For the Love of a Dragon III

Eric continued with his explanation while Seraphine remained silent and listened.

"It positively plagued me when I started to dream about you. Then, you came to the palace, and I realized that my river was suffering from the same thing I was. Before, it took me time to understand it completely, but the truth was that I love you – very, very much. My river is the deepest part of me, and I can't lie to it. It knows how I feel, and it feels the same way. Now, I have you in my arms practically whenever I wish. But the elemental part of me has been deprived of you so far." 

She perks up at that. Then, she looks at him sharply.

"You mean your river is jealous?" she asked with an incredulous look. 

"Simply speaking, yes..." he replied bashfully. 

"I should have introduced you properly some time ago, but… well…" 

He trailed off and sighed, searching for the right words. She decided to help him with it.