The Origin Of Joichiro Hyakuzawa: Part 3

*Joichiro Hyakuzawa's POV*

//March 14, 2036//Friday//

Ten days ago, I turned 17, and this is our last day in school.

As for Rui, she turned 14 last month. Their school year ended a week ago, and she graduated from middle school.

Now, she is applying for a scholarship in Kendo in our school when she goes to high school.

I asked her if she needed any help, but she told me that she can work on it by herself.

Most of our classmates left the room after we celebrated the last day that we will be together since who knows who will be classmates next year.

Some of the girls were almost finished planning the things that they wanted to do as soon as they left the school campus.

There is also us hanging out inside with Souta who entered our classroom earlier.

The five of us were about to leave the room to play basketball when Asami suddenly called me.


The Five of us stopped walking, and our attention went to Asami who was standing up.

"U-Umm… Can you stay for a while?"

There was a huge silence for a few seconds then right after, Itsuki, and Daisuke chuckled behind me.

"On second thought, go home without us, Joichiro. We will be going on ahead." Daisuke said with a smirk on his face.

"Huh? I thought we were going to celebrate and go get some sukiyaki-."



"Come on! let's go let's go!" Daisuke said while covering Genkei's mouth.

The four of them went outside leaving me, and Asami inside the room.

What's their deal?

But I suddenly realized what kind of situation I am in. Is my crush going to…

N-No way!

I walked towards Asami, and she did the same thing. The two of us were standing in the middle of the classroom, and Asami who was in front of me was avoiding eye contact with me.

Her face was red, and she was quivering a little. I gulped down my throat and started to get tense as well because of the awkward silence between us.



Crap, we talked synchronously with each other.

My face was getting red as well because of the embarrassment. I scratched my head and looked away.

This is so awkward…


I looked at Asami once again, and she was still looking down.

"W-Would you like…"

Asami was speaking softly, and I couldn't hear what she was saying. All I could hear is her mumbling while fidgeting with her fingers.

"A-Are you okay, Asami?" I asked with a worried look on my face.

"Would you like to hang out with me?"

The sound of the wind blew past us as soon as Asami asked me that question, and my heart skipped a bit.

"S-Sure…" I said.

"N-No! I mean like! No! It feels like hangout is a term that only boys use. No! Umm!!! Aaaaaaahh…"

Asami's words were all over the place, and I don't know how to react. I mean if she wants to hang out sometimes, I'm good with it.

The two of us know each other well since we were in middle school, and we have been helping each other as classmates.

Hanging out as friends is not a big deal for me. I really appreciate it since we are not given the opportunity to hang out even if we have known each other for a while.

I think I was overthinking things. No way would my crush have the same feelings as I have towards me. Just play it cool, Joichiro. At least she wants to hang out with you.

"We have known each other since middle school, Asami. Sure we can hang out-."

"No, it's not that!"

I shut my mouth and gulped once again. Asami took a deep breath, and for once, she looked me in the eyes.

"I like you, Joichiro Hyakuzawa… Will you go out with me?"


This was the last day of school. I could hear the other students cheering merrily outside, and the wind blowing everywhere in one direction. The sunset radiates inside the room where the two of us are in. The vibrant orange sun kissed on Asami's face when she confessed her feelings to me.

That's right, this girl who I know for a long time. The girl who I like since middle school confessed her feelings to me on the last day of school.

My heart skipped a beat once again, and I started heating up. I was nervous, and my answer will decide everything.

There are times when I want to know more about Asami, but because of practice, I can't. That made me treat her only as a classmate because I didn't have a choice even though I want to know her better.

She was the only person I am willing to help immediately. She was also the one who I am paying attention to all the time. I thought that is the only way I can express my feelings to her.

"I-I know that I am just a plain girl… I'm sorry.-"

I quickly embraced her and smiled.

"You're not just a plain girl."

I liked Asami for a long time, but I realized that just I kept on making excuses. Maybe this is that opportunity that was given to us to know each other.

"I also want to know you better, Asami."

Her face was red like a tomato, and she jumped a bit because of my answer.


"Yeah! Let's go out together."

I gave her a big smile, and she replied back with a gentle smile as well.

And that is how my relationship with Asami started.

"Here is fine, Joichiro. Thank you for walking with me on my way home."

After Asami's confession, the two of us left the school, and I walked with Asami on her way home.

"Sure! No problem!" I replied back.

"Umm… I'm sorry for taking your time, Joichiro."

She is still nervous as usual. Hmm, as her boyfriend what should I do? Ermm… This is my first time having a girlfriend, so what to do…



I gave Asami a kiss on the cheek, and I was shaking after I did that to her. Geez, what am I doing? this is so embarrassing. If Rui sees this she will tell me how cringy I am for sure. But of course, I shouldn't show any discomfiture to my girlfriend.

"Don't worry about it too much, Asami! I'll be going!"

With a smile on her face, she gave me a farewell, as soon as I walked away.

"Take care, Joichiro!"

I waved goodbye to her and went straight home.

Damn, I must say how great this day is. We had a good basketball match earlier with my teammates, and I said my goodbyes to all of my classmates cheerfully. And lastly, the person who I liked since middle school is now my girlfriend.

But when I entered our house, Rui rushed straight and hugged me.

"Big Bro!!!"

She was crying, and I panicked right away.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********