Another Nightmare

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//July 16, 2040//Monday//

The last time I had a nightmare was when Kanade and Raku explored the place with me, and when I suddenly slept on the floor inside the Gym. The darkroom that I was in was just exactly like the elevator that Kei and I were in. No, maybe larger than that.

It was cold, and my breathing was getting heavier. I am well aware that all of this is just another nightmare.



Silhouettes of people started appearing one after another calling me a murderer, and some were blaming me that I ruined their life.

"This is just a dream. A dream. This is just a dream."

I kept on murmuring to myself that I am just dreaming. I tried pulling my hair down hoping to wake up from this nightmare, but it was futile.

"You are the reason people like us ended up dead!"

"You are taking advantage of your talents for the worse!"

"This is just a dream, a dream, a dream, a dream."

Even if I was aware of it, my mind can't handle the curses that people I do not know kept telling me. I was going crazy and collapsed on the floor.


I kept on banging my head on the floor while hurting myself with my own two hands. I tried clenching my chest with my hand like I wanted to rip my heart out. I was desperate to wake up.

But I really can't.


Suddenly, I heard the voices of two people who I do not know of. A man, and a woman. Someone reached their hand in front of me, and I held it. It was really warm, and I felt comfortable when I held this person's hand.

When I looked at those two people that called me by my first name, tears suddenly fell from my eyes, and I uttered these words thoughtlessly.

"Mom? Dad?"

I do not know who these people are. Someone told me that my parents died in a car crash. I do not know what my parent's faces are, or what kind of people they are. But, my heart was screaming that these are my parents.

"Kiyoko… We-."

The silhouettes who were cursing at me earlier pulled these two people away from me.

"No… Don't leave me!"

I was scared at that moment. I tried holding both of their hands so they would not get taken away. But, more hands started appearing one after another pulling my parents away from me. They were too strong, and my hands started to let go of them, swallowing those two into darkness.

"We are sorry…"

Those were the last words my parents said to me while they were being swallowed into darkness. My mind lost it, and I kept on crying. Even if that was the first time I saw those two people, it felt like two of the most important people in my life vanished.

People who I do not know still cursed me like there was no tomorrow as they took away my parents. I was there curling myself like a ball enduring what these people were telling me. I was losing it, I was losing it!

How many times have I heard their curses? I am fed up. I don't want to hear these things anymore!

This nightmare was the worst one I have ever experienced, and it broke me.

Why? Why..?

Why am I having these kinds of dreams?

What did I even do wrong?

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********