Chapter 11

After entering the kitchen, Ari made Aei to sit on the kitchen shelf.

He prepared sugar curd rice for Aei "Here wify." he gave her the plate.

"You got yours, now I'll eat your right bo*b wify." he lifted her in his hands and she wrapped her legs around his waist, he made his way towards the dinning table and again made her to sit on the table while he sat on the chair.

"Chaco you are not serious right?" she asked Ari when he started to slide his hands inside her t-shirt.

"I'll never joke when it comes to you kitten.." he said seriously.

"Chaco don't... do that now. First eat something "

But no he didn't listen to her "No I want to eat your right cotton candy."

She can never reject his gentle warm touch and now also she gave up and started to eat the curd rice.

Ari went inside her t-shirt (as before I said it was a loose t-shirt so he entered inside easily.)

She ate the curd rice while he eat her right bo*b hungrily while squeezing her waist.

'I can't eat anymore, he is sucking my nippl*s and even pulling them roughly... I'm getting wet now. If I dosen't stop him now then I'll not let him go out today... and brother Logan will surely give me a beating...'

She put the plate on the table, he started to bite her nipples making her arch back "ahhh , chaco please don't bite it , lick it now it's hurting like hell.."

he did as she told, he licked her nipple, 'Now is the time...'

She moved her hand up and down on his back head through her t-shirt "Chaco... have some mercy please... leave it now, I want to say something. "

He let out a small growl but then he popped out his head out of her t-shirt.

"What is it wify?" he asked worriedly while still cupping her bo*b in his hand.

"Chaco I love you..." she kissed his nose.

His hands moved from her brea*t and he hugged her waist, she move closer to him and he rested his face on her brea*t.

Her ears started to turn into bright red. It's always like this, she doesn't feel shy or embarrassed even if she stay naked infront of him but she can't control herself from turning red after confessing herself to him.

And Ari also knows this that's why he stopped being perverted the moment he heard her confession.

He looked up and saw her scarlet face "Oh wify, I love you a lot and I love both shy ,embrace Aei and also perverted, domineering Aei."

He kissed her nippl*s one more time before coming outside from her t-shirt and then kissed her forehead.

" see You ruined your hairstyle. sit still chaco." she ordered him and then she combed his hair with her fingers.

"Wify you don't have any classes today so come with me to our company. " he rubbed his cheeks on her sore brea*t.

She chuckled as she pinched his cheeks lightly "Don't you know I'll only distract you if I come with you, so It's better if I stay here. And I've 3 projects and I've to prepare for an ppt.

I'll finish them before you come back from office and then we will watch one romantic movie and one horror movie and if we still able to beat the heavy sleep then we can watch an action movie..."

She went on with her plans and Ari adored her while sitting silently and hearing her voice.


After finishing there lunch he went near the shoes rack but before he could take out his shoe Aei came back hurriedly to him and helped him to wear his wrist watch.

Then she took the shoes from the rack and knelt down to help him to wear his shoes.

He also knelt down and held her shoulders "Kitten can you please stop doing this... how many times should I have to tell you to not touch this shoes, Didn't I let you to help me for wearing clothes, combing, lunch but please not this."

She just gave her beautiful smile to him and hugged him tightly while both of them were still kneeling.

"I love to do this Chaco and it's my duty so please let me do it..." she requested him sweetly, he can't deny her if he hears her sweet voice but he is neither felt comfortable to let her touch his shoes and help him to wear it.

So he took her hands in his and he moved her hands along with his and weared his shoes.

Then he kissed her palms, "It's my duty to reward my wife.."

He stood up along with her and peaked her lips "Bye wify love you and I'll be back in maximum 4 hours...." he went out of the door while facing her

she waved her hands and replied "Bye Chaco.. love you too"

She saw him entering his car so she turned back and was about close the door but a strong arms embraced her from behind and before she could ask 'Who is this?'

She heard a familiar voice near her ears "And wify miss me until I return back..." and he kissed her cheeks.

Ari went back to his car in a light speed after kissing Aei and drove off to his company.

She smiled as she touched her cheeks "Damn you Chaco I'm totally wet now..... I'm already missing you even before you went outside the main door and how can I stay without you for 4 hours now..."


"Whoah How can I forget this...I have to continue my story it's been so many days right guys... then let's continue...but before that let me take a quick shower... i guess you guys know the reason 😅"