Tomorrow is my birthday. So, i felt excited cuz i never spent my birthday like this before. So, i went to sleep quickly. But i could not sleep.
After 12.0 clock my body started to feel really cold and my body felt like when Vladimir did experiments on me for the first time. That time i felt hot but now i am feeling really cold. Like everything is turning into ice.
After hearing my screaming yuri came to me. He arrived you are shocked to see joseph's room turning to ice. He tried to open the door and it broke into pieces. Then yuri saw joseph he was really pale and he was screaming in pain.
Not knowing what to do. Yuri grabbed him and teleported to Cullen's house. Everyone was wake cuz vampire don't sleep. Yuri then took joe to carlisle. " Put down on the bad. " Carlisle said
" What happened? "
" I don't know joe was his room when suddenly he started screaming. After after entering in his room. I saw everything turning into ice. "
Carlisle asked and yuri answer with worry on face. Then carlisle started looking at his body.
" His body seems to be going through a transformation but vampire body can't change after becoming a vampire. " Carlisle said.
" But is not only vampire he is part vampire and part dragon. So, can it be his dragon powers are awaking? "
" We can't for sure. But there is nothing i can help him with but relieve him of a little pain. "
Everyone was outside the room worried about joe. After 3 days joe finally awakened. So, carlisle gave him some time to rest.
Later alice told joe that his birthday maybe cancelled but Emma and Bella came to visit him. They were worried about him, specially Emma. And now Emma, Bella and Alice became nice friends. They also know our secrets identity now.
Joseph later woke up in the morning and was fine. Now his body was fine again. But there is some changes like his skin became more fair and he has grown taller. Most significant change is his hair is white now.
So, to find out the changes we went to deep in the mountains. Joseph had a feeling that something important has changed inside the on his 18th birthday. I don't know if it's good or bad.
Now, i feel a strange connection with cold. Like i belong with it. So, when i wanted surrounding to become a little cold. Everything turned into ice. The temperature dropped. I and everyone else was also shocked. Manipulating nature to this extent is hard for even wizards.
Only strong wizards can do this but i did it so easily. So, to check my new power yuri and i decided to have fight. And i won easily cuz when yuri came close to me i turned my surroundings into ice spikes. I could also do long range attacks. My close combat was always good. But my long range is even better.
" So, what do you think carlisle?"
Carlisle replied that the only species he knew that could do that was are the blessed human. Blessed humans ability to change their surrounding was unparalleled. So, i could be also be a blessed human but like the name says blessed human can only be humans. So, it was mystery.
But i was happy for this change cuz a we have to fight Genma Starrk and jis vampire friends on 25 march. So, this will increase our ability to survive more.
So, this few weeks on free time we trained for the upcoming fight. Cuz on full moon werewolves are too powerful.