We captured 2 vampire and 3 werewolves who surrendered. All others was killed cuz there is no Mercy in the supernatural society.
There was no injured but Yuri and Emmett. But they were healed by Edythe. So, everyone was happy. Carlisle said few battle are like this with no dead on one side and other defeated.
The next Carlisle asked what will i do with the prisoners. I told them i want to experiment if i could turn them into like me. Who as a half vampire has a beating heart.
As someone became a vampire they lose the ability to produce descendants. But if i could turn them into like me maybe they will again be able to give birth.
I didn't tell anyone about this because I didn't want to give anyone hope. And then take that hope away from them. I know how much the Cullen hate themselves. They think of themselves as monster. But what did they want most is children. I know cuz carlisle created cullen family because he wants a family.
So I want to give them a chance. So, the next day i told Yuri and Edward about this first and what they thought about this. Both of them was very excited by the news but i never seen Edward so happy. Maybe cuz he wants family more then anyone.
I told Yuri cuz he was like me half Vampire. Then we went to the place where we kept the prisoners. I did experiment on a werewolf and vampire, yuri did the same.
After 3 days the transformation was completed. From my experiment the werewolf died and vampires heart started beating again. From Yuri's experiment vampire died and werewolf became like yuri but weaker then Yuri. So, my experiment could be considered a success. Then we did the same thing to others vampires and results was same. Edward seemed like he couldn't wait for experiment.
After testing a week and finding no problems with the new half Vampire and half dragon. We decided to tell everyone about it. The next day at Cullen's house we decided to reveal it. Everyone was waiting for Joseph to say what he wanted.
" All of know i half Vampire and half dragon. I have the strength, speed, Indestructibility, Regenerative Healing, Flexibility, Perfect recall. And my heart also beats so, i am not a undead but i do not age. Because i am a not a undead, i can live on normal food. I don't need to drink blood. I maybe able to have descendants cuz my body is more close to living the undead. Then i after my last transformation at my 18th birthday. I feel like I can now turn others into me. So, i tried it on our prisoners. And the results are a success. I know some of you hate being a monster. So, i can now offer you a change set free of this curse."
After saying all that joe was staring at everyone's expressions of shock and disbelief. But most importantly happiness. The one who spoke first was Rosalie.
" Joseph, what you said. Is it really true? I become more human like and can have babies." First time had joe seen Rosalie like this. Joseph nodded to her question.
After discussion the details for a few hours. Everyone agree to it. Nobody wanted to drink blood if they could live on normal food and they also wanted to have babies with their love one.
Since we are creating more of me. We needed to give this new vampire-dragon hybrid race. So, we Alice gave it the name Drampire. And we all agreed cuz nobody can say no to Alice.
This is how to strongest family in the world was created. We also decided now that this family will no longer be a vampire family. So, we needed a new family name. Even with my disagree everyone decideded the name will be Pendragon.