Chapter 7

Video games, anime, various manga and light novels – all of GI's things were brought from her camp to Otaku Academy. They were placed inside a classroom serving as a club room. Unlike the Library, this place was far too cool to be left out.

Charlie assisted GI in bringing in boxes of merchandise, making sure to be careful. Especially when it came to the vintage consoles and limited-edition graphic novels. Some of these things were essential, as they had plans to rebuild Otaku Academy someday. To turn it back to the virtual Akihibara built for fans of Japanese media worldwide. The two weren't the only ones moving in. Their fellow geeks also took their own spot inside. Cal had made a deal with Charlie and GI to let them use Otaku Academy in exchange for helping them in their fight. And why not? The Harem King might have turned this place into a brothel, but it had always been built as a fortress. This large institution, with its metal gate and concrete walls, would offer protection the nomadic geeks desperately needed.

"I-I can't believe the academy is back in our hands," GI remarked.

"Oh we're gonna do a lot of things here," replied Charlie. "We're gonna revert this place back to the fun wacky anime school it once was."

"This wouldn't be possible without you, Charlie-kun."

"Oh, no. You did far more for this place than me, GI."

"I got my ass kicked, that's how much I did. Since you're the one who defeated the Harem King, maybe you should be the next king of the academy!"

"Sounds great! And since you've done much as well, maybe you can be the queen?" Charlie flirted. "Hehe. Nah, I'm just kiddin'."

The two smiled as they stared, relishing the glister of their eyes. Sparks flew, hearts throbbed, ending with GI turning back, blooming happily. Her chest overflowed with affection that made her tremble with kilig. She had little experience when it came to romance, being more accustomed to hatred than love. But what she was feeling right now was wonderful and whimsical, undermining the bad things about life, making it bright and colorful and oh-so enjoyable. It was one of those moments she wished would never end.

Their little peace, however, was disturbed by Catherine. She came in and giggled at the cuteness of the two love birds fumbling in their little interaction.

"Catherine-senpai!" GI greeted.

"Hola, GI," Catherine greeted back. After giving the girl a smile, she then approached Charlie and asked, "Is it okay to borrow you for a minute?"

"I don't mind, but why?"

"Amp wants to talk to you."

"The hell does he want?"

"I don't know. He just wants to talk to you. He said it's important that he does."

"What other body parts will he try to grab from me now?"

"He only wants to talk to you, friendlier this time. I'll be there to make sure things don't get messy so you have nothing to worry about."

Though hesitant, Charlie eventually agreed and told GI he would be back. He exited the club room together with Catherine. GI watched him go before taking a seat to give her beating heart a rest. When such pleasant moments end, GI remained, ruminating.

Sweet days like these were a blessing and a curse. Love was an amazing feeling, yet a stranger of a concept for the meek otaku girl. GI never came across such moments, and she could not believe she was experiencing something she could only witness in romantic slices-of-life. For her, Charlie was one of the most awesome boys she had ever met. He was both smart and kind, a bit clumsy too but in a cute way. He didn't seem to have any wicked bone in his body. However, doubts also invaded GI's mind as she pondered. Everything was amazing when she was with him, but did he feel the same?

She covered her eyes with her hands and wept; no guy like that would ever date such a loser. She had veered too close to optimism. She should have watched her illusions.

The blonde geek was anxious as to why Amp called him, praying he really was in a friendlier mood. To get his mind off worrying, Charlie opened up to Catherine, saying, "Tell me, Cath. What's up with GI?"

"What about her?" asked Catherine back.

"Well… just look at her. Why does she call herself GI in the first place?"

"GI is a nickname the people here gave to her. GI is an acronym which means 'Great Idiot'."

"What the fuck? Care to tell me why they gave her that name?"

"They hate her, that's why. They hate her so much they wouldn't even give a shit what happens to her anymore. The only person who doesn't hate her is me. Cal dislikes her but he does care from time-to-time."


"She fucked up back then. Big time. Something that still angers Amp and everyone else here to this day. I can't tell you about this right now. Maybe next time."

Charlie halted his questions, turning away with a furrowed brow, as he pieced together the new information. No wonder GI appeared like a wreck, always apologizing, always contemplating. A lonely life filled with frustrated efforts trying to atone for what she'd done; forever asking for forgiveness. If one lived a life being hated upon, there was a chance of him or her hating themself too.

"If they hate her, then why don't they just fuckin' kill her? Why treat her like this?" Charlie, once again, asked.

