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Amy stopped fondling Susan and spoke up. "Brenda, no offense, but the way you and Mom carry on like this is, well, it's weird. I mean, I'm on the inside of all these events and even for me it sounds weird. I was listening for a while before Susan noticed me and the way you go on like Alan is some kind of lord-"
Brenda cut in, "Are you saying he's not?!"
Amy laughed. "Yeah! He's not! He's really special, and I love him all up, but he is human just like the rest of us. Come on, you two, chill out a little bit! No wonder Adrian freaks out. Brenda, whenever you talk about Alan you have such a worshipful expression on your face, not to mention something in the tone of your voice. It's weird."
Brenda desperately wished she was in the same room so she could look at Susan's face for a reaction. She pleaded, "Susan, help me out here. Why, just a few minutes ago you were calling him a 'fuck lord,' like I was."
Susan felt sheepish about that now and bowed her head a bit. "I did, at your suggestion, mind you. But Amy's right. That's not a good idea. We can go too far. We have to make sure he's well-adjusted and, uh..." Her voice trailed off as she ruminated and regretted her recent inattention to normal mothering duties.
"But I can't help it!" Brenda complained. "He IS a 'fuck lord.' That's how I feel! I have to devote my busty body to his pleasure. I HAVE to! It's what I was built for. I'm not worthy to suck his balls, though God knows how much I'd love to spend the rest of my life doing just that!"
Amy laughed some more. "Brenda, you're so silly. And Aunt Susan, you're not much better. Brenda, right now you think so highly of Alan because he's been nothing but impressive in your presence. But even though he is our master, he puts his pants on one leg at a time like everyone else. What's going to happen when you see him screw up, have a bad day, pick his nose, and all the rest? You're gonna be super disappointed, because you put him up so high on a pedestal. And it's not healthy for him to be treated all worshippy either. I mean that for both of you! Mom, you should know better because you've seen all his weaknesses growing up."
Susan stood up and protested, "But I love him even more because of all those things! I've always loved him so much, it's just that now I get to love him in a sexual way, too." She began pacing in agitation.
Amy looked at Susan disapprovingly, like a mother frowning at a daughter.
Susan looked away, not wanting to deal with Amy's dose of reality.
Amy walked right up and backed her to the wall, forcing Susan to look at her right in the eyes. "I love him and totally enjoy worshipping his thingy too, but I don't want to see him get a big head and all know-it-all-y. True, we're all here to constantly sexually pleasure him, and nobody deserves a big sexy harem more than he does. But we also have the job of helping him keep his sanity. I mean, it's not like we're going to be able to change back to our less sexual ways, so he has to be more able to deal with all this non-stop sex. The more we fall over each other to get access to his thingy, the tougher it's gonna be for him to stay the old Alan."
Susan sighed. "Amy, you're such a downer today. I get so hot talking to Brenda about my son's sexual potency - she and I could talk on the phone all day! But then you cool me down with this reality stuff."
Despite the serious talk, Amy didn't want to ruin the sexual mood. So as soon as she heard this, she pressed her chest into Susan's, pushing her into the wall.
Susan's apron hung uselessly around her stomach.
Amy began grinding her breasts all over Susan's upper torso, even as she continued to stare at Susan intently from a short distance away.
"Me too," Brenda complained, unable to see what was happening. "I was working up to another big 'O' with this dildo, but now I've lost all my momentum."
Susan said to Brenda, "I know, and I'm sorry about that, but I have to admit it's good Amy brought this up. Being a good mommy means more than just endlessly fucking and sucking our sons. I, uh, I..."
She found it hard to continue, with the way Amy's bare chest continued to rub all over her own. She noted with chagrin, Oh dear me! It seems nearly impossible for me to think about anything other than sex these days.
But she forced herself to go on. "But I'm not really so good at that other stuff. The truth is, I never was, and luckily for me, unconditional love has helped make up for the fact that I can't really tell my children 'No.' Amy, do you think you can pick up some of the slack there? We really do need someone with some backbone to restrain the 'Bad Alan', but as you can see that's not exactly my strong point, or Brenda's either."
