The People I Trust

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14/2040//Thursday//

Kei looked at me, and it feels like he was disappointed with the things I told him about them.

"What are you talking about, Kei?"

"Do you really think that those people do not have the slightest thought of doing the worst kind of thing in the situation we are in?"

"I observed them one by one, and I knew that all of the things they were saying did not have any malicious intent in it."

"I was also watching them one by one."

"Is that why you are quiet at that time?" I asked.

"Exactly, and it looks like I can't read a person's mind or how they feel just like what you are doing."

"Then why are you doubting them if I told you that they do not have any bad ideas in mind?"

"It's my intuition, Kiyoko. My intuition is telling me that one of those people is lying to us."

His intuition? I know that Kei is Japan's Greatest Detective, but isn't it that your intuition is something that you can't rely on always?

"Is this because of the huge amount of money Ichi told us about?" I asked.

"Hmm… Maybe?"

How suspicious is he of us? I was slightly annoyed with his answer, and I frowned at him.

"Don't underestimate us Kei. Just like what Ichika said, she is expecting us to find a better way to get out of this place. Money is not comparable to a living being."

Kei stood up from his place, and he is planning to go outside now. He looked at me once again with those cold eyes of his and said…

"Kiyoko, do not also underestimate money. Money is a powerful thing that can expose the ugly side of a person."

Kei left the cafeteria leaving me alone to think about the things he told me.

I know that Two Billion is a lot, but still, all of them had agreed that they wanted to find a better way of getting out without killing anyone. I also confirmed that they are sincere in helping us with our plan.

But why is it that Kei told me that one of them is someone who I needed to watch out for? If that is the case, is it really because of the money? But all of them had great talents. Is it really worth it to kill everyone for the money even if they are gifted people who can earn a living even at their age? But if what Kei said is right.

Who are the people I can trust?

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********