"We're geeks Charlie, not murderers. Everyone here kills because of survival, nothing more and nothing else," Catherine said with a monotonous tone lacking in energy. "But maybe our life of survival won't last long anymore now that you're here. I mean, look at us, we only have two bosses left to beat."

"I don't know," interrupted the blonde geek. "Maybe I just got lucky. I mean, you guys have been cornered on a wall for six months, and now a new boss is dead all of a sudden."

"Maybe our luck's beginning to turn. Cheer up, Chuck. We need accomplishments such as these."

The two arrived at the theatre, the place Harem King used to call his own. Amp was inside sitting on a red chair, his elbows rested on his knees with his fingers clasped tightly together. There was no gentleness in his crooked posture, seemingly weighed down as if he carried the world on his back. He still had that serious look on his face; a beat up appearance of someone who had seen the Devil screw creation, spreading agony to every corner of it.

Charlie and Catherine came forward, the former trying to clinch his fearful gut.

"So," Charlie spoke first, "what are we going to do?"

"I didn't call you here to talk about what will be done," replied Amp. "We're here to talk about what you have already done."

Charlie kept his gaze straight. People always said one should not antagonize a hostile animal by looking at it straight in the eyes, but Charlie wasn't taking any chances. He needed to watch out for Amp for more torture he might force him to endure. His lightsaber was ready just in case.

"Listen," Amp continued. "We lost some of our own in your fight with the Harem King. Not many, but still significant enough for a day of mourning."

"I'm sorry," apologized Charlie.

"What's done is done, right?" Catherine added, trying to diffuse potential conflict. "Besides, we defeated the Harem King and got this place back. That's all the matters."

"One should not hold people's lives in disregard, Catherine," Amp said. "But who am I to judge? My fight with the Professor ended with a lot of people dead too."

"Look. I'm sorry, okay. What I've done is wrong. I've been stupid and reckless."

"Don't worry. I've seen far dumber things in my life."

For some reason, Charlie could sense Amp was talking about GI. He wondered what was going on in Amp's mind. Did he plan to brand him an outcast too and throw him off the cliff?

With an exhausted impression on his face, Amp stood up and approached Charlie. He exhaled deeply before saying, "I'm not going to be doing anything to you, and I'm sorry how I treated you the first time we met. I'm supposed to be a professional but this place… I don't know what this place has done to me. What it's done to these people. But I do care about them, even though I can see that I am failing my mission."

"Don't say that. You've done a great job, Amp. You've helped them last this long."

"Thank you, Charlie, but now I'm asking you. Let's work together now for the sake of these people. Don't go out there planning and doing things on your own. Enough of this recklessness."

"I will."

Amp's face then became less tense, his noggin being lifted. He gave Charlie a friendly smile, something Charlie had yet to see him do. There was an amiable aura when Amp allowed positive emotions in.

"I want you to come with us, Charlie," Amp said with slight excitement. "What you did against the Harem King was spectacular. It was out of this world; the kind of tactical mindset that we need. You may not look like the thinker, but I believe you are a terrific adapter."

"That would be great, Amp. Thanks."

"No, Charlie. Thank you. I owe you this. You've got us a new place to settle into."

"It's not only me. GI did–"

Amp began to leave the theatre before Charlie could finish. Disgruntled, knowing Amp hated GI just like everyone else, Charlie went back to Catherine, frowning.

"That wasn't so bad," Catherine spoke.

"Thanks for having my back, Cath," thanked Charlie.

"You know, it's the first time I've seen Amp like that. You've done things I could never do, Charlie boy. Wish I could do the things you guys could do."

"Don't say that Catherine. You're doin' great too."

"Amp said we all have done stupid shit. I've done nothing of that sort but I've done nothing good either. I'm as useful as the pebble in your shoes."

"Stop it, Catherine. You've been here far longer than me, and I know you've done your best to help many as well."

Catherine gave an appreciative smile, before saying, "Gracias, Charlie. And may God give you an abundance of blessings."

The two geeks bid farewell and went their separate ways. When Charlie returned to the club room, GI was busy standing on a stool, putting a sign that said "Otaku Club" on the entrance. GI was about to ask Charlie how his meeting with Amp went, when suddenly, their vision turned red.

Momentarily shocked, they tried to determine what was happening. Their vision did not actually go away as they could still see each other. It was everything around them that turned carmine. Everywhere they look, they were surrounded by an endless pitch of redness.

"GI!" Charlie shouted as he ran towards the otaku girl. "What's goin' on?"

