The Origin Of Yua Ichika: Part 4

Warning: This Chapter contains sexual content, violence, and other themes that may not be suitable for some readers.

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//November 12, 2029//Monday//



At first, I didn't have any idea what my parents were doing, but as time passes by I learned that they were having sex, and they were doing this kind of thing every day even if I am around.

I sneaked inside and went straight to my place where I was sleeping. I had a glance at what they were doing, and it is awful every time I witnessed my parents doing it.

"AAAAHH!!! YES!! MORE!!! GIVE ME MORE!!!" My mother screamed.


My parents are having sex not because they love each other, it's just because they wanted to satisfy their own pleasures without caring for one another.

My mother was a masochist. Every time she had sex with my father, she always has new bruises on her body, and she really liked it when my father violates her while they are having sex.

My father was always aroused every time he hurt my mother. My father finds pleasure in hurting others, and he was thrusting my mother like a pig.

A disgusting one.

"HAAAA… HAAA… One more time…" My father said.

The place where they were doing that kind of thing was sticky, and it released a foul smell. They didn't even care about the place that they were in. All they want is just to satisfy their own pleasure.

They really are terrible parents.

I entered our room and hid the sketchpad with the pencil that I got from the old man earlier. I walked to our cabinet to get some change of clothes, but then…


A bottle of alcohol fell and broke which got the attention of my parents. The two of them rushed quickly while naked, and my father was really furious about it.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YUA?!" My father angrily asked.

"I'm sorry father… The bottle of alcohol fell, and it crashed."


"No father… It's not your fault-."

My father pulled my hair, and he kicked me straight into my stomach once again.



"F-Father… It hurts…"

While my father was beating me up, he noticed that I was patched up, and my injuries were treated. That made him really furious. He punched me in the face, and I collapsed on the floor.

"Why are you all patched up? Did you spend money to treat yourself?" My father furiously asked.

"No… It's not like that-."


My father beat me up once again. He ripped the clothes that I am wearing and removed the band-aids that were patched up by the old man earlier.

He kicked me in the stomach, punched me all over the place, and pulled my hair like some piece of trash he just found in the slums. It hurts, it really hurts…

"Father… Please Stop…-"



The cuts I had that were treated earlier opened, and I was again bleeding on the floor. I am helpless, and I couldn't move my body anymore. I want someone to help me but there is no one who could do that.

My father sees me as a piece of shit, and my mother treats me like a nobody. A person who shouldn't even be born in the first place.

"Stop this. Let's just have fun again." My mother said.

"Tch! Let's go."

The two of them returned to the other room, and I could hear their moans once again while I was here on the floor crying.

I crawled slowly to the futon where I hid the sketchpad earlier and curled up like a caterpillar. It was cold, I am naked, and my whole body was in pain. I am bleeding all over the place, but I can't do anything about it, because I don't have any energy left to move.


I closed my eyes and hoped that I could sleep in this terrible atmosphere that I am in. This day was really dreadful, but at the same time, I was kind of happy about it. I got beaten up by my own father, but I also got to meet someone who treats me nicely. I can't wait for a new day, I am excited to meet that old man again.

It was because of him, that I found something that I can love. The interest in making different kinds of clothes.

That is something that I never thought that I would put my heart into.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********