Amy looked contemplative, even as she continued the tit-rubbing. "I don't know. I'm not really good at saying no, either. I'm not all super backbone-y. The only reason I said something just now is because I don't want to see Adrian cry and the way Brenda was handling things made him cry. That's bad. Brenda, you do need to go slow with him. I mean, talking about the harem in the first five minutes practically? Give him some time to adjust, m'kay?"
Brenda sounded like she was the one about to cry. "Oh, Amy! You're such a wise mistress, but it's so tough! I just don't have any willpower! But I need to be a good parent for Aidy, too. He only has one parent now, so it's all up to me. It's tough. I'll try. At least I acted a little better when he came home."
"What happened?" Susan asked eagerly, hoping to get the conversation back to something more arousing.
Brenda turned on a dime from despondent to excited. "Well, I wore another revealing outfit, naturally. It was a dress this time, kind of a medium blue. Strapless, my favorite kind, and it has stiff supporting cups that really make my twin assets stick out."
"As if you need to draw attention to them," Amy giggled. "Geez, Louise!" She cupped Susan's boobs and hefted them up while she continued to press against them.
Brenda puffed up with pride, though the others couldn't see her do it. She went on, "But the best part was, my nipples could pop out if I just took a breath! Damn, I love it when my long nipples get exposed. Aidy seemed a lot calmer about things than when he'd left. I guess he'd been thinking about the harem thing all through school. Thankfully, Anika gave me a lot of advice about what to say, and I played it pretty cool. You would have been proud of me, Amy. I explained it was kind of like in Islamic countries where one man can have up to four wives. I think he liked that because it made me seem more like a wife than the completely obedient sex pet, or even sex slave, that I really am. Like I said, I was really toning it down. Anika sat right next to me at the table, ready to step on my foot if I started to get too carried away again."
Amy and Susan began to hear squishy sounds coming through the phone line again.
Amy giggled at that. She leaned forward and began licking and kissing all over Susan's face.
Susan just closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations.
Brenda said, "But just being that near to my Pooh Bear gets me so excited these days! Before long, I was less talking to him and more posing and preening and letting my dress slip down. I just can't help it. Amy, you're so right about the need for more backbone, but maybe different people have different roles. My role is to serve! That's what I'm good at. We're a team and we can all have different roles. I'd like my main role to be the one to spread my legs and take a big throbbing Alan log up my tight cunt at every opportunity!"
Amy protested, "Hey, I want that role! Wait a minute. We ALL have that role. That's the fun part, the easy part. But what about the other stuff? We've got to do that, too. Like protecting him from bullies at school. I wanna help with that if I can. God knows how much I want to please that big log of his, but I want to help with the tough stuff too, if I can help somehow, because I love him. But anyways, let's hear what else happened."
She cupped Susan's pussy, and began playing with the sexy mother's engorged clit.
"Oh, right." Brenda continued, "Before long, I was getting carried away with exposing myself. I tried to pretend shock whenever the cups of my dress would fall down, but I suppose in retrospect I couldn't contain my enthusiasm. Unfortunately, Anika caught on. She seemed to be stepping on my foot in protest more often than not. Finally, I was grasping my two heaving heavies in yet another attempt to put them back in the dress, but somehow it turned into more of a long self-grope session. I suppose Anika figured I went too far with that, because she finally barked at me, 'Brenda is feeling unvell. She's going back to her room. Right now!'"
Susan and Amy were getting into each other more intensely now as Brenda's story drove them to higher and higher levels of arousal. Amy in particular, was getting surprisingly aggressive. Her hands and mouth seemed to be everywhere.
