The Origin Of Hagumi Megumin: Part 2

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

*Hagumi Megumin's POV*


Dad, everyone… I don't want to die...

Ichi who he calls himself God told us that we need to kill each other to get out of this place. A student named Shinsuke already died trying to fight him, but he was helpless, and we just saw something terrifying while he was begging for mercy.

The boy with the green hair, and the beautiful girl with long blue hair left. I do not want to be left with that hot-headed person so I left as well.


My stomach started growling. I looked at my phone to check the map Ichi gave us to know where the cafeteria is. If this is a university, there might be one inside.

"One floor below me…"

The cafeteria is on the first floor, and I went to where it is with the feeling of not knowing what to do next in this kind of situation. I went inside and saw the green-haired boy eating potato chips.

The beautiful long blue-haired girl is also there eating an orange here inside. Both of them kept their distance from each other and has this scary aura around them. They might be on alert because of what Ichi said to us earlier.

"I'm hungry…"

I saw another door and went inside. There is a kitchen with a lot of ingredients and cooking utensils. I wanted to cook something for my lunch, and gathered the ingredients I will use to cook my food.

"A knife..."

I hold the knife and remembered what Ichi told us that if we killed everyone here we, could go outside.

"Dad… Everyone… I will see you all again after this…"

My hands were trembling while holding the knife. I can't do this, I can't kill someone. No! I need to do this!!!


"Don't do it, Hagumi."

I heard a voice inside my head. It was my dad's voice who had spoken to me. I dropped the knife and started crying.

"Even if you are far away… You are still beside guiding me in the right way…"

I realized what I was about to do, and it made me think of the consequences of killing somebody.

I remembered what Kiyoko Sasaki told us a while ago in the gym.

"I know we can do it. I believe in these people."

I stood up and grabbed more ingredients for the dish that I will cook for lunch.

"Always remember, the people you are cooking for, people who are nice, who really appreciate the food you give them, those who act rude, and who are a pain to deal with, remember to give them the best dish you can make with a big cheerful smile on your face. As a chef, the greatest thing you can see from them are their smiles while enjoying the food that you put your whole heart and effort into the plate."

"Thanks, Dad…"

That's right I am a student in this school, but I am still a chef, and that will not change.

I cooked curry for three people. One for me, and the other two are for the two students that I met inside the cafeteria. The place we are in might be a tragedy for us.

But as a chef…

"Give them the best dish with a big cheerful smile on your face!"

I went outside the kitchen and placed the three curry dishes I made on the table. I called those two students who just finished what they were eating.

"Hey you two, how about we eat together for lunch? I guess the food you ate earlier was not enough."

"Hmph! Do you think we are going to believe in you? Maybe you put something on that plate that can poison us."

"Are you trying to kill us after what Ichi said? If that is what you want, then it's futile."

The two of them glared at me because of the food that I offered. It's normal for them to not trust me in this kind of situation since we just met, and because of what Ichi said to us earlier.

But I'm a chef. Rather than killing them, I want to help these people. I gave them a big smile and pulled them towards the table where I placed the curry dish that I made.

"Hey! What the fuck do you want?!"

"Now now, just eat what I made for you guys! I can guarantee you that this will taste delicious!"

"Well, it looks appetizing though."

"Hmph! That will probably kill us if we eat that shit."

I guess there is no other way to convince them, but I still need to find a way to help them.

"Then, I will do this!"

I switched the plate that the girl with the long blue hair had with my dish.

"Wait, W-What are you-."


I began eating the food that I made, and it really was delicious. This curry recipe was taught by my father. He said that every time someone eats the curry dish he made with that recipe, they forget about their problems, and eat all of it with a big smile on their face.

"I guess if she switched the plate, and was even desperate to make us eat it, then I have no choice. Besides, she really looks nice to all of us even before at the gym. Thanks for the food."

The boy with the green hair began eating the curry dish I made for them. After his first bite, he began chowing down on it quickly.

"Woah… This is good!"


The long blue-haired girl began eating the dish right away and started to quickly eat it also.


The three of us finished the food that I made, and they looked like they were really satisfied with the food that they ate.

"But... You can possibly kill someone with the food you just made if you want to kill someone… Then why won't you do it?" The girl with the blue hair asked.

"Just like what Kiyoko Sasaki said earlier, she believes in us that we will find a way to get outside of here without killing each other. Besides, I will never put something dangerous to the food that I made!"

"What's your name?" The boy with the green hair asked.

"Hagumi Megumin! Nice to meet you!"

I gave them a big smile on my face just like what my dad told me to do. Both of their frightening aurae disappeared and smiled at me as well.

//April 30, 2040//Monday//

"Megumin, I'm hungry. Is our breakfast not done yet?" Ichika asked.

"Not yet! I'm almost done plating!"

Dad, everyone, how are all of you? I hope you are doing well.

If you are wondering about me, then I'm fine, I have been friends with everybody. Well, I guess one student named Hyakuzawa still refuses to eat the food that I made, but that is okay. I will still try, and try to cook for him with a big smile on my face.

I left outside the kitchen and served everybody their breakfast.

"Megumin, your eyes really are burning with passion when it comes to cooking. You really put your heart, and soul into the food that you are making." Sasaki said.

Thank you to the chefs who have been treating me harshly when I am working. I have been cooking a lot of delicious dishes for everybody. And thank you for saving me when I was to the point of doing something terrible, Dad. I smiled at everyone who was eating the food I made and told them.


******** TO BE CONTINUED ********