The Origin Of Joichiro Hyakuzawa: Part 8

*Joichiro Hyakuzawa's POV*

//August 22, 2036//Friday//

Four months have passed since our school year started, and it is also when Ken Yamazaki started to be a student here.

"You're so smart, Ken! Congratulations!"

"Can you teach me this subject later, Ken?"

Ken became a popular student not only in our class but the whole school because of his performance. Not only is he charismatic just like the other Yamazaki members of his family, but he also has outstanding grades.

"Hahahaha! It's not a big deal at all! I can teach you next time!"

"Kyaaaaah!!! Thank you!!!"

The girls are crazy over Ken. He was the most handsome here in the school, and because of his humble, calm approach to the ladies, he became popular in just a short amount of time.

Break time has started, and everyone started leaving to go to the cafeteria.

"Are you leaving, Asami?"

"Yeah, I still need to do a lot of things. But once I am done, I'll be going to the library to study."

Asami has been elected as the Class Representative again because she is known in the school to do well with it. She didn't mind being the representative for this school year again, and she thinks that this is a great opportunity to be more responsible.

And when she is done with her duties as the Class Representative, she usually goes to the library to study, and prepare for her College exams soon.

"Do you need any help?" I asked her.

"Oh, it's fine! I just need to check on something at the faculty."

"Alright then, take care!"

"Umm, Joichiro? If you want you can visit me later at the library if you have the time." Asami said while twirling her hair.

"I will!"

When Asami left the room, I focused my attention on these three who were bitterly staring at us earlier.

"Sigh… Must be nice to be a couple."

"Yeah… I hope I can get a girl like Asami too, Daisuke." Itsuki said



I held Itsuki, and Daisuke's head, then collided their heads with each other.

"Seriously, what is it with you guys? You'll meet the love of your life soon. Don't rush it!"

"HAAAAH?! Easy for you to say, Joichiro!"

"Daisuke… Right…" Genkei said.

Sigh… What am I going to do with these idiots?

While we were arguing as friends against each other. Souta came inside and approached us.

"Hello Everyone!"


"Hehehehe, I'm fine! Want to get some food together?"


"Hey there!"

As I was about to speak, Ken approached us, and waved his hand with a smile on his face.

"OHHH!!! KEN!!! Want to join us? We are planning to get something to eat."

"Oh about that, Itsuki. I was planning to treat you guys to some lunch."


Daisuke hugged Ken like he was his god or something since Ken is treating him to some food.

Ken isn't just popular with the girls but the boys as well. He was really flexible when talking with other people, and he can easily fit in. My teammates even took a liking to him when he started approaching them one week after the school year has started.

"Ok then let's go!" I said.

"Oh, about that, Joichiro. I only have money for the four of them."


"Well, I thought you are always with Asami so I thought you don't want to hang out with the guys."

Ken was staring at me like he was looking at someone who was inferior to him. With the guys? Are you serious? Do you think that you are close to my friends in just four months?

My blood started to boil. Maybe it was jealousy? But, that's not it. Yes, he was nice to everyone. But for some reason…

I feel like this guy has a fucking problem with me.

"Well, Ken has a point. Maybe he just didn't expect you to hang out with us today, Joichiro."

Daisuke was right. Ever since I started going out with Asami, I am trying to balance my relationship with my friends, and my girlfriend. Calm down, Joichiro. Don't jump to conclusions.

"That's right, Joichiro. Maybe next time!"

"Oh… Yeah…"

That was my only response to what my friends just said before they left the room leaving me alone inside.

"I guess I'll go check on Asami then."

I went to the library to find my girlfriend. Asami said that she will be staying here when she was done with her duties.


I saw Asami sitting at the further corner of the library reading a book. I sneaked towards her, and gave Asami a big hug.



Asami got startled and covered her mouth when she realized that we are in a library. I sat down beside her, and looked at what she is doing.

"Are you studying for your College Exams?"


Asami gave me a thumbs up with a tired look on her face. Eyebags were starting to form under her eyes, and I noticed that she looks sleepy all the time whenever I see her.


I patted her head, and looked directly at her eyes.

"You should also rest. Don't push yourself."

"Sigh… I just want to pass this."

"You will! Don't worry! Besides, if you want to pass, you also need to rest. It's like a package."

"Hahahaha. Well, You're right."

Asami closed the book that she was reading, and started stretching.


She gave a long soft sigh, removed her glasses then rested her chin on the table.


She really is cute.

"Hey, I thought you were going with your friends?" Asami asked when she looked at me.

"Umm… About that…"

I told Asami everything that happened after she left the room.

"Joichiro, can I say something to you?"

"Hm? What is it?"

Asami sat up straight, and looked at me.

"You should spend more time with your friends than me."

"H-Huh? What are you talking about, Asami?"

I was nervous when she told me that I should hang out more with Daisuke, and the others.

Maybe I was terrified of the fact that Asami might want to break up with me.

But as soon as I have those thoughts, Asami held my hand, and her warmth calmed me down for a second.

"This is your last year here, and you should cherish your friends."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Friends come, and go. That's why you should spend more time with them when there is still time."

I thought about what Asami just said to me. But still…

"But how about you? I want to spend more time with you."

I still want to spend some time with my girlfriend. Asami is someone special to me.

She nodded at my question, and gave me a smile.

"I will also get busy with my studies. Besides, we can still hang out anytime we want when the two of us are free."


"I will be going to college, and you will be joining the NBA G League overseas next year. We should focus on our future, and go forward with life whatever happens. I am telling you this as your girlfriend that's why you need to live your last year in high school to the fullest."

Her words struck my heart because what she was saying is true. But for some reason, tears started flowing on my face.

"But… That's why I want to spend more time with you… I'm leaving Japan next year, and I wouldn't be able to see you…"

"What are you talking about, Joichiro Hyakuzawa?"

Asami wiped my tears using her handkerchief, and she gently smiled at me.

"I'm not your friend. I am your lover. I will stay by your side always. You will be in my heart wherever you are on this planet."

It might seem cheesy, but that kind of assurance delighted me. She held my cheeks gently with her hands, and I rested my face on her palm.


"Besides, we can still call each other even if you are in a different country. Don't worry, Joichiro, when I save up some money, I will go to whatever country you are in, and I'll plan on working there so we can be together.

While Asami was saying a lot of things about our future, I remembered what Rui said to me four months ago.

"Be proud that you are going out with someone beautiful like her."

You are right, Rui. I'm really proud that Asami Ueda is my girlfriend.


"What is it?"

"Can you slouch a little? You're too tall."

I did what Asami told me to do, and what she did is something that I didn't expect.


She kissed my forehead, and I started blushing right after she did that. Her face was also red as a tomato, but she looked at me with those passionate eyes of her for me, and a gentle yet delightful smile on her face.

"I love you."

She said those words that are full of sincerity. I smiled back at her and replied to what she just said.

"I love you too, Asami."

Asami was right, I need to hang out with my friends more. This is my last year in high school, and I need to have fun while it lasts.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********