Brenda sighed on the phone as she recalled her maid's chastisement. Anika had more or less replaced her mother in many ways, and she wouldn't think to disobey her. She continued, "So I reluctantly went back to my room, right into my walk-in closet. But then things got really fun! I went to my computer where I control the cameras looking into Aidy's room, and I watched him masturbate. The only problem is that he usually gets so excited that he shoots off right away. Not like Master Alan. With Alan, you really have to earn that sweet cum load with so many long minutes of licking, sucking, thrusting, or whatever it is that he fancies."
Susan groaned lustily. "That's so true! Mmmm!"
The sound of Brenda's squishy exploration of her pussy grew louder through the phone. "But with Aidy, it's like all I have to do is show him a nipple and he runs back to his room, and boom! The cum is flying everywhere. But this time, he was so excited that he never really lost his erection after he climaxed, and he just kept on going, Alan-style. He really got into it the second time. What was really cool was that he talked out loud. I could hear him moaning thanks to the excellent sound system connected to the surveillance cameras. He kept saying, 'Oh, Momma!' Over and over. 'Momma.' That's me!" She giggled. "Every now and then he'd say something else, like, 'Those big tits,' or 'You're too stacked,' or 'My own mother!' You all can imagine how wet I get when I hear that kind of thing!"
"Oh YES!" Susan suddenly yelled, surprising everyone. If the way Amy was grinding her entire body into her own wasn't enough to excite her, something about the way Brenda said "Those big tits" took Susan to an even higher level. Susan had once been modest about her bountiful endowment, but now she just absolutely loved the phrase "big tits." She could hardly think of the word "tits" anymore without the word "big" in front of it too.
Brenda plowed on, her voice increasingly ragged, "My favorite though was when Aidy said in a low guttural moan, 'It's so wrong!' Isn't that just the cutest? He's trying to be a good son and hold back from fucking his mommy. Little does he realize that soon he'll be dumping gallons of son-cum into every hole Momma has! It's going to be so fun! But the waiting! The waiting is killing me!"
Susan gushed (in more ways than one), "Brenda, that gets me so hot! 'Gallons of son-cum'! I just adore that. I want entire buckets of spermy son-cum splashed all over me! Soon my Tiger is going to come home and he'll be depositing another load in one of my holes! But I'll never get enough. Amy, I appreciate what you were saying, but a big-titted mommy has many roles. Her main job is to keep her son happy and loved. And a happy son is a well-drained son... Oh yes! Amy, keep doing that! ... His cock needs to be emptied into Mommy's holes at every opportunity! She needs to, ugh! Oh yeah! She needs to spread her legs and take a good pounding every day! Buckets of cum! Buckets! Don't you agree, Brenda? Yes! Yeeeess! A good busty and beautiful mommy has to be hot and sexy for her son every minute of the day! Fuck! You never know when he might say 'assume the position' or even 'bend over and take it, bitch!' We have to be ready! Uh!"
Susan and Amy were rhythmically thumping into each other and into the wall. As soon as Susan finished talking, she attacked Amy's lips with a great hunger. Both of them were so worked up that they were moments from climax.
"Oh yes!" Brenda moaned. Not only were Susan's words turning her on, but she could tell something very physical was happening on the other end of the line, and she loved imagining what Amy and Susan might be doing to each other. "Gallons and buckets and rivers of cum! Cover me in Master Alan's creamy seed, Susan! I want to see him paint my face with dozens of ropes of cum! Plaster my skin with it!"
Amy too imagined the cumulative pleasure involved in being on the receiving end of gallons of Alan's cum. She didn't have the same passion for covering her skin with cum like Brenda and Susan did, but in her nearly deliriously orgasmic state, the idea of gallons and buckets of Alan's sweet cum sounded absolutely fantastic.
The three of them moaned and frigged their way to one tremendous mutual climax.
There was complete silence for a while as they luxuriated in a post-orgasmic afterglow.
Brenda said, "God, that was so good. So... cathartic. Thank you, my mistresses. Was it good for you, too?"
"Yes, it was," Susan replied for both herself and Amy. "It's still not nearly as good as the real thing, but it makes the waiting bearable. Thanks for distracting me."
Then Brenda thanked them both for listening and ended the phone call.