Investigation Start!

*Kei Machida's POV*

//March 8, 2040//Thursday//

"Machida, I expect that you will solve something at Saitei University based on your intuition. I believe in you."

I am Kei Machida, 19 years old, and I am Japan's Greatest Detective. I have been solving different kinds of cases for a long time. There has been an issue where the cases I have handled in secret became a problem for the government. Who is the one doing all this? How is it possible that new, and veteran detectives have solved cases with the same level of difficulty? The government made a huge deal out of it, and as time passed by, I decided to show myself to the government admitting that I am the one responsible for all those cases.

"You don't have to tell me those things, old man. I just need this Student ID to get inside the university, and I will be on my way."

"Kei Machida! Do not talk that way to Prime Minister Kamiyama!"

"Now now, no need to make a big deal out of it. That is just how Machida acts."

I received the Student ID from Prime Minister Kamiyama and walked towards the exit. I have been investigating Saitei University for a while now, and I noticed something strange about that university. But the problem is, I do not have any evidence to prove that there is going to be something bad that will happen at that school.

Saitei University is a famous school where students become successful in their chosen fields. A university like that is not fishy at all from other people's perspectives, but when my intuition tells me that there is something suspicious in a place, I always try investigating it first, and all the time, my intuition is always 95% accurate.

I asked the Prime Minister to enroll me at Saitei University and explained to him my intuition about that school.

"Kei Machida! Come back here!"

An executive that has a close relationship with the prime minister suddenly pulled my collar from behind and glared at me. I quickly shoved his hand and frowned at him.

"Fuck off."


The executive rushed towards me and tried to punch me in the face. I blocked his punch, held his fist tightly, and kicked him on his belly. He collapsed with both of his knees down while vomiting on the floor.


I held his hair and gave him a terrifying gaze for trying to attack me.

"Listen here you piece of shit. I have a closer relationship with the old man than you maggot who has been only following orders for your whole life."

I shoved the Student ID that I received from Prime Minister Kamiyama into the executive's mouth. The executive was choking while I was doing that kind of thing, and his saliva was spreading around the hand that I used to push the Student ID inside his mouth.

"Here you fucking piece of shit. Do you think that you are better than me? Here, solve this investigation yourself. Come on, come on, COME ON!"

"Machida, that is enough."

The Prime Minister told me to stop, and I removed the Student ID that I was thrusting in his mouth. He began coughing and looked at me with those worthless eyes of his.

"I'll be taking my leave."


I ignored the executive and left the room. Tch, now my hands, and the Student ID are covered in filth.

Sometimes these people are a pain in the ass to deal with when I am talking with the Prime Minister. They were always spouting nonsense that I should learn to respect him since he is the president of Japan. So what if he is?

Does it have benefits if I respect someone like him?

That is right, in this world, all humans are tools that you can use to move forward. People mostly think that kind of thinking is absurd and abnormal for a person. But I am just thinking in a logical way of what relationships with humans truly are.

Is my way of thinking different? Don't make me laugh. We approach people so we can gain something from them. Even we need our family for the benefit of our future. So how am I different from the others? They are just denying the ugly fact that all of us are doing the same thing. That is how stupid people really are.

"So school starts next month huh?"

//April 9,2040//Monday//

I made some preparations for my investigation at Saitei University this past month. Observing the way the school runs was pointless. I haven't got any clues why my intuition tells me that something bad is going to happen this school year, and sometimes I have been doubting myself if I am crazy for suspecting a famous university.

"Sigh… Let us just wait, and see."

"Oh, Machida."

"Shinohara, What do you want?"

This is Mayu Shinohara, 18 years old. Just like me, she was found by the government because of her flawless hacking skills. She has been secretly infiltrating a lot of securities in the past to help the police in arresting criminals who are in control of the place. When she was discovered by the government, she agreed to help them if it meant helping more people against the crimes that are happening here in Japan.

"You are still cold when talking to others. I heard that you will be investigating Saitei University in the next few days as a student."

"Yes, I will. Now, if you don't have anything useful to say, I'll be taking my leave."

"Are you sure that I have nothing useful to say about that university?"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********