"I-I don't know," replied GI as she went down, her voice failing to mask its timorous nature. Even with the uncanny situation, Charlie managed to draw his lightsaber for protection. GI leaned her back against Charlie and prepared herself to summon her powers.

"Can you hear me?" a deep suave voice asked. "Sorry for the accent. Initially, I thought using such accent would make me look smarter but it's too late now to turn back. I don't want to look inconsistent."

The two heard the voice but remained silent, their eyes stretched open, sweat running from their necks and foreheads. Fear crept inside of them – clenching their bodies – as the communicator seemed disembodied. All around them was nothing but spectrums of red. Yet the voice was there, very clear without hiss, which meant it did not come from any platform or speaker.

"Come on, mate. Be polite and give me a call if you can," the voice continued, seemingly bouncing off the walls of their head, causing more and more dread.

"W-Who are you?!" threatened Charlie. "Show yourself, fucker!"

"That's the spirit, mate! Well, it seems you two can hear me, so now we can probably start."

Charlie and GI heard an appalling gurgle, followed by awkward throat clearing. Then the deep voice continued, "It's a pleasure to finally get to talk to you, Mr. Anderson. And even pleasanter I caught you by surprise. Now, I'd like to ask. How are you? And what do you think of what I've done to this place?"

Done? GI thought. Though bemused at first, the realization of who they were to talking hit her in the head. They looked at each other with the same look of terror written on their faces.

"Yep! Your ears aren't deceiving you, my duckies. You're talking to the one and only. The one whom you called the Nihilion!"

"Holy shit," Charlie muttered. "Holy fuckin' shit-fuck hell!"

"Hey, bugger all the hostilities, alright? I came here on cordial terms. Just want to be able to talk to my two new favourite characters in this little yarn. You Charlie? You should be chuffed with how you kicked Harem King's arse. To be honest, never liked the guy really. And you, Ms. Kinomoto, don't be too hard on yourself. You did great too!"

"W-What do you want?" GI asked.

"It seems you guys are still processing the fact that you are talking to me. It's okay, I get that a lot. But without further ado, I will now tell you why I came. Charlie?"

Charlie shrank the moment his name was called. "Seriously, man. What the hell do you want?"

"I'd just like to ask because I just couldn't read your mind," the Nihilion continued. "What are you holding right now? What did you bring into me domain?"

"I don't know what you're talkin' about."

"Don't shite with me, mate. I know your carrying something. Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared of it. I'm just curious is all."

Charlie this time, kept to himself, not giving anything to the Nihilion.

"You know, I can trap you here and make your existence a living hell, Charlie?" the Nihilion said, its voice transformed from welcoming to intimidating.

"My fight with the Harem King made me level up. I have not used it yet so I can still choose teleportation to get us out," Charlie replied.

There was a chortle, followed by another condescending laugh. The Nihilion then continued, "Bloody hell was that fight amazing. I can't possibly lock you here. I have a feeling you'll be the most fun!"

"What are you?!" Charlie finally demanded, his fears bursting like a broken dam.

"Who could the Nihilion be?" answered the Nihilion. "Is it a glitch or a virus, one that came from Jim Broughton himself? Maybe a rogue AI like that of Agent Smith? Or maybe something else? Maybe something not from this world?"

"If you can't tell us who you are straight, then tell us why you are doin' this!"

"Ha! Oh, you geeks and your stupid delusional thinking. You think everything and everyone has some sort of origin story. A back story and a philosophy like that of John Liebert. Hey! I'm doing those pop culture references you guys always do! But anyways, no, there is no reason. There is no story."

"What are you talkin' about?"

"I just want to bloody make you all suffer! And nothing is much funnier than seeing you poor losers suffer. Let me give you this analogy so you shite brains could understand. Remember all of those sci-fi stories you guys watch, where humans made their first contact with extraterrestrials? Aren't such contacts all sweet and peaceful? Well, let's say I'm the alien, alright? And guess what. That alien turns out to be a psychopath."

Both Charlie and GI remained mute. There was nothing more to say, no more ways to react. The word "psychopath" killed whatever cordiality was left in this talk.

"Origin stories are a bitch, innit? Well, I'll leave you two now. And Charlie, another thing, it doesn't matter if you're going to show me what you have or not. It will not make a difference. You two would still die a slow agonizing death like the rest of these arseholes."

Everything then went back to normal. The light returned, the colors once again vivid, yet Charlie and GI's faces were anything but. GI herself started sobbing due to fear, the recent experience almost giving her a nervous breakdown. Charlie was scared too, but he took care of his fears by wrapping his arms around GI. The two only had each other to share in this horrifying experience.