Joe and yuri had no class together. So, i didn't see him until lunch break. Then i entered the cafeteria everyone was looking specially girls.
I was a good-looking human. But after vampire transformation i become handsome even by vampire standards. Only guys my equal in looks. I know are Yuri and Edward.
I felt hungry so, i went to grab food first. Then i looked around. I couldn't see yuri. But Edward was sitting with 2 couple. I went there to sit with them.
As i was going to them. They all looked at me. "Hey, can i sit here?" I asked them. Edward said yes. Then he introduced to me everyone.
They all were adopted children of charlie and Esme cullen. I could tell they were a vampire coven and Charlie was their leader. I talked about Yuri and mine situation.
Then Yuri entered the cafeteria with one of most beautiful girls i have ever seen. By looking at them i knew she was Edward's twin sister. And yuri and edy was a thing already.
I felt happy for him. He looked happy but i knew he was lonely. Cuz i was lonely too. Edy and looked out of this world together. Everyone in cafeteria was looking at them.
Yuri was surprised that i was sitting with the Cullen's. When he and edy came to our table. I said to everyone
" The world is a small place ha? I mean what are the chances "
Everyone laughed and agreed. Edy introduced Yuri to rest of the cullen family. And yuri introduced me to edy. It was fun lunch. Edward invited us to their home for dinner.
I saw Yuri wanted to go. So, i agreed for him. And i wanted to know more about supernatural society. And they knew about it more then yuri and me. And i also wanted to make new friends.
I had Physics class with Alice. So in Physics i got to know more about her. Alice was lovely girl. I quickly became friends with her. She and i had fun in Physics class.
I was honestly looking forward to dinner at their house. After school finshed Edy and yuri went in Yuri's car to Cullen's house and i followed their cars in my bike. Life was getting interesting in Forks i thought happily.