A Passionate kiss

She covered the both side of his neck with her love bites. He was enjoying his kitten's bitings. Her love for him is just getting bigger and bigger day by day.

"Chaco I think I'll die" she said while kissing his hard chest which was moving up and down because of her pleasure.

He stopped her for a moment and made her to look into his eyes "What did you say?" his eyes was again started to fill with anger by her words.

She giggled and moved towards his ears "I think I'm going to die by eating so much chocolates...." she didn't even leave his ear.

She bites his ear and licked it leaving another mark on his ear.

He laughed and whispered in her ears seductively "That means I'll catch a cold..."

She stopped licking his ear and placed her palms on his forehead, and suddenly started to worry "Chaco did you catch a cold, when? Do you have a fever?

Wait.... let me call the doctor. Why are you so careless about your health don't you know it's my body ever since I laid my eyes on you. It belongs to me then how dare you...."

She was nagging him non stop

'Here she goes again she didn't even clearly heard what I said' He was just listening to her sweet voice and the movements of her pink lips while gently tugging some strands of her hair behind her ears.

He loved how she always claims his body as her property and he is not allowed to even make a small scratch on his body without her permission and he knows she will never hurt him not even mentally and physically.

Only she is allowed to leave the bite marks, her niles scratches marks on his chocolate body.

He closed her seductively moving lips by locking it with his big lips keys. He starts to suck her lower lip with his warm lips and then moved to her upper lip, she didn't move nor she wanted to move.

After sucking and licking her lips like ice cream from outside, he bite her lower lip to enter her mouth, to explore the inside sweetness of her mouth. She moaned and gave permission to his tongue to enter her mouth.

She closed her eyes and snuggled more closer to him by hugging his neck more tightly after giving him a pass to enjoy his tongue inside her mouth.

He didn't close his eyes, he wanted to see her every expression

He enjoyed how her snow white face is turning to red because of not breathing properly, her tightly closed eyes that long eyelashes..... were softly tickling his face when he moved his tongue inside her mouth.

He was satisfied by the beautiful scene so he closed his eyes and moved his hands around her body by tracing every curve of her body, to place his hands in his favorite places.

His one hand squeezed her bottom while his other hand placed on her erotically moving bosom.

He slide his tongue inside her mouth once again while locking her tongue with his for a minute. They stayed like that, he was letting her to take some air without unlocking his tongue from her's.

She started to move her tongue after taking enough air and tapped a finger on his back neck. It was a signal between them, if she taps her finger on his neck that means he can continue to move his tongue.

He unlocks there tongue and again starts to explore her sweet mouth. She moved her fingers in between his hairs gently while her other hand moved towards his chest, to find a warm place to put her cold hand.

When her cold hand touched his warm chest he felt a chill. He know what this meant, so he slow down his movements and then slowly...slowly began to break the kiss.

Finally he coaxed her tongue to leave his, he know once they start to kiss she will never stop even she can't continue she try her best to stick to his tongue.

Once he enters her she was really reluctant to leave him. But in the end she is the one who will get a mild head ache after there passionate kiss.
