Tell Me

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//July 17, 2040//Tuesday//


Hyakuzawa yelled like it was his last words to me. He lifted his right fist up in the air, and he was about to punch me in the face with it with all his might.

Don't lose consciousness, Kiyoko Sasaki. Endure the pain!



Hyakuzawa punched me straight into my face, and it felt like I was crushed by a large chunk of steel that was heavier than me.

My head was spinning, and I could hear a lot of ringing coming from my ears. I couldn't see clearly, and the only thing that I could see was a foggy scene in my eyes.

I couldn't see well, my head hurts, I can't breathe, and my body was shaking a lot. I know myself that another punch from him will kill me.



I grasped his right hand with my two hands before he could even lift another punch.

There is a moment where your fist will relax a bit after striking something, and that happens in just a second. That is why I must not waste even a millisecond after I received that direct hit from Hyakuzawa even if it gave a lot of damage.



I pulled his hand in front of my mouth and bit him on the back of his hand like I was ripping through a piece of raw steak with my teeth.



I tore a piece of Hyakuzawa's flesh from his hand, and he immediately removed his grip from my neck. What I did gave him this unbearable pain as I looked at him trying to stop the bleeding by holding his right hand with his other hand.

Now! This is my chance!


I used all of my strength to push Hyakuzawa away by targeting his stomach with my right leg, and he collapsed away from me.

I slowly stood up straight, but my body wouldn't listen to me. My body kept on swaying around, and my head was spinning. I was on the verge of collapsing to the ground.


I spitted the flesh on the ground that I ripped apart from the back of Hyakuzawa's hand earlier and rubbed the blood from my mouth.

It was repulsive. The chewy texture of Hyakuzawa's flesh with the blood, and the hair from his skin that is inside my whole mouth. It was disgusting, and I spit it away.

My throat feels heavy every time I want to take a breath. But instead of breathing normally, blood is all that I could taste.

Hyakuzawa stood up in front of me, and he was in the same state as I am. He was enduring the pain in his right hand with blood flowing throughout his arm.

He was making a lot of grunting noises, and his body was also swaying aimlessly.

I wanted to beat him, but at the same time, I wanted to reach his heart because of all the things he had suffered. I remembered something about what Kei said to me.

"Ichika and Hyakuzawa have been through a lot in the past that involved different kinds of shitty people that they encountered in their life. But the two of them are entirely different. Ichika wants someone to help her, and she is waiting for that right person to reach her heart even though she is pushing that person away."

And that is what exactly happened. Asahi was the one who had successfully helped Ichika in that way. But…

"But Hyakuzawa is different. After what happened to him. He abandoned his trust in everyone he met in his life. That is how cruel people treated Hyakuzawa in the past."

When I heard that from Kei, I wondered. How can I convince someone like Hyakuzawa who thinks to himself that there is no person inferior to him? How can I make him listen to me? And with a lot of thinking. There is one conclusion that I have thought of.

It's to show Hyakuzawa that I am on equal terms with him. I need to make him see that I am not some person he can dominate or someone who he can fuck with.

And that is the reason why I decided that even if I have a huge disadvantage against him in a fistfight, I need to show him that someone like me wants to help the situation that he was in.

Not an inferior human being who keeps on getting jealous of his talents. Not a superior human being who will do everything just to destroy what he is building for his future.

But as an equal who wants to help him to show again the way to a bright future that is waiting for him.

Even if my throat hurts, and my windpipe is crushed. I tolerated the pain, and took a deep breath. Even if it is impossible for me to produce a loud voice. I still pushed myself to the limit just so that I could reach out to him.


I started tearing up because of the pain that is coming from my windpipe.

It felt like the injury on my throat was expanding quickly when I was trying to speak up, and my tears mixed up with the blood that I got from Hyakuzawa's attack earlier. I couldn't count the things that I am trying to endure right now.

All I wanted to do is to reach out to this guy who has been suffering, and who has lost a bright future ahead of him.

"SHUT UP!!!"

Without hesitation, Hyakuzawa rushed forward towards me with his clenched right fist that was coated with blood that was aiming right at me.


Hyakuzawa's punch was floppy and predictable. I easily dodged it to the left, grasped my left fist, and threw a heavy punch straight to his jaw.


His head flew away from me, but he immediately recovered from it and was about to face me once again.

But before he could fight back against me again, I braced myself for my next attack and held his shoulders with my hands.


When he recovered, and when his face was looking towards me. I gave him a really hard headbutt in the forehead and yelled as loudly as I could just to beat some senses out of him.


I gave my full strength on that headbutt, and he suddenly collapsed on the floor after our foreheads collided. When I looked at Hyakuzawa, his forehead was bright red, and he was also covered with his own blood because of the strikes that I have been doing to him right from the start of our fight.

Hyakuzawa was now lying on the floor unconscious.

"Huff… Huff…"

I was also exhausted, and I can finally let my guard down. I couldn't see him moving another muscle, and he was not acting in that state just to deceive me.

I have finally beaten him…


I couldn't endure the dizziness anymore, and I also crumpled down on the floor.

I looked at his unconscious body beside me, and my sight started to get fuzzy until I couldn't see anything anymore. I slowly closed my eyes, and then I realized that I was knocked out cold as well.

I will put my trust in Kanade, and the others that they will do something so that the two of them will be treated right away.

But what I really do hope for is for Hyakuzawa to listen to me after this fight is over.

I hope that I have proven myself to this one-of-a-kind human person and that I am standing on equal ground with him. But, He needs to realize that he is not the only one who is the best here in this country.

The people here who are still alive are called the best of the best just like him.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********