Chapter 2: Ture Suffering

The man brought joe in front of a black door. After walking around a little, I found out this place was a Ancient Castle.

Inside the room there was a virus types of cold weapons like sword, knife,spear etc. He told to choose one. I went ahead and choose a normal sword also a knife.

Then he gave me a green colored potion and told to drink it. I knew talking would not do anything. So, i took it and drank it. It tastes foul.

But after drinking i felt like i was literally growing stronger by seconds. Then he took me in fornt of a cage. Inside was a big dog like creature barking loudly.

" Kill it or you will die " Said the man. I stood like fool with mouth open. " I have to kill that thing? " I asked. He did not reply. I understood either the dog die or i died.

So, Joe understood there is no i can kill the man and escape. Then the dog is my only option. But, some part of me was excited by this situation. The room door closed and the cage opened.

Then i remembered a sentence " Even in front of Death Greatest of men Stay clam. " Joe with his new found strength. Grabbed his sword tightly and waited.

The creature was larger than any dog Joe have a ever seen in his life. It was brown colored and red eyed. It came running straight for me.

I didn't take any unnecessary. The dog came near me and jumped towards my neck. I didn't panic and sung the sword towords the dog's upper two legs. My sword separated two legs successfully and i took a step back.

I thought I won the battle. But the wound quickly started healing. I panicked and came close to dog to cut it's head off. The dog suddenly moved and bit my ankle off.

First time in my life I felt pain like this. But the pain made me more clam and determined to kill the dog. So, i took the knife and slashed it at the dogs eyes. The dog let go of my ankle and I move to grab my sword.

With the last remaining power in my body. I sung The sword at the dogs head and with blood spitting sound.

The dog's head fell off from its shoulders. I suddenly feel weak and became unconscious.

When I open my eyes again I was the same prison room. At first I thought all of this was it dream. Then reality hit me like a truck. I thought my life was crippled for life.

But when I look at it again. It was fine like that dog never bit me. But if I look at it closely there was unnoticeable scars. I was thinking how is this possible.

I was starting to feel hungry again. Looking around I found some food at floor and then slept.