The Evaluation

We were staring at Sakuta, waiting to see what would happen. But the next thing I knew Sakuta started to turn all red. First his feet, then his legs, then his arms, after that his hands, and last but not least his head.

Sakuta was fully red. He was so red it looked like he had a horrible sun burn and the smallest touch would hurt.

"Hey Sakuta. Wake your ass up." The captain demanded as he put his arm on Sakuta's shoulder.

"What the hell!!!" Sakuta yelled. "What the hell was that sharp pain in my shoulder?" Sakuta asked.

"What did it feel like?" The captain asked.

"Like 50 bullets going through my shoulder." Sakuta responded.

"So then it works." The captain said with a grin on his face. "Here take this."

The captain through another small bottle of liquid. But this time it was clear.

"That will stop the pain within five minutes. But before those five minutes end you better be in uniform and outside that door." The captain demanded while pointing at the door to leave our bunks.

"Yes sir." Sakuta responded.

Paul and I were standing at attention near the door that leads outside the bunks. We could hear Sakuta cussing under his breath due to the pain he was enduring. But by the time Sakuta was dressed and standing at attention with us, the bottle of clear liquid which the captain said would stop the pain kicked in.

"Finally the pain has stopped." I heard Sakuta mutter.

The captain stopped and started glaring at Sakuta. It was so quiet that you could hear a pen drop. Then the captain approached Sakuta. "What was that?" The captain seemed angry but I could tell he truly wasn't.

"Nothing sir." Sakuta responded.

The captain slowly walked away and started walking back and forth in a straight line in front of us.

"Today we will be in the courtyard. I will be evaluating three different things. Your Stamina, your aim with a gun, and how well you work as a squad." The more the captain walked past me, the more I could sense that something was up.

"But first we will be moving to the cafeteria and get breakfast."

As we were walking to the cafeteria I could see the guards glaring at me. I felt like a thousand eyes were watching me. Waiting for something to happen.

After we had breakfast we walked back to the gate we were at yesterday before having that meeting with the manager.

"Here we go again…" I heard the captain mutter.

"Name?" The guard behind the glass ask.

"Captain Maxson." The captain replied as he was putting his keycard under the glass.

"What are your cadet's names?"

"Cadet Paul Aki, Cadet Sakuta Ito, and Cadet Arata Kazu."

"You may pass." The guard said while sliding the captain's keycard through a card scanner on the wall.

Once the card was scanned the metal stated to open slowly. All that could be heard was metal scrapping with metal and gears spinning.

Once the door was fully open we all walked out into the courtyard one by one. Once we stepped outside we all covered our eyes because it's been a week since we've actually seen the sun. But within a few seconds we could all see normally.

The courtyard was so big. It seemed like you could fit 4 football fields in it.

"Line up." The captain commanded. Once we all were lined up the captain stepped in front of all of us. "As I stated earlier we I will be evaluating you three. First we will be evaluating your stamina. You will be running laps until you can't or pass out."

I glanced at Paul, the Sakuta, they both seems like they were going to flip.


"What the hell?" I muttered. "He didn't say anything about starting. " I said while running.

After we finished the captain made us line up again. "Cadet Paul you were able to run a total of two miles without stopping. Cadet Sakuta you were able to run a total of seven miles without stopping." Then the captain before saying my time looked at me with a strange face. Like how someone would look at a man with super powers. "And then Cadet Arata with a total of 34 miles in a hour and thirty minutes." Once the captain said that I could see Paul and Sakuta glance at me with their mouths open out of the corner of my eye.

"Next we have your evaluation with aiming with many types of guns." The captain stated while walking towards one of the many shooting ranges the facility has.

Once we arrived I noticed a wall of guns in the hallway connecting the outside to the range.

"Today we you will be using to different guns, your issued rifle and pistol. These weapons are only for foundation staff. So you don't know what these weapons are. You will have 30 minutes to practice with the guns and to get used to them. After that we will start your evaluation."

"These guns are completely different from what I'm used to." I told myself. "I must ace these evaluations."

"Alright times up. Line up outside on the wall." Once we all were outside the captain brought us all inside one by one. But we weren't aloud to see anyone else's evaluation.

"Here are your scores. Cadet Sakuta you scored last place. Cadet Paul you placed second. And then Cadet Arata you placed first."

"I'll just need to work on my aim." Sakuta muttered.

"Last we have your teamwork evaluation. I will be evaluating how you do as a team. The previous evaluations were to decide on who would be team leader. So Arata step forward."

I took three steps straight and then stopped.

"You will be team leader. You will be deciding the actions your team will take. I want you to lead your team over there to that big building. There will be a sign above a door that says simulation room. Enter that room and choose the weapons you three will be using. I will e talking to you trough a headset so once you get in there put the earbuds in your ears."

"Yes sir." I said while saluting the captain. "Let's move." I said commander while starting to walk towards the simulation room.

Once we arrived inside the simulation rooms armory we each observed the the many weapons. Sakuta grabbed two pistols. Paul grabbed a automatic rifle. And I grabbed a rifle and a pistol, I also grabbed a knife so if I run out of ammo I could at least have a spare weapon. We each also grabbed the earbuds and inserted one into my ear.

"Can you hear me?" The captain asked through the earbud.

"Yes sir." I replied. "We are ready for the evaluations start.

"Alright then. The simulation has begun."

The simulation room us 40 minutes to complete. But the captain said it was one of the best simulation runs that he has seen.

"Get some food then you have the rest of the day off." The captain stated.

I grabbed my dinner and ate it. I then went back to the bunks, got changed, then fell asleep.

"Who the hell are you?"