A Huge Edge

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

Ichi laughed hysterically leaving us helpless on the floor trembling in fear. He approached the athletic guy and stared at him menacingly.

"Do not do that shit again to me. When I say that you should not touch me, you should obey me. Like I just said earlier, the only way to get out of this place is to be the last one standing. I will act as your adviser in this school. You can have a talk with me, ask questions, tell me some things in person, or maybe ask advice on how to kill one another. After all, you need someone to supervise your stay here at Saitei University. Also, I do not kill people for fun, I will only kill them if you try to attack, or kill me. Do not worry, I am a man of my word, and that is a promise. That is all."

I can't allow ourselves to be in this kind of situation. I do not want to be terrified, and helpless against him. I walked in front of Ichi and glared at him.

"Shinsuke was right, maybe you think we are that low to kill ourselves. Do not underestimate us."

"Hooo... That may be applicable to you, but what about the others?"

Looking at the students who are trembling with fear. They looked like they had lost all hope. They were crying, and lost, not knowing what to do.

"I know we can do it. I believe in these people."

Suddenly, the students looked at me after what I just said to them. All of them took a deep breath and got calm with the whole situation. As expected of these people. These students will not go down easily.

"You're fucking annoying are you, Kiyoko Sasaki? Well, let us see how long your optimism will last. From now on, all of you will be together in this school. Treat each other like family okay? Or maybe enemies that you want to kill."

Ichi left the room leaving us in silence. No one could still not believe what happened, and some began crying again silently after standing up against Ichi.

"I am out of here. There is no point staying in here."

The green-haired student was right. He left the room followed by some of the students. The only one I can see who did not become calm with the whole situation was the athletic guy who got his arm disintegrated a while ago.

Maybe that experience was really terrifying for him.


He left the room and slammed the door shut leaving only me, the yellow-haired guy, and Shinsuke's dead body alone. His blood started to spread around the gym, and it was quite repulsive to look at.

But still, I need Shinsuke's body for later.

I approached the yellow-haired boy and asked for his help.

"Nakamura, can you help me carry this body to somewhere where we can preserve it?"

"Preserve?! I thought we were going to dispose of it? A-And also, how did you know my name?"

This guy is really calm with the whole situation even from the start, and as I expected, they do not know each other even if they had great talents.

"I always use my time to discover a lot of people, and I am familiar with all of the students who were here a while ago. You are Raku Nakamura, am I right? You have been a composer, and a songwriter for many musicians who just started, and became famous in this present day."

"Wow damn, you know some deep web stuff, my lady. I keep myself anonymous to the whole world since I don't really like exposing myself to the public."

"You are a great musician Nakamura, all of the songs you composed were really great."

"Hahaha, I'm not really a musician. But, thank you anyway! Also, call me Raku. I am not used to people calling me by my last name."

Raku smiled and helped me carry Shinsuke's body. Shinsuke's body was already heavy, and I am glad Raku is here to help me carry this corpse. We both left the room together to find a room where we can preserve bodies.

If this is a highly advanced school, there should be a room where the temperature can go to absolute zero. That way, the body can be preserved so we can investigate the body later for investigations. I explained this to Raku, and he was quite surprised by what I said.

"Wow Sasaki, is your mind twisted, or something? But why do we need to preserve his body if Ichi just shot him with his Ummm… finger gun?"

"That is the point, it is impossible that a finger gun can kill someone. When all of us are willing to help each other, I want someone to investigate the body so we can know what really happened to Shinsuke."

"But what if he really is a God?"

"I do not believe in such things. There will always be a logical reason for everything in this world."

Raku was impressed by my way of thinking then we continued walking to find a room where we can preserve the body.

"I am glad that you are here, Sasaki."


That is right, I have a huge edge here over anyone else. I know all of these people, their talents because of my research, and my curiosity about people. I will try my best to unite everyone else. I do not underestimate what these people can do.

They are much more than this.

We will stop Ichi at some point, maybe not now, but soon we will escape here, and defeat Ichi.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********