Xuan Wu

Niu Ge punched with full force.

"Mountain tramples the Lion!"

Qi in the shape of a fist shot towards Yin Xiu. Yin Xiu did what she did every match till then.

"Sword Draw!"

All the onlookers looked with suspense. A purple Qi wave shot from Yin Xiu's sword towards Niu Ge. The Qi wave went and finally came into contact with the Qi of Niu Ge. Everyone watched with shock as Yin Xiu's attack cleaved through Niu Ge's fist. It smashed into Niu Ge and propelled her out of the ring.

Zhang Bo was following Yin Xiu's matches very closely, and his face turned very ugly when he saw that Yin Xiu won so easily. He had already lost the bet when Yin Xiu won against Zhang Yunxi.

However, when he saw Yin Xiu easily beating 14-year-olds, he finally realized that she was probably the most talented genius in all the new disciples.

The thought that it was his bad reputation that lost him this monstrous genius made him feel like crying. In truth, his reputation had been created by him purposefully.

He was actually not *ahem* straight *ahem*. But if that was known to the outside world, his reputation would fall even worse than it was now.

Moreover, the current 34th mountain that he had control over actually belonged to the Zhang Family. Well, it was historically reserved for the Spirit Duke of the Zhang Family since they were always loyal to the Sect.

If the fact that he was not *ahem* straight *ahem* was known to his family members, they wouldn't have even supported him in becoming a Spirit Duke. They would have put those resources in any other person than him. For a family, prestige was more important than family members.

Meanwhile, Chen Jiang was observing his new 1000-Year-Old Ice Spirit Grass for imperfections. He was planning on using it to enhance Yin Xiu's constitution.

The Heavenly Ice Body was very special. If it was fully unlocked, Yin Xiu's body would burst as it would be unable to handle the flux of Ice elements.

The constitution could therefore only be unlocked in parts. Chen Jiang planned to unlock the second part of Yin Xiu's Heavenly Ice Body once she became a Spirit Warrior.

The next part could only be unlocked when Yin Xiu became a Spirit Duke. There were four parts to unlock, and the first two were enough to greatly increase Yin Xiu's cultivation speed till the Spirit Duke realm.

Meanwhile, Yin Xiu was already on the center ring waiting for her opponent. She was resting by sitting cross-legged and gathering Qi. She had expended a lot of Qi by unleashing it into the air in the form of an attack. Normally, Spirit Apprentices would simply coat their weapons or fists with the Qi and attack.

Half an hour later, her opponent walked into the ring.

"Sorry to keep Junior Sister waiting. I am Xuan Wu. 3rd Level, Spirit Warrior. I am from the 4th Mountain."

Yin Xiu quickly stood up when she saw that her opponent had entered.

"Yin Xiu. 9th Level Spirit Apprentice. 36th Mountain."

Xuan Wu was surprised at Yin Xiu's introduction. One thing was that Yin Xiu was clearly very talented to reach the 9th Level of Spirit Apprentice at a young age. The other was that she was from the 36th Mountain.

According to the knowledge that Xuan Wu had collected in the short one month that he was in the Immortal Sword Sect, no one knew any disciples from the 36th Mountain. No one even knew who the Elder who occupied the mountain was.

The referee for the match was Deacon Jin. He hadn't supervised the previous matches as he couldn't be in every match at the same time. Now that there was only one match being conducted, he was refereeing.


Yin Xiu quickly unleashed her purple Qi towards Xuan Wu. To Yin Xiu's surprise, Xuan Wu didn't do anything and let Yin Xiu's attack close into him. Yin Xiu thought that he had given up.

However, at the last minute, Xuan Wu stomped his foot to the ground and shouted.

"Black Tortoise Shield!"

Xuan Wu shifted slightly from his current position and unleashed a Qi Shield. The purple Qi just touched the shield lightly and deflected off the ring.

Xuan Wu quickly took this chance to jump towards Yin Xiu. Yin Xiu didn't know what to do beyond her first attack. She saw the huge Xuan Wu jumping towards her and she just raised her sword towards him.

Xuan Wu saw that Yin Xiu had practically given up and didn't smash into her once she landed. He just looked at the referee.

"Victory - Xuan Wu!"