Announcement To Make

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

"Now then. I'm going to announce some things to the three of you. Sadly, I should tell this when everyone is together in this room, but it looks like there are some urgent matters that they need to attend to. Maybe after I tell this to the three of you, I will head to the clinic myself where the remaining four are."

"This is really suspicious. I was almost killed by Hyakuzawa a while ago, and you didn't even care about what happened earlier. Now suddenly, you started to be concerned with the students." I said.

"Well, I am your adviser after all. Announcements are just my job that I need to tell you people, and it's sometimes a pain in the ass to do so. But when all of you are killing each other, I will not interfere, after all, that is the main objective that all of you need to do in order to get outside."

"Then, what is this announcement you are talking about? Hurry the fuck up. I want to leave this place immediately. It's shit here inside with these two bitches."

Both Megumin, and I just kept quiet when Hyakuzawa told us that. I do not want to lose my temper again, that will get me into trouble again.

"What do you mean by our own rooms?" I asked.


My phone rang, and I quickly pulled out my phone in my pocket.

Looking at both Hyakuzawa, and Megumin, it looks like they got a notification too. I opened my phone and found a new feature that popped out on my Student ID.

"You have gained access to Room 001."

The feature told me that I have access to Room 001.

Could this be a key for our own room where we can stay for the night?

"As you can see on your phones, you have access to a specific room. Meaning, this will be the room you will be staying in every night. Of course, since all of you are one of the best students in Japan, I provided you with a huge space, and equipment which you can say reflects the talents you people have. Just face your School ID on your phone to the scanner in front of your door, and this will unlock the door to your room. But of course, only the room you have access to can be unlocked. It is impossible to unlock a room that you do not have access to."

Based on what Ichi said, I can assume that Hyakuzawa's room is full of gym equipment that can give him a great workout. Megumin on the other hand, since there is a kitchen here inside the cafeteria, I can guess that she had a room full of cookbooks, and recipes. Maybe even a mini kitchen if what Ichi said about having a huge space is true.

As for me, I do not have any clue what could be inside my room.

"Well I guess that is about it, See you again tomorrow."

"Wait just a second." I said.

Before Ichi leaves the room I would like to ask a few things first. There is a lot of flaws in the things Ichi told us.

"What is it now, Kiyoko Sasaki?"

"Tch, this bitch. you should just fucking shut your mouth, and get this over with." Hyakuzawa said.

"You just explained simply that we have our own rooms that only we can access. But I think you should have more explaining to do, Ichi."

"What do you mean, Sasaki?" Megumin asked.

"The chance that someone will destroy the doors while we are sleeping. Are those doors really safe for the students?"

"Of course, Kiyoko Sasaki. What do you think this school is? Saitei University is one of the most advanced schools in Japan. Of course, a mere door has high security for the students. Has your intelligence deteriorated because of the things that are happening today?" Ichi said.

"Tch! I'm leaving." Hyakuzawa said.

Hyakuzawa walked away, but I didn't give him any thought at all, and I just started continuing my conversation with Ichi.

"I am just making sure of the precautions you are providing for us. But my real concern is since this is you we are talking about, are you hiding something important from us?"

Hyakuzawa froze when I told Ichi that he was hiding something. I guess I got the attention of the bully in this school who keeps on insulting me.

"What is your point, Kiyoko Sasaki?" Ichi asked.

"Given that this is a school, there should be a thing called lights out, am I right? If that is the case, there should be a specific time when all of the lights here inside will go off. You did not tell us what time that would happen. If it does without us knowing, it can cause panic, and even a chance for a killer to murder all of us, am I correct? Of course, there will be students who will stay up all night. Maybe investigating the area, or even learning each movement of what our classmates are doing. We are college students after all."

Everyone was surprised by what I just said. Nobody has ever thought that the lights here inside can possibly go off to cause panic.

As for Ichi. He was amazed by what I said and smiled.

"You really are a clever girl, Kiyoko Sasaki. I can't leave any holes in the things that I am telling to these people if you are around. I am impressed. Just like what Kiyoko Sasaki said, there is a time here inside when all of the lights will turn off. At exactly 10:00 pm all of the lights will turn off. I will allow students to roam around freely anytime as long as it is fine for all of you to wander in the pitch-black darkness of this school late at night."

"You really are impressive, Sasaki." Megumin said.

"Wh-what the..."

"I guess I can even get the attention of you who has been acting high, and mighty for a while, Hyakuzawa."

I tried taunting Hyakuzawa a little bit as revenge for what he did to me. There might be a possibility that Hyakuzawa will attack me because of it, but that chance was slim.

From what I know from people, even the ones who are arrogant can stay put when they are given information that can be useful.


I guess I was right.

"Then that is about it. See you again tomorrow. I got tired of explaining more things to you people, so I asked my double to tell those four students about the whole room thingy."

"Double?" Megumin asked.

"Of course my other half, duh. Have you not been watching sci-fi movies about clones? Geez, of course, it is possible. I am a God here in this school. Creating a double is a piece of cake for me. Since I told you information about the lights out I guess not giving that information to the others is futile."

So Ichi used a clone to tell the others about the rooms that we will be using for ourselves. Fortunately, I asked Ichi about a crucial thing that gave us useful information.

"I will be taking my leave. See ya!"

Ichi left the room as well as Hyakuzawa.

"Thank you for this day, Sasaki, I guess you saved us." Megumin said.

"No, no. I should be thanking you. If you have not stopped Hyakuzawa a while ago, who knows what will happen to me."

"Hehe. You're welcome."

"Also, your curry is really delicious. I am looking forward to tasting your other dishes."


Megumin smiled at me and entered the kitchen to clean the dishes that all of us used to eat earlier.

I tried exploring the app that Ichi gave us, and there was a list of my classmates here inside that we can use to talk with the students here through our phones which can be handy in the future.

Knowing Ichi, I bet he will not inform Kanade, and the others even if he told us that hiding the information about the lights was futile. I will try messaging them about the lights turning off at 10:00 pm.

"Well then, I will be seeing you tomorrow, Sasak., I really wanted to rest for the night. Thanks again, and good night!"

Megumin was finished washing the dishes and left the cafeteria leaving me alone inside. I checked what time it is right now, and it is exactly 7:00 pm. There are a lot of things that happened today, and I did not realize it was already nighttime.

"Ichi has not told you this, but all lights will shut off at exactly 10:00 pm. Please be careful and stay safe."

I sent this message to the others to inform them about the lights, and I hope that they will receive the message. Raku had been in bad shape because of what Hyakuzawa did, and the others might have treated him already.

I wonder how they are doing right now?

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********