Veni, vedi, vici: “I came, I saw, I YEET?”

Zod stared at several screens as they showed information on the many agencies after him.

The Winter Soldier was currently in a panel van several miles away from his farm and closing in.

Hawkeye was interrogating the leader of the Scorpion Gang.

After looking at both through satellite and microdot cameras, Zod spoke to Kelex through a microphone that is hooked up to a transmitter which connects to his servers at the army camp.

"Prepare the gift for Fury, I'm going to take care of a small annoyance."

Kelex instantly started to download files to the USB drive plugged into the computer in front of Zod, while Zod ascended the stairs at a carefree pace.

Arriving at the balcony of the villa, Zod rose into the air for a hundred meters before flying in the direction of the unassuming white panel van that is on the road towards his farm.

The Winter Soldier's orders are to conduct surveillance on the target before waiting for more orders. The Winter Soldier only knows that his target is stronger than himself by numerous times and he is bulletproof.

That still leaves other lethal options such as gas attacks and other attacks that target the insides and not his bulletproof exterior.

As the brainwashed Bucky imagines several plans on how to take down Zod, his target is hovering above him at a distance and looking at him through the x-ray vision while examining the contents of the van.

"Hydra really doesn't fuck around when they put their minds together for missions. I bet those cave-dwelling terrorists would love that."

Zod was looking at a grenade launcher, that instead of using regular propelled explosives, has specially crafted sarin gas grenades.

He doesn't know whether his alien physiology could withstand that so instead of a full-frontal fight it would be better to end it as soon as possible.

After he decided the course of action, Zod dropped straight down as fast as possible, landing in a three-point hero pose just for giggles.

The panel van didn't have time to stop or change directions as it hit him, sending the van into a front flip in the air.

In slow motion, Zod could see Bucky through the windshield pulling out a gun he had holstered to his chest to fire at him, even though he knew it wouldn't affect him.

Before he could fire his weapon, Zod jumped towards the van that was still in mid-flip as time seemed to slow down, his perception running several times the speed of man.

He crashed through the windshield and into Bucky without slowing down, before obliterating the seat he was sitting on and continuing on through the back of the cab and exploding out of the backdoor, sending metal pieces everywhere.

He slowed down to a normal speed as the van continued to flip and hit the ground sending sparks everywhere and sliding for several meters.

Before the Winter Soldier could do anything, Zod held him in a bear hug and squeezed.


Bucky's movements stopped abruptly as he turned into a quadriplegic.

Zod did this after calculating the risk. This is the Marvel World where technology leaps several generations even if it doesn't become widely used by civilians. Eventually he can be healed. Even if Steve hates him for doing this to his best friend, most likely he will understand.

Although his use of force to incapacitate Bucky was a little too severe to most people, it's the best safeguard against him being brainwashed again or escaping.

While lost in his thoughts of the future, Zod flew back to his villa to grab the gift for Fury and commence his plan that will take most of the heat off of his back.


Meanwhile, Clint was using his agent expertise to interrogate the leader of the Scorpion Gang.

"Carlos Montez, give me something man, I don't have all night."

Carlos, the gang leader was in a sorry state as several arrows were sticking out of his body in non-lethal spots.

However, if a neurologist were here, they would be able to discern that each spot had major nerve pathways running through where the arrowheads are currently puncturing his body.

Hawkeye casually twisted one of the arrows as if it were the sound controlling knob on a car stereo.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH, STOP! I'll talk, I'll talk!!!"

Carlos eyes were bloodshot as sweat beaded his forehead and soaked through his shirt.

"Nat taught me this method, it took me a while to get it down, but I'd say I'm pretty good at it now, right?"

Clint's smile was in direct contrast to the bloody scene inside of Montez's study room.

A few minutes later Hawkeye walked out of the building while wiping off his hands with a towel from Carlos' house.

Before he could get to his blacked-out Chevrolet Tahoe, he saw a shadow moving to a shed off the side of the main building.

Hawkeye equipped his bow from his back in a fluid motion before loading an arrow in less than two seconds. Instead of a pronged tip arrowhead it was more like a cylinder

The special arrow flew out and hit the broad side of the barn before exploding, sending a shock-wave that knocked out the mysterious attacker.

With Hawkeye now on high alert, he was able to se a few more shadows before gunfire lit up the dark surroundings.

He took a few bullets to the chest before jumping into cover behind one of Montez' vintage cars that he likes to show-off.

Thankfully older cars used a heavy metallic frame, added with the fact that he is crouched behind where the engine is, he is temporarily safe.

That is, until one of the masked attackers uses a hand sign and signals the others to flank him from the side.

It would have worked too, if it weren't for the huge boom in the distance signaling the attack from a third party.

The masked men stopped and heard the sound of an object forcefully pushing aside the wind with his body and approaching at high speed.

Everyone stopped like it was a tacit understanding and could barely make out the figure in the air thanks to the full moon in the sky. He was also carrying a body over his shoulder in one hand and a metal box under his other arm.

Zod was kind of embarrassed as he saw the Midnight Hotel assassins that he sent to clean up the Scorpion Gang. It's a good thing he has his unrecognizable armor and helmet blacked-out, otherwise the situation would lead to a major misunderstanding.

All three sides looked at each-other before the assassins decisively said "Nope!" in their minds and retreated carefully, alert from an attack from the other two.

Hawkeye had another arrow on his string and was about to continue attacking the other two sides before talking to Zod.

Before he could, however, Zod appeared before him in the air and threw the body on his shoulders to the ground while holding the metal box in front of him.

Clint kept his guard up even though he knew it was useless to fight him. He also remembered the secondary mission Fury gave him to figure out what kind of person Zod is.

Zod levitated down to the ground and handed him the small metal box, gesturing him to open it up. Clint decided to trust him, since a bomb in a box would be kind of ridiculous if he wanted to kill him.

"Hand that to Fury, it's a gesture of goodwill. Maybe it will get him off my back for a while."

Opening the box, Clint saw a USB flash drive sitting in the foam mold.

"That's it?"

Clint looked up from the box to see Zod squatting down with one of his hands against the ground while looking up.

Before he was able to talk again, he swallowed his words as he saw dust and small pebbles float in a circle around Zod. A second later, Zod rocketed into the sky leaving a gust of wind in his wake that ruffled Clint's clothes.

Looking at the random body on the ground next to him, Hawkeye sighed.

"It's just you and me now, random metal arm person."

Random-metal-armed-person just moved his eyes and stared at Clint.

"That's not creepy at all."


Alexander Pierce walked down the hallway of Camp Lehigh as he pondered on the shit-show that has been unfolding in Texas.

He finally entered the server room and tried to keep his voice as calm as non-accusing as possible…

"What the hell is going on?! Is there a mole in Hydra? Or are you so old that maybe we should scrap you!"

…and failed.

'Kelex' or currently 'Arnim Zola' replied calmly, "We don't have enough information on the abilities of this person. Not to mention whether he is an alien with advanced technology or not. It is not important to focus on why we failed at the moment, but how to fix the failure so others don't wise up to what we have been doing."

Pierce stared at him for a long moment before turning around to walk away,

"I will speak to the others to try and come up with a way to handle this before it gets worse. Fury isn't suspicious of me yet, which gives me a lot of leeway in my options on dealing with it."

Zola didn't say anything but if Pierce had turned around at the moment he would have seen the image of Zola rolling his eyes.


Zod was sitting at his desk watching the various screens again, when suddenly Kelex changed one of them to a headline on a news website that read "Baxter Foundation Space Launch."

"Hm, a cosmic storm and a kryptonian physique…"