The Origin Of Joichiro Hyakuzawa: Part 20

*Joichiro Hyakuzawa's POV*

//October 13, 2036//Monday//

"For starters… Do you know what..? I defeated again those two guys that were beating you before."

So Rui was the one who made Itsuki, and Genkei unconscious on the floor once again…

"That's great…"

"Hehehe… I beat the shit out of those fuckers who bullied you…"

"Damn it, Rui… Even until the end… You still kept on swearing with that mouth of yours…"

"Hehehe… I told you… It's not like swearing makes me a bad person…"

That smile of hers… And the way how she talks to me every single time… That is who my little sister is… Rui… Rui…

Please… Don't leave me…

"Hey, Big Bro… Am I a good sister to you..?"

"Why are you even asking that? Yes, you are! You are the best sister that I have!"

I was crying as I look at my dying sister.

"I'm glad… Big Bro…"

Why..? Why is my sister the one who was shot? Why couldn't it be me? Why couldn't it be anyone else? Why her..? Why..?

"I'm sorry… You have always protected me, and yet I couldn't do the same back to you… I'm sorry, Big Bro… I thought that risking my life will return the life you have back then, but it looks like I will also be the reason why you are sad… Maybe I'm still just a little kid who needs guidance from his brother… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

Rui started crying as she told me those words.

"It's not your fault, Rui… It's not your fault…"

I hugged her gently and continued crying.

"I am thankful… I am thankful that you are here for me… Even though you are a harsh little sister to your brother, I still appreciate the things you have done to me… You haven't done anything wrong to me… So don't apologize… Don't…"

Her body is getting colder… And she is on the verge of dying…

"If Big Bro tells me that it's fine… Then I'll believe you…"

But Rui is still smiling…

"Hey… I know it will be hard at first… But hang on tight… Be strong… You are the strongest person I know…"

"Rui… Rui…"

"It may be hard right now… But everything will be alright… I know that I am the only one who is giving you a helping hand all the time… I'm sorry… I'm sorry that this might be the last time that we will talk to each other…"


"But I know… that there will be someone… There will be someone other than me… Someone who will lend you a hand… Someone who will genuinely be by your side…"

"Stop saying that…"

"Hey, Big Bro… Thank you for being there with me even after our parents died… Thank you for protecting me… Thank you for leading me on a bright path despite the past that we had to deal with… Thank you…"

Like what happened before when I was in pain, Rui stuck her forehead into mine, and with a smile as bright as the sun on her face, she said…

"I love you, brother… Thank you for everything…"


And after our last bittersweet conversation with one another, Rui closed her eyes, and her lifeless body rested on my lap.


The raindrops are quickly soaking my freezing body.

The smell of iron that is covering my hands from her blood.

And Rui's heavy cold dead body that I am holding on to.

All of these things are now engraved inside my mind… All of them…

And this is also the reason that my life was now ruined completely.

My body that is holding on like a glass that was about to break…


Was now shattered into pieces…


My voice echoed as I was screaming in pain when Rui died on my lap in this pouring rain.

I don't know anymore if it was tears or the raindrops that were pouring down my eyes… But I know for sure…

That my heart is crying right now…

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********