."

"Yes, mom. Dad."

"What is it, Jacky?"

His dad was a serious looking man with refined muscles, but with his family he is anything but serious, he is both loving and caring, especially to his daughter and wife whom he loved dearly and spoiled.

He always shaves his head to help him feel the wind better when an enemy attacks or to feel a nice breeze when it's hot. Of course his shaved head made him look more serious.

"What would you do if you had a lot of money? Like a lot."

Everyone looked at Jack weirdly, he's not one to ask such questions.

"How much would a lot be? A couple thousand? Tens of thousands?"

"More like a couple of millions. I read how this guy found a rare item that sold for twenty million shells so I was just wondering if we were lucky enough to have that kind of money, what would we do with it?"

Jack told them a lie so they wouldn't get suspicious, they easily bought his lie.

"Hmm… well if it were me, first I wouldn't tell anyone about it except those who you really trust, like your close family obviously. I'd keep it discreet as best as I can. Then I would use it to pay off bills, food, and buy some items we really need."

"Like a bigger house and more furniture." His mom said which made Jack angry at her thought, because it would mean he'd clean more, and they already have enough furniture in the house to the point it was taking up too much space.

"Maybe pay some people to clean? Or higher a full time helper or get a slave to help out with the house?" Jack said.

"No, I told you, I need you to clean because as man once you are in a relationship you need to learn to be able to do things by yourself, or else your wife will leave you if you can't even clean or cook a decent meal."

Jack put his hand under the table and clenched it tightly. He is a calm person, but his mom always finds ways to push his buttons and make him angry easily.

His dad shook his head not agreeing with her but didn't say anything. 

"But, mom, it's twenty million, even if Loretta and I started a family we would have enough for our grandchildren."

"Ah… I'd like to marry Jason so much." Loretta, his sister, smiled at the thought of a guy she liked.

"Jason? Who's that?" Her father asked, concerned and angry.

"This new boy I met yesterday, he's so dreamy and we're in love now."

Loretta, though she hasn't dated any guy, she keeps changing her crushes at least once a week. Jack stopped paying attention to her at some point since she mentioned the names of hundreds of guys already and always saying the same thing again.

"Jack, even if it is twenty million I wouldn't pay someone else to do it, at least not until you're decent in cooking and cleaning. You need the training to become a good husband one day."

Jack looked around wondering what else he could do in the house to make it look 'decent' when it was already spotless.

Maybe it was because he was already leaving this house tonight but he got a bit courageous.

"What about Loretta, mom? She doesn't know how to cook or clean."

"You don't have to worry about your sister. She will find a man who will clean and cook for her and take care of her."

"Uh…" Jack was stunned by her response. Loretta might not have any talent like he does, but she doesn't even know how to crack an egg, or use a broom.

"Yeah, Jack, leave me alone." Loretta said as she continued eating.

"Well… okay then." Jack sat down and continued eating.

His dad expected a bigger reaction to happen but it didn't happen. Even he was stunned by his wife's answer. When they were dating and got married he did help her out when he could, especially when she was pregnant, but even she contributed to the house a lot.

Later that night everyone went to their beds but Jack stayed back to clean the dishes and put the food in the fridge so it wouldn't go to waste.

"Night, Jacky." His dad said.

"Good night, dad… Dad?"


"Tomorrow before you go to work, can you check the basement? I want to give you and the family a little gift. I wanted to do it today but I forgot. It'll be on the table when I put it there."

"A gift? Sure, son. Why can't you give it to us yourself?"

"Because it's a surprise, duh." Jack kept a smile but he knew that he wouldn't be in the house anymore by morning.

"Oh, okay. Goodnight."

"Bye dad. Love you."

"Love you, too."

Jack sighed as he finished cleaning. Later he went downstairs and put the card with twenty million shells on the table.

Realizing he is really going to leave he couldn't help but tear up a bit. He is happy to leave but at the same time he will miss his house, family, especially his dad, and leaving behind any good memories he has of this island.

He went back to his room. After an hour had passed when he knew everyone was asleep he went to his closet, grabbed a bag with his items such as his clothes and some books, a handwritten letter, and took with him his two swords.

He sneaked to his parents room and there he saw his mom, dad, and sister sleeping soundly in the same bed.

"Goodbye." He whispered as he took one last look at them.

Going downstairs he placed the letter on the kitchen table where he knew they would see it. Using the house key he slowly unlocked his door and locked it once he was outside, he crushed his key with his bare hands treating it like tin foil, tearing it to pieces, and threw it as far away as he could.

He teared up while headed towards the harbor using the light of the moon and lit torches to guide his path. He was both happy and sad, happy to be free, and sad to leave a place where he has grown up all his life.

Along the harbor he saw multiple ships and the gentle waves pushing them making slight splashing sounds. There was one ship however that stood out from the rest, Melody.

'That's gotta be it.' Jack thought as he was ready to call Sky again.

But a lady appeared before him holding a lantern.

"Are you Jack?"

Jack knew the lady was a slave, as he could see the slave mark on her neck.


"Master Sky told us you'd be here. Should I take your bags?"

"No, it's fine."

"Very well. I'll lead you to your area, but be careful everyone is asleep."

Jack nodded as he followed her to Melody. The ship was grand, he had rarely seen such a large ship size that wasn't a warship.

Jack took a closer look at the slave. Apart from the slave mark he doesn't see any beatings or scars on her body, nor did she seem afraid. Usually one can tell what kind of person they are by how they treat their slaves and those below him.

"Can you tell me a bit about Sky?"

"Hm? Well he is… at first I thought he was cruel, and scary, and I would die by his hands."

"What made you think of that?"

"I saw him kill a bunch of slaves in front of me for no reason, not even five minutes after we got on his ship. And he killed even more once they attempted to steal his ship."

"Oh." Jack was on guard.

"But… lately he seems to be a good master. He still kills people, and monsters alike. He doesn't hurt us slaves, or touch us weirdly, he does treat us like property, but he pays us and gives us food and time to rest, honestly it's ironic but he treats us better than I thought. As long as we don't hurt him and do our jobs he treats us well."

"Us meaning…?"

"The other two slaves and I."

"Should I look out for something? Or is there something I should know about him or the crew?"

"Well he constantly clears red portals daily. Though he is sometimes weird… I do not know how to put it into words but you'll see soon."

"Hm. Are you afraid of him?"

"I… am a bit afraid, nothing compared to before. So, through this door you can pick a hammock to sleep in, but be quiet to not wake anybody."

"Wait, shouldn't I be greeting Sky first? Say hello to him in person before I sleep on his ship?"

"He said not to worry. He said to tell you to rest since we'll be having a busy day, which usually means clearing out portals."

Jack nodded.

They walked downstairs to a large room filled with hammocks and barrels of unknown liquids, lit up by two dim lanterns near Jay. Jack saw Jericho and Jules both deep asleep and snoring. Jay was awake, he looked at Jack and waved at him, Jack waved back.

'Why is Jay playing with a deck of cards?' Jack thought.