The Origin Of Joichiro Hyakuzawa: Part 10

*Joichiro Hyakuzawa's POV*

//August 22, 2036//Friday//

"I know everything about you, Joichiro. I have the power to crush you."

That's right, he was a Yamazaki. That's the only reason I need to know that what he is saying is true. I was angry, and I want to punch this guy.

But I was afraid.

It feels like I was dancing around Ken's palm. If I do something that he will not like, my future is ruined. No, my life will be ruined.

He has that power. He will destroy me.

"Now then, Joichiro. Since you lose, you will obey all the things that I will tell you to do."

"What the fuck are you talking about?! I won that match!"

"Ohhh??? But I am always the winner, and trashes like you are losers in the first place. The match has been decided that I am the winner before we even began."

Huh? What the fuck is this guy saying?

"Am I right, everyone?"

"Trashes like you don't deserve to be a winner." Itsuki said.

"Ken-senpai was the winner in that match. Are you stupid?"


"What are you talking about, Joichiro."


"Are you crazy?" Ken said with a scornful look on his face.

A-Am I the one who is crazy? No, I won that match. So why should I do everything he tells me? This is insane…



As soon as I was about to punch Ken, I remembered that he was holding onto my life. At that moment, I was scared to fight back. His face was annoying to look at, he was belittling me, he was taunting me, but I couldn't do anything. I don't want my life to be in ruins.

"Why… Why are you doing this to me?"

Instead of anger, I was like pleading for mercy for an answer to why Ken is doing this to me.

"Hey, guys! Can you go outside for a moment?"

"Eehh?! This idiot might do something to you." Daisuke said.


"HAHAHAHA! Don't worry guys. He wouldn't lay a finger at me."

Ken walked again towards me, held my chin then creepily smiled at me.

"Am I right, Joichiro?"

It was a suffocating situation, but I just nodded, and stayed quiet.

Just like what Ken told them to do, the four of them left leaving the two of us inside the court.

"Are you asking me why I am doing this to you? It's simple, Joichiro."


I was frozen in place, and I couldn't talk back to him at all. He suddenly held my chin, and continued talking

"It's simple."

He removed his finger on my chin, and took a step back.

"I just want to ruin you."

Ruin me? What kind of reason is that?

What is wrong with this guy?!

"I hate people who think they are better than me. The way you act towards everybody, the way they liked you, and especially how you reached your hand at me earlier when I was on the floor. Did I ask for help? I didn't. And you know what? You should be a person beneath me. Know your place, you fucking bastard. I'm a Yamazaki. I should be at the top. I should be the one getting respected, and not you. The day you knew a Yamazaki is now your classmate, you should have lain low, and licked my foot just like what a dog would do."

Just because of that stupid immature reason? You are doing this because of that?

It feels like my blood was flowing rapidly everywhere inside my body. I was furious because of this guy. How stupid can this guy be? How spoiled can you be?




Ken was laughing like a madman. I want to punch this fucking spoiled brat in the face, but I was hesitating. No matter how shit his attitude is, I can't go against him. After all…

He is a Yamazaki. A powerful individual in this country.

"Oh wait, what did I even tell you? I didn't tell you anything." Ken said.

"Huh? You just told me all those things, and know you are saying that what you said didn't come from your mouth earlier?"

"What are you talking about, Joichiro? Did I say something?"


"You know what?"

Ken walked towards the exit, and looked at me with disgust. And that face of his tells it all.

"You are fucking deluded."

It was like he was telling me that I heard something that no one knows or didn't even happen. He was like telling it to my face that I am going crazy. What the hell? Huh?

I was left inside this dark room alone while listening to the voices of my friends fading away. My stomach, and face hurt from what they did to me earlier. Why did I even deserve that in the first place? I didn't even say such a thing? That video, what the fuck is that video?

I have too many questions in my mind, and it feels like I was about to cry. I thought I can hang out with them more because of what Asami said, but it turns out that I made them my enemies.

With all these things that are in my mind, I got tired. I rested my back on the floor, and stared at the roof.


Don't cry, Joichiro. You didn't do anything wrong.

Tears started falling on my face as I think of why did this happen, and at that time I realized. I was gritting my teeth, and clenched my fists really hard while covering my pathetic face.

I lost the friends that I have been with for a long time.

A few hours had passed since that incident, and when I left school it was already nighttime.

I went back home, and entered inside.

The lights were turned off, and there was food on the table as usual. Today is Friday, the last day of school for the week, and Rui probably slept early.

I checked Rui in her room, and she was sleeping happily with drool all over her mouth while hugging a big stuffed toy that she got from me on her birthday a few years ago.

"Sleep well, Rui."

I went to the bathroom, and stared at my beaten-up face in the mirror.

Memories of what happened earlier started flowing through my mind once again, and made my blood boil.

"DAMN IT!!!"


I threw the glass that I was about to use to wash my toothbrush on the wall.

"Huff… Huff…"

My heart was beating rapidly out of frustration. I'm fucking pissed. I want to beat those fuckers.

"FUCK!!! FUCK!!!"

"Big Bro!"

But then, I heard Rui's voice inside my head. I saw Rui in my mind with a bright smile on her face then I remembered again what my parents told me.

"Don't use your power for violence."

I know dad… I know…

I was crying inside the bathroom by myself silently as I try to calm myself down.

My parents were right I don't need to fight back, I just need to endure this. As long as I don't lay a hand on Ken, I will be alright. Just one more year, and I will be going overseas, and it's goodbye to that school. I don't need to use violence against them. It's meaningless.

As long as Rui is safe, that is all that matters.

//August 23, 2036//Saturday//

A new day passed, and I went to the kitchen where Rui was cooking breakfast.

"Huh? Big Bro… Your face."

And obviously, Rui noticed my face that I patched up last night.

"Oi?! What happened to you?!"

Rui turned off the gas stove and walked swiftly straight to me.

"N-No it's nothing…"

"What do you mean nothing! Your face is fucked up!"

"Wait, R-Rui! Ouch! Ouch!"

She was poking the parts of my face that were injured like a worried mother looking after her son.

"Oh, Yikes! My bad, Big Bro!"

"It's fine."

Rui, realizing that he was just hurting my bruises rather than helping, stopped touching my face, and backed away.

"But seriously! What happened to you?"

"The opponent that I was guarding yesterday on our practice was rough, and injured my face with his elbow."

Obviously, that was a lie since we do not have basketball practice yesterday. But luckily that there were only two bruises that I received from my teammates yesterday and one from my stomach that was not visible to Rui.

"Hmmm… Are you telling the truth?"

With her hands resting on her waist, and her face too close to mine, Rui was suspicious if what I am saying is the truth.


Her face is scary.

"Ok, fine then."

Rui went back and continued cooking. I gave out a short sigh, and I was glad that she was convinced by that lie.

"Be careful next time, Big Bro…"

But even though you are a scary little sister, you really are caring, Rui. As long as I am still here in Japan, I will do everything to protect you just like what I promised to our parents.

Yeah, I just need to injure the harsh treatment that will be given to me starting on Monday. I can endure this, just a few more months, and it will be the end.


"What is it?"

"One of the glasses is missing!!! Big bro… Did you break it?!"

Rui looked at me with a menacing look on her face. Oh, this is bad. She is really observant. I thought that she wouldn't notice a missing glass.

"I-I'm sorry…"


******** TO BE CONTINUED ********