What I Can Do

*Ryo Asahi's POV*

//July 8, 2040//Sunday//

"Where is Ichika?"

After I asked that question to the four of them, they remained silent with a concerned look on their faces. Based on their reactions, it seems to me that aside from Sasaki, and Machida, they already knew Ichika was the culprit.

"Oi! I'm asking you guys where Ichika is!"

I got frustrated and immediately got up from my bed. Everyone is startled, but they still do not have a response to my question which made me much more annoyed.

I am really worried about her.

"Calm down, Asahi."

Machida called me out when he entered the clinic with a calm look on his face.

"Kei, Did you find where Ichika is?" Sasaki asked.

"I don't have a clue. I looked everywhere, and she was nowhere to be seen."

There was a short silence inside after Machida told us that he couldn't find Ichika anywhere.

"It is highly likely that Ichika is inside her room." Sasaki said.

After I heard that from Sasaki, I got out of bed, but I suddenly collapsed since my body was really weak with all these painful things that I was feeling all over my body.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Asahi." Megumin said.

"I NEED TO!!!"

I shoved Megumin's hand, who was holding my arm when I stood up and walked while I was dizzy. My eyesight was really fuzzy, and my stomach was rumbling intensely.

But, the only thing that is in my mind right now is Ichika. I was about to collapse once again, but someone caught me.

"Are you an idiot or what? You can't walk by yourself in your condition."

Machida gave me a helping hand and placed my arm on his shoulders to support me. It wasn't just me who was surprised by his actions, but everybody else was too.

Who would have thought that Machida will help me with something this stupid from his perspective?

"Why the hell are you helping me?" I asked.

"I just wanted to. Now shut up before I change my mind."

My mouth kept shut, and just gave a huge sigh beside him. Then, I heard Raku burst out laughing out loud followed by Sasaki who was chuckling because of Raku's laughter

"Go, and talk to her now, Asahi."

Sasaki patted my head, and when I faced behind them she was smiling. I was a little confused by the sudden change in the atmosphere.

"Don't worry dude, we are also worried for Ichika. Right, Megumin?"

I looked at Megumin when Raku asked her about it, but Megumin's face still remained worried.

"I kind of understand why Ichika tried to poison me a few days ago. But, you shouldn't push yourself too hard as well. Everyone was really worried about you, especially Kanade."

I looked at Kanade, and she was starting to tear up. From the reactions of Kanade, and Megumin it seems like Sasaki, and Machida didn't tell anything about Ichika's past.

I was glad they didn't. Kanade walked straight in front of me and grabbed my shirt gently while looking down.

"I-I know I can treat everybody's injuries. If they are sick, or when they are in a terrible situation, I will try my best to save that person. B-But Please take care of yourself, I am still a human, and there is only a limited amount of things I know to save someone's life. I-I do not know everything."

It was not because they knew who the culprit was the reason they looked so worried earlier. They were worried because I might be rash with my actions, and will get me into huge trouble.

Kanade, and Megumin has a point. Who knows what will happen next if I try talking to Ichika. If we were to be realistic with the situation, she might kill me as soon as she opens the door. But, I still need to talk to her.

"Thank you, Kanade, Megumin. I am really sorry as well."

I patted Kanade's head, and I could feel her Rabbit Ears twitching when I touched her. Kanade was shorter than me, and I can really feel that she was worried about me the whole time.

"Just don't do anything rash, Asahi. We will watch you just in case something happens."

Sasaki held both of my hands like a mother taking care of her son. She looked at me and smiled like how the sun shone.

"But, we trust that you can help Ichika with what she is facing right now."

I smiled back at them and left the room with Machida supporting me. Raku was right when I talked to him, I may be the only one who can understand what Ichika is dealing with, and I am the only one who she is relying on. I want to meet her right now. I want to help Ichika.

I want to help that person who is special to me.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********