The Discovery

As we were walking towards the cafeteria for breakfast there were four bodies being carried out of the facility. Their faces were covered but you could see blood on the covers.

"What the hell!" The captain said. "Arata take the squad to the cafeteria. Do not go anywhere else, I will meet you there."

"Yes sir." I responded. "Lets go.

As we approached the cafeteria another six guards with bodies on their shoulders went past us. But these bodies has orange jumpsuits and and said Class-D on the back of them.

"What do you think was up with the bodies?" Sakuta asked as he was setting his tray on the table.

"I have no idea but it's strange." Paul responded.

"Arata what do you think happened?" Sakuta asked.

"Four guys in orange jumpsuits, three guards, one guy that looked like a scientist." I muttered. "Could this place be like a testing facility?" I asked.

"Maybe… But let's focus on the bigger question. How the hell can you run that fast?" Paul asked.

"I have no idea, but it's strange. I only found out today that I could run that fast."

"Almost done eating?"

I turned to face the voice and it was the facility manager guy.

"Sir." I said while saluting.

"At ease. Arata after you're done eating I'm going to have these two guards take you somewhere. We need to check something out with your body."

"Does the captain know about this?" I asked.

"No, but he's about to." The facility manager said as the captain walked in.

"Well well we were just talking about you." The facility manager said as he was facing the captain.

"About?" The captain responded.

"Let's go this way and talk." The manager said as the two escort guards sat down. They were wearing mostly blue but at some parts on there armor they had some red. On their shoulders they had a patch, it had a hand on it with an arrow going between the thumb and pointer finger.

Once I finished eating I walked towards the trash can, but the guards were following me.

"Cadet Arata are you ready?" One of the guards asked.

"Yes sir." I responded.

We walked out of the cafeteria and walked into the security checkpoint to transfer to sector two. Once we arrived in sector two instead and of going left and walking towards sector three we took a right and walked towards a sign that said testing chamber.

We walked into testing chamber one and they had me sit in a dark room.

The lights turned on to showcase a huge empty room with a one way window that I couldn't see through.

"Arata step into the red boxes in area and stay there until you are instructed to do so." The voice commanded.

The voice sounded familiar. It sounded like the captain's voice.

"Captain is that you?" I asked.

No response…

So I walked towards the box that was made from red tape on the floor.

All of a sudden the area in front of me started to disassemble itself.

Once it was done disassembling itself it started to assemble. But this time it assembled itself into a desert. There we also structures as well.

"Alright cadet, walk towards the first structure." The voice commanded.

I began to walk towards the first structure. It looked like a house made from a type of sandstone. Once I arrived at the structure I walked towards the door and knocked on it.

A little old lady opened the door. But something felt off about her. Her aura made it clear that she's murdered someone recently.

"Why hello there." She said as she opened the door. "What brings you all the way out here?" She asked.

"Oh… I was just wondering if I could stay here for the night." I said.

"Why sure. I have an upstairs guest bedroom that you can sleep in." She responded.

She led me inside towards a door that looked like it went downstairs. "Whatever you do, never go down there." She stated as she pointed at the door.

"Alright." I responded.

"Right this way." She said as we were walking up the stairs.

Once we got to the room I was going to sleep in the old lady left the room. But before she left she told me, "Dinner is at 6:00 and lights out is 8:00. The bathroom is across the hall and remember. Don't go to the basement."

I simply ignored her last comment because something felt off. I wasn't just her aura I was feeling.

It was a groups aura I was feeling.

After dinner I laid in my room until it was lights out.

"Why the hell am I here?"

"Come down the stairs." A mysterious voice called to me. "Come down the stairs and find out the truth about yourself."

I started to walk towards the door that the lady said not to go in.

Once I arrives at the door a slowly opened it and peeped inside.

"There's nothing here." I said as I walked into the room.