Brains Vs Brawns: Part 2

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//July 17, 2040//Tuesday//

Hyakuzawa moved a little bit, and he suddenly disappeared. I quickly realized that he was about to strike, and took a small step backward.

Hyakuzawa immediately appeared right in front of my face and grabbed my collar with his right hand forcefully.

I got caught, and he is going to kill me!

That is what Hyakuzawa probably might be thinking right now, but what I did is intentional.

In a fight, if a desperate person hasn't hit his opponent once, they would most likely want to put their opponent in one place so they can beat them up with ease.

It's like the same situation that the two of us are in. If I tried to shove his attacking arm or dodge to create a distance between the two of us, then we would just be doing the same thing over, and over again, and I would lose in a battle of stamina against him. But, if I give him an opening to attack me.

Then that would give me a chance to strike back.

I deliberately took a small step backward where Hyakuzawa could still reach me. If I was Hyakuzawa or what most people would do, when you can't hit your opponent but you know that you can reach them, you would usually grab that person so that they can't escape from you.

That is exactly what happened, and it was my plan all along to taunt him.


Just as I predicted, Hyakuzawa threw my light body up in the air. He probably had an intention of slamming my body to the ground so I will be locked into place.

While I was in midair, I swiftly turned my whole body around with force so that I could escape from Hyakuzawa's grip.


People usually pull themselves away from their enemies when they are grabbed. But instead of pulling away, the best thing a person should do is to twist your whole body around so that they will lose their grip instantly when they are holding you.


Just as I expected, Hyakuzawa couldn't believe that I escaped from his grip.

I landed smoothly behind his back, and before he could hit me again, I will use this timeframe to counterattack.



When Hyakuzawa turned around immediately to face me, I used that as an opportunity and kicked him in the groin which would definitely give him excruciating pain.


Even if you are the strongest man in the world, when you get kicked in the groin, your body would instinctively bend down a little while tightening your body on the source of pain so that you can try to lessen the pain.

That is what human instincts are, and nobody can stop doing it even if you wanted to.

Because of our height difference, and how tall Hyakuzawa is, when he bends down because of the pain, that gave me a chance to hit him around the face since that gave me a better reach.

I clenched my right fist firmly and threw a powerful punch directly on his chin.


Hitting someone on the prone parts of a human body would most likely knock them out so I aimed directly at Hyakuzawa's chin.

But that didn't work.


He endured the damage then I noticed Hyakuzawa's left fist flying towards me. Because I saw it late, I used my right arm to block it.


A loud cracking sound was produced when his fist came in contact with my arm. I could hear my bones breaking, and that gave me an agonizing pain from his attack.

There was no time to scream at all from the pain that I got.


Hyakuzawa immediately screamed, and swung his right fist directly at my face.


I quickly crouched down, and his right fist landed straight on the wall leaving a huge crack on it. But that didn't bother me at all.

Even a millisecond, I need to use it to my advantage. Don't lose focus…




I quickly used my left fist to punch him directly at the brachial plexus on the right side of his body. The brachial plexus is located at the shoulder, and if it is hit by someone with a powerful impact, it can cause weakness, and numbness, and could even lose the function of the arm near the brachial plexus for some time.

I can only do these things because you are here, Kanade. I'll trust the treatment later, and I'll take responsibility for my actions.


Just as I expected, Hyakuzawa's right arm couldn't move at all, and that would give me time to attack him.

This time I'll make him unconscious.

I noticed Hyakuzawa panicking, and I used that to my advantage. Because of how short our distance is, I am about to use my knee to hit him directly on his chin again since a kick is more powerful than a punch.

But then…


I suddenly heard a loud static sound of electricity, and the lights turned off. It was pitch black, and I could hear a familiar voice that was laughing from somewhere.


It's a voice that I haven't heard in a while, that sinister voice full of malevolence. I realized right away from the sudden turning off of the lights, that only one person can do this.

It was Ichi himself.


He was probably spectating the whole thing from the start, and because Hyakuzawa was starting to lose, he destroyed my momentum from attacking him.

I quickly put a far distance between Hyakuzawa, and me since I can't see my surroundings.


Ichi closed the only exit inside this room so the light wouldn't pass through here coming from the outside, and the only thing I can see is the darkness in the area. I couldn't see anything at all, and I felt cold because of the atmosphere. I started sweating, and became nervous over time.


I took a deep breath, exhaled, then closed my eyes. If I can't see a thing it is better to close my eyes, and concentrate on my surroundings rather than panicking.

There was only silence, and the only thing I can base on Hyakuzawa's whereabouts is the cold breeze of air that is around me. I only need one sudden change of air to locate his location. I need to concentrate.


I noticed an attack similar to Hyakuzawa's punches straight towards my head, dodged it quickly, then opened my eyes.

Another reason why I closed my eyes in this darkness is so that I can see better in the dark when I open them since my eyes will adapt to the darkness.

I expected Hyakuzawa to be in front of me But…

I didn't see him at all.


When I looked behind me to see what that noise was. I saw the hand of the mannequin that crashed on the floor. No way?! Could it be that?!


When I looked back again in front, I saw Hyakuzawa then he threw a punch straight into my stomach.


His punch made me cough up blood, and I collapsed on the floor. Damn it I didn't notice it.

Because Hyakuzawa's body was full of stimulants, he probably has more awareness than I do, and heard my breathing even if I was careful. He then threw a mannequin hand straight at me that feels exactly like his punch as a disguise so that he can close the gap between us.

Damn it!



Hyakuzawa grabbed my neck and slammed me directly to the floor. I could feel my body getting numb from that one slam, and the pain that I received from my stomach earlier is still hurting.


The lights suddenly turned on, and I could see Hyakuzawa in front of me with a terrifying smile on his face.


He started choking me with those hands of his while tightening his grip. My windpipe is getting crushed, and I couldn't breathe at all.

Hyakuzawa sat on my body so that I couldn't move because of his weight, and the only thing I could do was to look directly at his face which shows how delighted he is by his own achievement of catching me.

"I finally caught you…"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********