All Thanks To You

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//July 8, 2040//Sunday//

"Even if I was a prostitute?"

"I still love you…"

"Even if I have a terrible life?"

"I still love you…"

"Even If I have treated you badly?

"I still love you…"

"Even if I tried to kill you?"

"I still love you, Yua…"

How can this man love me so much? I had been too cruel, I also tried to kill him. So why? When Asahi confessed his feelings for me, I thought that telling him all my bad sides would waver his love for me. But, he didn't.

Without hesitation, he was assuring me that he really loves me. I can feel it. All of the things Asahi was saying were true. It was genuine.

He was the first person who truly loved me for who I am.

"I-I don't deserve this… I was used to being treated like shit in my whole life…"

Asahi pushed me away gently and looked at my crying face. He patted my head and smiled.

"What are you talking about, Yua? You deserve to be treated right."

The moment Asahi said that to me, I couldn't stop hiding my emotions anymore. I hugged him back again, and let my tears flow just the way it is. I stopped acting when Asahi told me that I also deserved to be treated right just like any human being would.

I stopped showing the fake me and showed my true self to this man who loved me from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry, Asahi…"

Asahi hugged me back tightly. His body was warm, and the anxiety I felt suddenly turned into comfort.

"I told you, it's alright, Yua."

I looked at his face from above and smiled at him gently.

"Seriously. Calling me by my first name the moment you confessed your feelings to me."

"Well, you are someone special to me."

I blushed instantly and bowed my head to avoid eye contact.

"Umm… If you are uncomfortable with it, I can stop-."


I hugged Asahi firmly, burying my face in his chest.

"I like it."

Every time someone calls me by my first name, I am afraid. The people who kept calling me Yua treated me horribly.

My father, the people who I had sex with, and Enji, I hated it when they call me by my first name. But Asahi, when he called me by my first name. I was blissful.

"By the way Yua, I promised you, didn't I? If we ever get out of this place, live with me, and I will support you."


"Let's have a normal life when we get out of here, Yua."

I nodded my head in a response to what Asahi said. But, even if we are in this situation inside Saitei University, I realized that being with you feels like home already to me.

Even if I was harsh to you, even if we argue all the time, that was the first time that I felt something normal in my life. I was really grateful.

I am happy that you love me for who I am.


"What is it?"

I stopped hugging him and twirled my hair around avoiding his gaze while pouting my mouth.

"I-I will help everyone… S-So you can trust me that I will really do my best so we can all get out of this place… You got that?!"

I realized that I am back to being stingy again in front of others. It was something that I really can't change in myself, and I think this attitude of mine is the only thing that was true to me. Asahi chuckled a bit and looked me in the eyes.

"Thank you, Yua."

"I-I'm the one who should say that to you!"

Asahi laughed again at my response, and I also chuckled a bit. I am grateful to this man, and maybe, I should be thankful to everyone here inside who treated me nicely.

At this moment, my mindset changed. I should focus on the people who are with me in this present time, and not on those who I met, those who treated me poorly in my past life. Yua, I think you now realize that you deserve to have these people who treat you right.

And it's all thanks to you, Asahi.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********