The Origin Of Joichiro Hyakuzawa: Part 22

*Joichiro Hyakuzawa's POV*

//October 15, 2036//Wednesday//

A lot has happened after the incident at the school.

I was arrested and placed in jail in the meantime.

When James Evans learned what I did, he immediately messaged me, and revoked my application to the NBA G League. After that, I didn't hear a single thing from him anymore.

Nothing… I don't have anything left…

I thought that after what happened, it will be reported on the news since Rui was killed, and a lot of people witnessed what happened. Even the cops saw everything on that day.

But for some reason, it looks like nothing happened, and there was no news report about it.

But that question of mine was answered immediately when a person that I knew went inside the prison to meet me.

"Greetings, Joichiro Hyakuzawa."

It was the head of the Yamazaki family. It was Ken's father.

"What do you want from me?"

Just like what the news said about him, he was a straightforward person. He called one of his bodyguards and placed a briefcase on the table.

The bodyguard opened the briefcase, and my eyes widened when I saw what was inside it.

It was a briefcase full of money.

"What you see here is Ten Billion Yen in total, Joichiro Hyakuzawa."

I was speechless, but I kind of knew exactly what is this money for. But I let him continue speaking, and listened to what he had to say for me.

"A lot happened on October 13, 2036. Your sister, Rui Hyakuzawa died because of my son, and three people were sent to the hospital who were to the point of death. I know that this would be an upcoming commotion to the public so I decided to do something right away."

"And what exactly did you do?"

"As compensation for what my son did to you, and the deeds he did to the school. I gave everyone 10 Million Yen to all who witnessed the incident. As for those who got hospitalized, and the police who are in this area, I gave them 100 Million Yen each because of what happened. Yes, I paid all of those people to shut them up for your sake, and for my sake as well."

When I heard that coming from his disgusting mouth, my blood began to boil.

"And so, you are telling me that you are giving this so that I can shut the fuck up as well?"



"I think that billions of yen are enough for you after what my son has done to you in the past. This amount of money will change your life. In addition to that, I will let you free from this prison, and when you get out, no one will know about what happened two days ago. Don't worry, my son will not show his face to you again."

What the fuck is this person saying?

"So what do you say, Joichiro Hyakuzawa? I am giving you billions of yen, and your freedom to change your life. The only thing I want you to do is to keep quiet about what happened at your school two days ago."

Instead of getting delighted, and excited by what this man is offering to me. Only one person came to my mind.

And it was Rui with a smile on her face.

"Do you think money can replace the death of my little sister?"

I was clenching my fists at that point, and my veins felt like it was about to pop out.

"To begin with, it was Rui Hyakuzawa who struck first against my son. What my son did was just self-defense to protect himself. In my opinion, Rui Hyakuzawa was in the wrong for opposing a member of my family that contributes a lot to this society."


I struck the table with the palm of my hands and stood up.

"It was Rui Hyakuzawa's fault why she killed herself-."


Without hesitation, I reached this bastard and punched his face because of what he just said.


I don't care about money, I don't care about his offer at all.

Especially what she just said to my little sister.



Immediately after I punched the head of the Yamazaki in the face, the two bodyguards that were beside him walked right in front of me, and started beating me up.


But their hits were nothing at all, and I started retaliating against these two.



As soon as I started beating them up, one of the bodyguards held me in place, and injected me with a serum that paralyzed my body.

The head of the Yamazaki stood up after I punched him, and approached me.


He punched me in the face, and I collapsed on the floor. I couldn't move my body at all even if I wanted to. Is it because of that serum that was injected inside me?

He approached me, and gave a gaze that was intimidating to look at.

"Your perception of the world is small, Joichiro."


The head of the Yamazaki kicked me in the face with that filthy foot of his, while I was enduring the pain that I have received.


He spat on my face like I was some sort of trash that he can just throw away without giving it much of a thought.

"You may be strong, Joichiro. But you are just a mere ant where people like me can easily destroy your life."

//October 17, 2036//Friday//

Two days after I talked with the head of the Yamazaki family, I was imprisoned in a bigger jail for three years, and seven months for assaulting the students in my former school.

Nothing was reported in the news. About Ken Yamazaki, about me, and about the death of Rui. All of those things were not revealed to the public.

And just like what the head of the Yamazaki family said, none of the witnesses told what exactly happened on that day.

I heard that Ken was expelled from school, but with all the deeds he have done, he didn't even get arrested, and he was saved by his father.

I don't know about the others, but the only thing I know is that they are living their lives normally.

And I am the only one who was treated this way for what I did.

"Hey, new guy!"

While I was eating at the cafeteria in prison, a tall muscular guy walked towards me with a bunch of guys following him from behind.

"What do you want?" I asked.

Without permission, the guy picked up one of my food on the tray and started eating it.


I held his shoulder, and glared at him.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?"


One of the prisoners that were following this guy suddenly punched me in the face, and it made me fly away with the tables that were behind me.

This prison was known where notorious criminals are placed here. That punch of his was different from when Ken and the others were beating me up back then. It is quicker, and heavier.

"Get him."

The one who ordered them to beat me up was the one who picked my food earlier. I was assuming that he is kind of like the alpha in this shithole since these people listened to what he just said immediately.


They punched, and kicked my body like some trash they found in the streets.

This feeling… I can remember it clearly…

It was just like when Ken and the others were beating me up.

At that time it was painful, and I endured every strike that was coming right at me. But this time, it's different.

I couldn't feel anything at all.

Ah… It's not that I couldn't feel any more pain…

It's just because they are fucking weak.


When one of the prisoners tried to land a punch straight to my head, I immediately blocked it with my palm.

"What the…"

I held his fists tightly, and he was struggling to remove my hand.



I lifted his body and slammed it directly onto the table.



The table broke, and the prisoner's blood spilled over me.

That's right… Why haven't I realized it sooner..?

The other prisoners who started beating me earlier were startled at what I did.


With the alpha's orders, everyone started to go at me even the people who were eating peacefully at the cafeteria.


They are all pathetic.





I dodged every strike and blocked every blow they made.

Inside this cafeteria, there is a total of 48 notorious criminals who came right at me with killing intent.

But every one of them.




They are so fucking weak.

That's right, why haven't I realized this sooner?

After I have beaten 48 criminals in this room, all that is left is a huge disaster. All that is left are broken tables, spilled food, and…

A pool of blood around me that I made using these hands of mine.


As I walk towards the man who calls himself the leader of this prison, he took off his clothes and prepared a fighting stance against me.

Even in this place, there is someone who claims to be at the top of everything. Just like before, a person who will do everything to be at the top.

That muscular body of his, and the scars around his body. If a normal person sees his body, anyone will be scared to go against him.

But, that shouldn't be a big deal for me.


"Then, You are weak as fuck." I said while glaring at him.

That's right… Why would I worry at all..?



Our fists collided with each other, and I could hear his bones breaking.


"Do you want to know why I am fucking stronger than you?"

"I want you to protect her at all cost. You have that kind of strength, Joichiro. Don't use that for violence."

I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Dad… I couldn't protect Rui at all… I don't have anyone to protect anymore… So you wouldn't mind, right?

That's right… This strength of mine should be used for people who are treating me like shit.

I should have realized it sooner, or rather I shouldn't have hesitated to use this gift that was blessed to me by the Gods. This strength of mine is the proof…

"It's because I am at the top of this world's food chain."


******** TO BE CONTINUED ********