A Mission for the Second Princess and the Master Thief I

Clement studied the face in front of him with a kind of detached curiosity, his eyes tracing over familiar features that suddenly appeared completely foreign.

It wasn't obvious at first what had changed - what aspect of the present physiognomy was different from before. The nose and cheeks were thinner, perhaps, more angular, having traded the softness of adolescence for the more defined edges of maturity. The eyes look older and haunted, no longer seemed at odds with their corresponding features.

Clement tilted his chin forward, the same old, haunted eyes regarding him silently from under dark lashes. So familiar. The history of the past years was beginning to reveal itself upon his flesh, the scars only a small piece of its cruel scripture. He thought about all that had happened in his time since becoming the Master Thief – 

How things had changed him. Changed them.
