Chapter 2

Now we can begin... because after eating me for a while my kitten has fell into sleep. So now she is sleeping on my lap peacefully and I don't have to worry about her.

So now I'm taking you guys to two years back....

• Two years back •

I was in Marina city. It was a business trip but I didn't know that while returning back I'll get myself a big package of joyfulness.

It was my last day in that city. I finished my meetings earlier so I had more time to spend but I don't like to waste my time. So ordered my secretary to change the flight timings to earlier one.

Oh god it's the best decision I have ever made in my whole life.

I went inside the airport and sat on a bench in the lounge where there was no one and then started to watch some business news. My secretary was talking about changing my flight so I was alone.

That's what I love the most. Peacefulness, silence.

I was still engrossed in the news...That's when a girl came and sat beside me... but I didn't give any attention to her.

She started to make some sounds. She was trying to open the chips cover by making loud noises.... (Thought) Can't she even open a packet without making noises.

That sound stopped after a few seconds. My mind again went in peace.

But that was not the end. I saw a fair hand with a chips packet placed above my iPad. She was offering me the chips. I didn't look up and leaned back while taking my ipad from that chips packet and I again started to see the news.

I heard her giggling. For the first time in my life I felt my heartbeat.....beating so fast just by hearing the sound of that giggles. Until now I didn't see her face but now after hearing that cute sounds I wanted to see her.

But then she waved her hands which were holding the chips packet in front of my face.

I thought 'Seriously what's wrong with this girl?' now I was fully annoyed. A second ago I wanted to see her face but now I don't want to see.

"Chaco I can't eat alone. Can I please share this with you?"

'Chaco...' is she calling me. My back automatically moved to sit straight. I was not watching the news anymore, damn hands were already on there way to turn off my ipad.

I slowly looked to my right side where that girl was sitting. She...she just look like an art. My eyes was locked with hers. Those eyes.... it made my heart to skip a beat. She was smiling non stop.

My mind went blank, it was processing on its own to fill that smily glowing face forever. I'll never forget this moment.

She had a big black eyes that reflected my expression crystal clearly. Her nose was so small and thin. Her lips it was like pink rose petals.

She still waved her hand in front of my eyes "Chaco..." she again said that name with her sweet voice and then only I came to know that she was calling me.

My hands betrayed me, they took the whole packet from her hand.

She felt shock by that "Hey chaco it's not fair. That's the last flavor I have?" She made a pout...

Unknowingly my lips curved up and said "Sorry." Then I gave back the packet.

Guys I never apologized to anyone in past 15 years and it's the first time I said sorry to a girl and she was a stranger.

"Here take this..." She give me a piece to eat. I obediently ate it like a child.

We didn't talk much but I wanted to hear her voice again. I felt really disappointed thinking that she is like me.....a quite person.

Then my secretary came. I know he must be shocked to see his boss like this but I was not in a slightest mood to see what's happening in the surrounding.

He informed that he changed the flight and we are going to depart in five minutes.

I didn't wanted to leave this place especially this girl. She is just attracting me like a magnet.

But still reluctantly I got up "Thank you little girl. " I ruffled her hair.

I really really and I swear.... I didn't know what I just did and why I did that.

"Mention not Chaco.. " she replied me and she was also sad when she said that but covered that sadness with a beautiful smile.

I went from there leaving that girl there all alone. I felt guilty for leaving her like that and I didn't know what was happening with my mind and heart.

I turned back to see her once again. She was seeing me like a kitten making her big eyes to smaller ones. I shook my head and again I smiled. And turned to move on.

I'll stop here and I'll tell you how we met second time and what my wild kitten did to my poor ear.


Aei :

Wow did my Chaco fell for me at first sight....then why did he pretend like he doesn't like me.

Baddi Chaco. I'm going to punish you today. Just wait for me😕

Thank you buddies because of you I came to know that he is such a big actor. And Yeah it was not our first meet. I will tell you guys in next chapter.

But for now I'll bite his chocolate skin until it becomes red.

Bye bye see you in next chapter.