Into The Nothingness

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 14, 2040//Saturday//

"Sasaki. All of the rooms here are just the same thing. Can we just skip this floor?" Raku asked.

"We can't. If we skip one of these rooms, who knows what we can miss inside."

Aside from the Cafeteria, we have been checking every corner in each classroom we entered, and all of them were identical to each other.

The bodies yesterday were nowhere to be found, and only the desks remained inside.

"Big sister, I'm hungry… Can we eat first?"

It's already 2:00 pm, and we are still stuck here on the first floor checking for every classroom.

I wonder how the others are doing.

"I guess we need to take a rest for a while."

"You are not going to eat, Sasaki?" Raku asked.

"I'm fine. I will go check the last three classrooms that we have not checked yet."

"Geez… Don't forget to take a rest."

I let the two of them eat their lunch first, and take a break. As for myself, I entered another classroom to check what was inside there.

"Sigh... still the same as the other ones."

It is identical to the other classrooms that we had entered a while ago. there was nothing in here as well.

The bodies are nowhere to be found, the place is clean, and there were no bloodstains around. I tried checking closely, to see if there are clues hidden that can help us for later.


I went to the other room, and it is the same as the other places over, and over again.

To be honest, I am also getting tired of checking each one of them. We have not found anything new yet and we are already finished on this floor.

"Sasaki, you should rest first. Come and join us." Raku said.

"After this final room."

I entered the last classroom here on the first floor, and just like the others, there is nothing.

But still, I am trying to be optimistic that I will find something here inside. I looked inside the teacher's desk, and tried to check the whole thing.


Surprised by what I found, there was a hidden compartment inside the drawer of this desk. I remembered checking the desks in the other rooms but this is the only desk that has a secret compartment.

There was a letter inside, and I checked what was written on it. Could this be a clue? Or maybe a way to get out of here. This will be great information for all of us.

"You're trying too hard, Kiyoko Sasaki. LOL!! - Ichi"


The letter I found was only a prank done by Ichi. It seems to be that he is aware that I will be trying to check every corner of each room.

This frustrates me at all, and I crumpled the letter Ichi wrote.

I left the room to take a break with Raku, and Kanade.

"I found a letter."

"Really what does it say?" Raku asked.

"Nothing. It's just a prank that Ichi pulled. He knows that I will be checking every corner of the rooms."

"Yikes! Talk about bad luck."

"Big sister, you should rest first. You look tired..."

"Thanks, Kanade."

I took a break with them and ate the dark chocolate that I picked at the cafeteria earlier.

"Is that chocolate bar enough for you, Sasaki?"

"It's fine. I usually eat dark chocolate when I am stressed out."

"You're right. You really look beautiful when you bite into that chocolate, Sasaki."


"Oww... I'm just kidding. Geez..."

As usual, Raku is always flirting with me, and at this point, I am getting used to it.

It is not really a big deal, and it's just his personality towards women. He also tells those kinds of things to Kanade and Ichika.

How lucky he is that the two of them had no intention of killing him.

We went upstairs to check the other rooms that we have yet to explore.

"First, we will go to the laboratory. Kanade, you are an expert in Biotechnology, right? Maybe there are things inside there that you can use for later."


We went inside, and Kanade was amazed by what she saw, like a girl who has been in the toy store for the first time.

"This is amazing… There is a lot of laboratory equipment here. Bunsen burners, calorimeters, reagent bottles. There are even a huge variety of chemicals, Potassium Dichromate, Nitric Acid, Acetic Anhydride, Sodium Hydroxide, there are a lot of possible combinations I can use with these things."

As expected from a person who is a genius in the field of Science. She might be the best in Biotechnology, and in Medicine, but she also knows a lot in every branch that Science has to offer.

"Ah! S-Sorry… I'm talking a lot again…" Kanade muttered.

"No, no, it's fine. I am happy that this room can be of use for you." Raku said.

"Yes… I will do my best to help everyone."

Kanade hasn't seen Shinsuke's body yet, but it is for the best if we do not tell her about it right now. I signaled Raku not to tell her about it.

"Should we go outside? There is nothing left that we can see here." Raku asked.

"The only places that we need to check are the classrooms on this floor and the gym. Raku, Kanade, both of you will check every classroom in this area. There are fewer classrooms here than downstairs. Both of you should be able to explore all of them. I will go to check the gym by myself."

"Big sister, are you going to be okay???"

"Don't worry, Kanade. I will be fine."

The two of them entered the first classroom they saw, and I entered the gym. Looking at it closely, the space here inside is enormous.

There is a basketball court and a workout room on the top where you can see the whole gym inside through the mirror.

I checked every corner inside the gym, and all I saw were dumbbells, treadmills, and other equipment for working out.

"Sigh... Nothing useful again."

I laid down in the middle of the court to think about a lot of things, and closed my eyes just to rest for a little bit.

"I'm tired."

I woke up, and the lights were already turned off. How long have I been asleep?

I looked at my phone, and it was already 3:00 am. This is bad. Did Raku, and Kanade forget about me?

I left the gym and searched the area carefully. My eyes can't see anything, and it's all pitch black in here.

I opened my phone to have some light, and then, I smelled a foul scent inside one of the classrooms. My whole body started trembling.

What could it possibly be?

I tried opening the door, and the stench got stronger. I walked around slowly, and stepped at something slimy. I pointed my phone at the thing that I stepped on, and what I saw was something really horrifying.


Both Kanade, and Raku's bodies were lying on the floor brutally murdered by someone. Raku's head was split open, and his stomach was opened up by a knife. Kanade's eyes were gouged out, her legs were all broken, and her whole body was messed up.

Who would do this? It is just the second day since we got here, and both of them were killed.

"Why? Why? WHO DID THIS?!"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********