The Diagnostic Test

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

"One hour left! You have one hour to answer your test!"

I just finished the test early and bowed my head down right after I was done answering since there is still a lot of time remaining.

The diagnostic test was pretty easy for me. I took a bit of time reading each question, and some of them took a long time to analyze which is exhausting to read.

I looked at my classmates, and they are nervous while answering it. Some are biting their nails, some are furiously scratching their heads, and some are even pounding the table. I do not have any idea why the professor is okay with how my classmates' act. But still, it's just a diagnostic test to see what you know, and how you do well.

No need for them to be hardcore.


I looked at the student who screamed while answering the test. The professor did not even bother scolding that student, and my classmates did not even pay attention to him, they were just answering the test furiously. It almost looks like they are in a war, and they are terrified of something.

"Time is up, please pass your papers forward."

I passed my test paper, and they started to look nervous. The person sitting beside me was shaking, and she looks like she was about to cry. Did she do badly on the test earlier?

I tried talking to her just to lift up her spirit.

"Good work on answering that test."

"Do not talk to me you freak!!!"

Huh? I just wanted to cheer her up but in the end, it looks like I just added fuel into her temper.

What is wrong with these people?

"Just don't mind that freak. We will surely beat her in this diagnostic test. Don't get too cocky brat."

A lot of my classmates began laughing at me because of what my other classmate said, and I also started losing my temper.

"Yeah, freak. Just because you finished the test early, that doesn't mean that you can look at us like we are dumb people."

My blood started to boil. Suddenly, I slammed my hands on my desk and yelled at them.

"What is your problem?! You guys are the ones who are acting like freaks! Are you people afraid of something?! Is that why you people have been anxious all this time?!"

I lost my temper and told these people those harsh insensitive words. They began glaring at me all of a sudden and started murmuring again.


The professor suddenly yelled at me, and the whole class started laughing.

"I-I'm sorry…"

This sucks. I have not done anything wrong to them yet they are picking on me despite the noise that they are making while the test is ongoing, I am the only one that the professor scolded.

"Just shut the fuck up, freak. You don't have any right to shout at us."

I started to feel embarrassed about myself and bowed down to my desk. My tears started falling off because of the humiliation I received earlier.

It has been 30 minutes since that happened, and I noticed our professor was done checking the diagnostic tests, and he started sweating a lot as well as the students.

"I finished checking all of your tests, and the student who got the highest score is… Kiyoko Sasaki… She got a perfect score…"

I am happy for myself that I did great on that diagnostic test. Those research papers and books that I have been reading about Psychology really helped me a lot.


A student shouted, and that caught my attention. I immediately saw all of my classmates grimacing at me. Our professor also sweated a lot, and he began shaking.


"D-Die? What are you talking about?"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********