It was an exhausting day, and we just left the hospital with my father.
You are one of the most extraordinarily supportive people that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Not only is your donation an amazing help, but it also goes to show what a big and kind heart you have.
I never could have done it without your help.
Hats off to
Victor Setelo $200 [Victor Setelo, you showed immense kindness in aiding me to overcome this problem, and you are a phenomenal person.]
Hyperion $100 [It's been a while, Hyperion. Hope you are doing well. I really appreciate your quick response. You were a tremendous help.]
Janek Lehmann $75 [Thanks for the Patreon idea, will definitely try it. You were a an enormous help.]
Jason Judes $10 [Thanks for the support Jason, you were a great help.]
Brian Zhao $10 [Thanks for the support, Brian, you were a great help.]
William behena $5 [Thanks for the support William, you were a great help.]
I will dedicate chapters to the above friends who supported me during this period.
And last, but certainly not least, I am grateful to everyone who prayed for me. A million thanks.